



If you’ve ever spent time creating an iMovie project on your iPhone or iPad that you wanted to continue working with on your Mac, moving it over is a simple process. Here’s how to do it.

如果您曾经想在iPhone或iPad上创建一个iMovie项目,而您想继续在Mac上使用它,那么将其移到一个简单的过程中。 这是操作方法。

Note: One thing to keep in mind about this process is that you won’t be able to send your projects back to your iPhone or iPad after migrating them to Mac. You’ll have to continue editing on your Mac, so be careful not to send unless you’re committing to editing on Mac.

注意:此过程要记住的一件事是,将项目迁移到Mac后,您将无法将其发送回iPhone或iPad。 您必须继续在Mac上进行编辑,因此请注意不要发送,除非您要在Mac上进行编辑。

With that out of the way, here’s how to move iMovie project to your Mac


First, open iMovie on your iPhone or iPad and select the Projects tab at the top. Next, tap on the project icon you’d like to share. You should see a new screen pop up. Tap the “Share” button on the same screen.

首先,在iPhone或iPad上打开iMovie,然后选择顶部的“项目”选项卡。 接下来,点击您要共享的项目图标。 您应该会看到一个新屏幕。 在同一屏幕上点击“共享”按钮。


The easiest way to move your project to your Mac is via AirDrop. When you click Share, you should see the option to AirDrop your file to your Mac, as long as it’s enabled. Tap the AirDrop icon to send the project to your computer. When it arrives, it should automatically pop up on your screen in the Finder window. If you hit any snags, here’s a detailed tutorial on using AirDrop to share items.

将项目移至Mac的最简单方法是通过AirDrop 。 单击“共享”时,只要启用该选项,您应该会看到将文件空投到Mac的选项。 点击AirDrop图标将项目发送到您的计算机。 当它到达时,它应该会自动在“查找器”窗口的屏幕上弹出。 如果遇到任何障碍,这是有关使用AirDrop共享项目的详细教程


You will have several other options via your Share menu, such as saving the file to your device, sending it via Messages, and more. Depending on how large your project is, it may take some time to send via AirDrop, but this eliminates much of the muss and fuss that comes along with moving projects from one device to another. Alternatively, you can send your project to your iCloud Drive via the same menu, or send your file to your computer by simply syncing it to your iTunes account.

您可以通过“共享”菜单使用其他几个选项,例如将文件保存到设备,通过消息发送文件等等。 根据您的项目的大小,通过AirDrop发送可能会花费一些时间,但这消除了将项目从一台设备移动到另一台设备时产生的许多麻烦和烦恼。 或者,您可以通过相同的菜单将项目发送到iCloud Drive,或通过将文件同步到iTunes帐户将文件发送到计算机。


With your file migrated over, you can successfully begin working with your project in iMovie on your Mac. Happy editing!

迁移完文件后,您就可以在Mac上的iMovie中成功开始使用项目了。 编辑愉快!

