



Moving your old data to a new computer can be a bit of a headache, especially if you’re going from PC to Mac. Thankfully, there are several ways to go about it, so you can get your new Mac set up and ready to go.

将旧数据移动到新计算机可能会有些麻烦,尤其是当您从PC转到Mac时。 幸运的是,有多种解决方法,因此您可以设置新的Mac并准备使用。

There are various ways to transfer data from your old PC to your new Mac. You could drag your files to an external hard drive and manually transfer them over, set up a networking share between the two systems, or sync them up using a cloud storage account. There’s also the Windows Migration Assistant, a special tool Apple created expressly for this purpose. Both computers will need to be on the same network to use this tool, but past that there aren’t any other hard requirements.

有多种方法可以将数据从旧PC传输到新Mac。 您可以将文件拖到外部硬盘驱动器上,然后手动传输它们,在两个系统之间设置网络共享 ,或使用云存储帐户同步它们。 还有Windows Migration Assistant,这是Apple为此目的专门创建的特殊工具。 两台计算机都必须位于同一网络上才能使用此工具,但是除此之外,没有其他硬性要求。

Here’s how to use the Windows Migration Assistant to transfer your files.


第一步:准备好您的Windows计算机 (Step One: Get Your Windows Machine Ready)

To start this process, begin on your Windows PC. Open up a browser of your choice. There’s an Apple page located on Apple’s official help database with links to the Windows Migration Assistant program for each of the various versions of macOS on your new Mac. You’ll install this application on your Windows machine.

要开始此过程,请在Windows PC上开始。 打开您选择的浏览器。 苹果官方帮助数据库上有一个苹果页面 ,其中包含新Mac上各种macOS版本的Windows Migration Assistant程序的链接。 您将在Windows计算机上安装此应用程序。


Choose the right download for the version of macOS on your new machine and click on the link to get to the download page. Once there, click the blue “Download” button.

在新计算机上为macOS的版本选择正确的下载,然后单击链接进入下载页面。 在那里,单击蓝色的“下载”按钮。


Once you have the Migration Assistant downloaded, make sure you’ve closed any open Windows apps, and then open Windows Migration Assistant by double-clicking it. In the Migration Assistant window, click “Continue” to get the process underway.

下载迁移助手后,请确保已关闭所有打开的Windows应用程序,然后双击打开Windows迁移助手。 在“迁移助手”窗口中,单击“继续”以使过程正在进行。


Leave your PC available on the next screen, where a code will appear shortly. We’ll come back to this, don’t worry.

在下一个屏幕上将使您的PC可用,然后将在其中显示代码。 我们会回到这个,不用担心。

第二步:准备好Mac (Step Two: Get Your Mac Ready)

You’re done with your Windows machine for the moment, so turn on your Mac. Open the Mac Migration Assistant, found in the Utilities folder. It’s already pre-installed.

目前,您已经完成了Windows计算机的操作,因此请打开Mac。 打开“实用工具”文件夹中的Mac Migration Assistant。 它已经预装了。


When you open up Migration Assistant on your Mac and click “Continue,” all apps on the Mac will close, so make sure you’re ready to proceed before doing so.

当您在Mac上打开Migration Assistant并单击“继续”时,Mac上的所有应用程序都将关闭,因此请确保在开始操作之前准备好进行操作。


On the next screen, choose the option to transfer data “From a Windows PC.” Then click “Continue” via the arrow at the bottom of the screen.

在下一个屏幕上,选择“从Windows PC”传输数据的选项。 然后通过屏幕底部的箭头单击“继续”。


The next screen will show a passcode for the Mac where you’re migrating data. You will see your PC also showing the same code on its instance of the Migration Assistant. The screens will look identical while you have both machines running.

下一个屏幕将显示要在其中迁移数据的Mac的密码。 您将看到您的PC在其Migration Assistant实例上也显示相同的代码。 当两台计算机同时运行时,屏幕看起来将相同。


Make sure the two computers display the same code. Next, click “Continue” on your PC first and then do the same on your Mac.

确保两台计算机显示相同的代码。 接下来,首先在PC上单击“继续”,然后在Mac上执行相同的操作。


You’ll be focusing on your Mac for the rest of the process.


第三步:选择要传输的数据 (Step Three: Choose What Data to Transfer)

When you press “Continue,” the Migration Assistant on your Mac will scan for a list of files that you can migrate to your new computer. Once it finishes, it will show you all the files it found, separated by user. Select the data you want to move over and then click “Continue.”

当您按“继续”时,Mac上的“迁移助手”将扫描可迁移到新计算机的文件列表。 完成后,它将向您显示找到的所有文件,并按用户分开。 选择要移动的数据,然后单击“继续”。


After you do this, the process will begin, and you’ll be shown an ETA until it’s finished. The transfer can take a while to complete, depending on how much data you’re transferring, and the Assistant will notify you when it’s finished.

完成此操作后,该过程将开始,并且将向您显示ETA,直到完成为止。 传输可能需要一段时间才能完成,具体取决于您要传输的数据量,助手会在完成时通知您。

Congratulations! You’re now able to start using your fresh new Mac.

恭喜你! 现在,您可以开始使用全新的Mac。

