chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

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chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

There are times when you look something up in Chrome on your PC, but want to transfer it over to your smartphone. While there isn’t really a straightforward, built-in way to do that, we do have some other solutions for you for both iPhone and Android.

有时,您可能会在PC上的Chrome中查找内容,但又想将其转移到智能手机上。 虽然实际上并没有直接的内置方法,但我们确实为iPhone和Android提供了一些其他解决方案。

Maybe you’ve found an article that you’d like to read later on your mobile device. Maybe you’ve found a few reviews or a recipe you want to carry with you when you go shopping. There are lots of reasons you might search for things on your PC, but then want to get them onto your phone to put to use. The good news is that you do have some options. There are easy ways to do this—you just need to set things up first. We’re going to outline a few different options here, but nothing too intense. Let’s get to it!

也许您已经找到了您想稍后在移动设备上阅读的文章。 也许您在购物时发现了一些评论或想要随身携带的食谱。 您可能有很多原因可以在PC上搜索内容,但随后又希望将它们放到手机上使用。 好消息是您确实有一些选择。 有简单的方法可以做到这一点-您只需要先进行设置即可。 我们将在此处概述几个不同的选项,但不要太过激烈。 让我们开始吧!

Update: You can now do this with Chrome’s hidden “Send Tab to Self” feature.

更新 :现在,您可以使用Chrome的隐藏的“将标签发送到自己”功能来执行此操作。

如果您愿意使用扩展程序:Pushbullet (If You’re Willing to Use an Extension: Pushbullet)

When it comes to getting almost anything from Chrome to your phone, Pushbullet is your huckleberry. It’s available for iOS and Android on the mobile side, and you’ll also need to install the Chrome Pushbullet extension.

从Chrome到手机获取几乎所有东西时,Pushbullet就是您的麻烦。 它在移动端可用于iOSAndroid ,并且您还需要安装Chrome Pushbullet扩展程序

Go ahead and install it on both ends and get signed up for the service. If you hit any snags (or are curious what else you can do with Pushbullet), check out our full post.

继续并在两端安装它并注册该服务。 如果您遇到任何障碍(或想知道Pushbullet还可以做什么), 请查看我们的完整文章

With everything running on both ends, right-click the web page you want to send your phone, jump down to the Pushbullet on the context menu, and select your device. And, bam! It immediately shows up on your phone as a link in the Pushbullet app.

一切都在两端运行,右键单击要发送电话的网页,跳到上下文菜单上的Pushbullet,然后选择设备。 而且,ba! 它立即作为Pushbullet应用程序中的链接显示在您的手机上。

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

If you use Android, you’ll get a notification, too. On iOS, you’ll have to open the Pushbullet app manually to find your link. In the end, though, if you know you’re sending a link, hopping into the app to find it isn’t a big deal. Also, every link you’ve sent shows up in the app.

如果您使用Android,也会收到通知。 在iOS上,您必须手动打开Pushbullet应用才能找到链接。 但是,最后,如果您知道要发送链接,则跳入应用程序以查找链接并不重要。 另外,您发送的每个链接都会显示在应用程序中。

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机
chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

如果您不需要扩展程序:Chrome的本机标签同步 (If You Don’t Want an Extension: Chrome’s Native Tab Syncing)

If you’re not into the idea of doing this with an extension and app on your phone, you can always just use Chrome’s native tab syncing. It’s a bit more of a hassle this way, but you don’t need anything else—just the Chrome browser on your computer and phone.

如果您不希望通过手机上的扩展程序和应用来执行此操作,则始终可以仅使用Chrome的本机标签同步功能。 这种方式有点麻烦,但是您不需要其他任何东西,只需在计算机和手机上使用Chrome浏览器即可。

On your phone, you can access the open tabs in the Chrome browser on your PC. Just open the settings menu, and then tap the “Recent Tabs” command.

在手机上,您可以访问PC上的Chrome浏览器中的打开标签。 只需打开设置菜单,然后点击“最近的选项卡”命令。

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机
chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

This open a screen with the newest tabs open on your other devices. Just pick the one you want opened on your phone, and boom—there it is.

这会打开一个屏幕,在您的其他设备上会打开最新的标签页。 只需选择要在手机上打开的那一个,就可以了。

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

如果您使用Mac和iPhone或iPad:使用AirDrop (If You Use a Mac and an iPhone or iPad: Use AirDrop)

If you’re a Mac and iOS user, you can bypass all of the above and just use AirDrop. With a page open in Chrome on your Mac, just head to File > Share > AirDrop.

如果您是Mac和iOS用户,则可以跳过上述所有操作,而只需使用AirDrop。 在Mac上的Chrome中打开页面后,只需转到文件>共享> AirDrop。

chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

In the window that pops up, select the device to which you want to send the page.


chrome 查看手机网页_如何将网页从Chrome发送到手机

And that’s all there is to it.


Getting a page from your computer to your phone shouldn’t be a hassle, and using these methods, it’s not. Once it’s set up, Pushbullet is by far the fastest and easiest—and it supports a ton of other features too.

从计算机到手机上的页面访问并不麻烦,而使用这些方法却并非如此。 设置完成后,Pushbullet到目前为止是最快,最容易的,并且还支持大量其他功能。


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