icloud 照片导出_我的照片流和iCloud照片之间有什么区别?

icloud 照片导出_我的照片流和iCloud照片之间有什么区别?

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icloud 照片导出_我的照片流和iCloud照片之间有什么区别?

Keeping your family photos safe from device failure is the primary reason backups exist. iCloud claims to back up all your photos “in the cloud,” but the way it works varies depending on what settings you have enabled.

确保家庭照片不受设备故障的影响是存在备份的主要原因。 iCloud声称“在云中”备份所有照片,但是其工作方式取决于您启用的设置。

我的照片流与iCloud照片 (My Photo Stream vs. iCloud Photos)

icloud 照片导出_我的照片流和iCloud照片之间有什么区别?

“iCloud Photos” does what you’d expect—it stores all your photos in iCloud. Whenever you take a picture on your iPhone, it immediately uploads to iCloud where it’s backed up even if you break your phone. iCloud Photos will also send all the photos you’ve taken to your Mac, and any other device you have connected to iCloud so that everything is synced up. This is assuming everything is connected to the internet, and you haven’t turned off iCloud Photo Library using cellular data.

“ iCloud照片”可以满足您的期望-将所有照片存储在iCloud中。 每当您在iPhone上拍照时,即使您摔坏了手机,它也会立即上传到iCloud进行备份。 iCloud照片还将把您拍摄的所有照片发送到Mac,以及您已连接到iCloud的任何其他设备,以便同步所有内容。 这是假设一切都已连接到Internet,并且您尚未使用蜂窝数据关闭iCloud照片库

iCloud Photos is great but has a major issue: storage space. The free iCloud data plan only gives you 5 GB of storage, which is extremely small, even compared to other free storage plans from services like Google Drive. You can fit about 1600 pictures in 5 GB of space, but that doesn’t include videos and everything else you have stored in iCloud.

iCloud照片很棒,但有一个主要问题:存储空间。 免费的iCloud数据计划仅为您提供5 GB的存储空间,即使与Google云端硬盘等服务中的其他免费存储计划相比也是如此。 您可以在5 GB的空间中容纳约1600张图片,但这不包括视频以及您存储在iCloud中的所有其他内容。

When your storage is full, iCloud Photos will stop working. It fills up fast, and when it does, you’ll be pestered with notifications asking you to upgrade.

当存储空间已满时,iCloud照片将停止工作。 它会很快填满,一旦填满,就会被要求您升级的通知所困扰。

icloud 照片导出_我的照片流和iCloud照片之间有什么区别?

“My Photo Stream” tries to solve this issue. It will only store the first 1000 pictures taken in the last month, and remove old pictures from your Photo Stream. This gives your Mac or other devices enough time to sync with iCloud, backing up your pictures on your other devices. Your pictures won’t be stored in the cloud, but you won’t have to back them up to your computer manually. If one of your devices breaks, you’ll still have all your photos on your other devices.

“我的照片流”试图解决此问题。 它只会存储上个月拍摄的前1000张照片,并从Photo Stream中删除旧照片。 这使您的Mac或其他设备有足够的时间与iCloud同步,从而将图片备份到其他设备上。 您的图片不会存储在云中,但是您不必手动将其备份到计算机上。 如果其中一台设备坏了,您的所有照片仍然会放在其他设备上。

So as long as you don’t break all of your devices at once, My Photo Stream will still ensure you have copies of your photos. The main problem with it is that when you get a new device or upgrade your phone, your pictures won’t automatically download to that device, because My Photo Stream only stores the most recent photos. You’ll have to manually load the photos onto your new phone from your Mac, and if you don’t have a Mac, you’re out of luck unless you have enough space in iCloud to turn on iCloud Photos.

因此,只要您不一次破坏所有设备,“我的照片流”仍将确保您拥有照片的副本。 这样做的主要问题是,当您购买新设备或升级手机时,图片不会自动下载到该设备,因为“我的照片流”仅存储最新的照片。 您必须将照片从Mac手动加载到新手机上,如果没有Mac,除非您在iCloud中有足够的空间来打开iCloud照片,否则您将不走运。

您应该使用哪个? (Which Should You Use?)

If you’re fine with paying $0.99 per month for iCloud’s 50 GB tier, use iCloud Photos. It’s a much better solution, and it’s less of a hassle than My Photo Stream. And If you’re really worried about losing your photos, go with this option, as all your photos will be backed up as long as you have your iCloud account.

如果您可以每月为iCloud的50 GB级别支付0.99美元的罚款,请使用iCloud照片。 这是一个更好的解决方案,并且比“我的照片流”麻烦更少。 而且,如果您真的担心丢失照片,请选择此选项,因为只要拥有iCloud帐户,所有照片都会被备份。

If you have multiple devices and take a lot of pictures, Photo Stream is fine to use. It does a good job of syncing photos between devices; as long as you use both devices regularly, your pictures will be backed up on each device you have. You will run into a bit of trouble when it comes time to upgrade, having to move your pictures to a new device manually, so it’s not the greatest option. Also, it’s best to look into getting a backup plan for your Mac, just to ensure everything is safe.

如果您有多个设备并拍摄大量照片,则可以使用Photo Stream。 可以很好地在设备之间同步照片。 只要您定期使用两个设备,您的图片就会备份到您拥有的每个设备上。 升级时会遇到麻烦,因为必须手动将图片移到新设备上,所以这不是最好的选择。 另外,最好考虑获取Mac的备份计划 ,以确保一切安全。

If you don’t take a lot of pictures, or use iCloud that much, you can keep iCloud Photos on until your 5 GB fills up. When it does, you’ll have to decide whether to pay for more space or switch to Photo Stream.

如果您不拍很多照片或使用太多iCloud,则可以将iCloud照片保持打开状态,直到5 GB用完为止。 启用后,您将必须决定是支付更多空间还是切换到Photo Stream。

Do not use Photo Stream if you only have a single device, or if you aren’t regularly using your second device and syncing it to iCloud. Your old photos will be gone if you break your main device. If you have a single device and have more than 5 GB of pictures, you’ll have to pay for more space or move your photos to a storage service like Google Drive.

如果您只有一台设备,或者您不经常使用第二台设备并将其同步到iCloud,请不要使用Photo Stream。 如果您损坏主设备,您的旧照片将消失。 如果您只有一台设备,并且图片超过5 GB,则必须支付更多空间或将照片移至Google云端硬盘之类存储服务

You have other options for automatically backing up your iPhone’s photos, too. For example, you can use Google Photos to store an unlimited amount of photos.

您还可以使用其他选项来自动备份iPhone的照片 。 例如,您可以使用Google相册存储无限数量的照片

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/408385/what’s-the-difference-between-my-photo-stream-and-icloud-photos/

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