如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

As much as cellular providers want to brag about their coverage maps, we have to be real with each other: 100% coverage simply doesn’t exist. And if you’re travelling inan area where coverage could drop, having your maps saved for offline use is a godsend. Here’s how to do it.

就像蜂窝服务提供商想要吹嘘他们的覆盖范围地图一样,我们必须彼此保持真实:根本不存在100%的覆盖范围。 而且,如果您在覆盖范围可能会下降的地区旅行,那么保存地图以供离线使用是一个天赐之选。 这是操作方法。

In the past, getting Google Maps to save offline data was a bit of chore. In one of the more recent iterations of the app, however, Google changed this to make it much more straightforward and useful. If you’re on an Android phone, you should already have Maps installed—on iOS, however, you’ll need to grab it from the App Store. The process of downloading offline areas is basically the same between the two versions, but I will note differences as they pop up.

过去,让Google Maps保存离线数据有些麻烦。 但是,在该应用程序的最新迭代中,Google对其进行了更改,使其更加简单易用。 如果您使用的是Android手机,则应该已经安装了Google Maps(在iOS上),但是,您需要从App Store中获取它。 两个版本之间的离线区域下载过程基本相同,但是当它们弹出时,我会注意到它们之间的差异。

Once you have Maps ready to go, fire it up. Tap on the menu button in the top left corner (or just slide in from left to right).

准备好要使用的地图后,请启动它。 点击左上角的菜单按钮(或仅从左向右滑动)。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

A little ways down this menu, you’ll see an option for Offline Maps. Tap that.

在此菜单下方,您会看到一个离线地图选项。 点一下

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

On Android, you’ll have one option: “Select Your Own Map.” On iOS, however, you’ll get two options: “Local” and “Custom Area.” For all intents and purposes, the latter option is the same as Android’s “Select Your Own Map” choice.

在Android上,您将有一个选择:“选择自己的地图”。 但是,在iOS上,您将获得两个选项:“本地”和“自定义区域”。 出于所有目的和目的,后一个选项与Android的“选择自己的地图”选择相同。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航
如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

The “Local” option does exactly what it sounds like: downloads your local area, with no way to modify the area. Use this if you’re just looking for a simple offline map of where you currently are.

“本地”选项确实听起来像:下载您的本地区域,而无法修改该区域。 如果您只是在寻找当前位置的简单离线地图,请使用此功能。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

If you want to customize your map, however, use the “Custom Area” option on iOS and “Select Your Own Map” on Android. From that point, these two are basically one in the same.

但是,如果要自定义地图,请在iOS上使用“自定义区域”选项,在Android上使用“选择您自己的地图”。 从这一点来看,这两个基本上是相同的。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航
如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

Maps will automatically select a small area for you, but you can pinch and zoom to save as big of an area as you want. it will make note of how much space the area will take up, so keep that in mind too. When you’ve settled in on an acceptable area, tap the download button. if you’re not on Wi-Fi, you’ll have to approve the download over mobile network.

地图会自动为您选择一个较小的区域,但是您可以捏和缩放以保存所需的最大区域。 它将记录该区域将占用多少空间,因此也请记住这一点。 在可接受的区域安顿下来后,请点击下载按钮。 如果您不使用Wi-Fi,则必须批准通过移动网络进行的下载。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

Once you’ve downloaded the data, it will stay available offline for 30 days. At that point it should auto-update.

下载数据后,数据将离线保留30天。 那时它应该自动更新。

At any point in between, however, you can either delete or modify that data if you want to. Jump back into the Offline Maps menu and tap on the downloaded option you’d like to modify.

但是,在这之间的任何时间,您都可以删除或修改该数据。 跳回到“离线地图”菜单,然后点击您要修改的下载选项。

如何在Android或iPhone上下载Google Maps数据以进行脱机导航

From there, you can either delete or manually update the data.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/230648/how-to-use-offline-google-maps-on-android-or-iphone/