ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

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ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

In the past, if you ever wanted to tweet the animated Live Photo captured by your iPhone or iPad, you had to convert the image to a GIF. That’s now a thing of the past, as Twitter will do the conversion for you automatically!

过去,如果您想发布由iPhone或iPad捕获的动画实时照片,则必须将图像转换为GIF 。 现在这已成为过去, Twitter会自动为您完成转换

在iPhone或iPad上捕捉实时照片 (Capture a Live Photo on Your iPhone or iPad)

Before you can tweet a Live Photo, you’re going to need to enable the Live Photo feature within the iPhone’s or iPad’s camera app and then snap an image. If you already have a Live Photo that you want to share, you can skip to the next section.

在发布实时照片之前 ,您需要先在iPhone或iPad的相机应用程序中启用“实时照片”功能,然后捕捉图像。 如果您已经拥有要共享的实时照片,则可以跳到下一部分。

Begin by opening the “Camera” app. Use Apple’s Spotlight Search if you can’t find the app on your home screen.

首先打开“相机”应用。 如果您无法在主屏幕上找到该应用程序,请使用Apple的Spotlight搜索

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

Next, ensure that the Live icon found in the top-right corner isn’t crossed out. If it is, tap on the button so that it looks like the below image (1).

接下来,确保未删除右上角的“实时”图标。 如果是,请点击按钮,使其看起来像下图(1)。

With the feature enabled, tap on the shutter button (2) to capture a Live Photo.


ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF鸣叫 (Tweet the Live Photo as a GIF from Your iPhone or iPad)

Now that you have your Live Photo, it’s time to tweet it. Although we’re going to show you how to embed and share the GIF as a new tweet, you can also follow these steps to send the Live Photo in “Retweets With Comment,” replies, and DMs.

现在,您已经有了Live Photo,现在该发布它了。 尽管我们将向您展示如何嵌入和共享GIF作为新的推文,但是您也可以按照以下步骤在“带评论的推文”,回复和DM中发送实时照片。

Start by opening the “Twitter” app. Again, use Spotlight Search to locate the social media app if it isn’t quickly accessible.

首先打开“ Twitter”应用程序。 同样,如果无法快速访问社交媒体应用,请使用Spotlight搜索来定位。

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

From the Home tab, tap on the compose button. Its icon is in the bottom-right corner and features a feather encased in a blue circle.

在主页选项卡上,点击撰写按钮。 它的图标在右下角,并用蓝色圆圈包裹着一根羽毛。

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

Next, locate and tap on your Live Photo in the quick-access image bar. You should see the Live icon overlayed on the thumbnail.

接下来,在快速访问图像栏中找到并点击您的实时照片。 您应该看到实时图标叠加在缩略图上。

If you can’t find the Live Photo, select the Gallery button, and then tap on your desired image.


ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

With the Live Photo loaded into the tweet preview, tap on the “GIF” button found in the bottom-left corner of the thumbnail. The Live Photo will be converted to a GIF and will play through once. You can select the Play button that appears when it stops to see the animation again.

将实时照片加载到推文预览中后,点击缩略图左下角的“ GIF”按钮。 实时照片将转换为GIF并播放一次。 您可以选择停止播放时出现的“播放”按钮以再次观看动画。

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

Type out a quick message to go along with your GIF and then hit the “Tweet” button.

键入一条快速消息,将其与GIF一起显示,然后点击“ Tweet”按钮。

ipad iphone开发_如何通过iPhone或iPad将实时照片作为GIF共享到Twitter

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/451003/how-to-share-a-live-photo-as-a-gif-to-twitter-from-your-iphone-or-ipad/

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