instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

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instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

As smartphone apps get more and more features, things start to get buried behind taps, menus, swipes and other hard to find spots. Instagram is no exception. While it started out as a simple filters app, it’s now grown into a decent image editor and social network. So let’s look at a few of Instagram’s slightly more hidden features.

随着智能手机应用程序越来越多的功能,事情开始被水龙头,菜单,滑动和其他难以找到的地方所掩盖。 Instagram也不例外。 虽然它最初只是一个简单的过滤器应用程序,但现在已发展成为一个不错的图像编辑器和社交网络。 因此,让我们看一下Instagram一些更隐蔽的功能。

进行更具品味的编辑 (Make More Tasteful Edits)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

When Instagram first launched, filters were either on or off. This was fine for the low resolution pictures taken by most early smartphones, but it’s not ideal for the high quality images you can capture with a modern one. Thankfully, Instagram has added a way to tone down the effect of any filter.

Instagram首次启动时,过滤器处于打开或关闭状态。 对于大多数早期智能手机拍摄的低分辨率照片来说,这很好,但对于您可以用现代照片拍摄的高质量图像而言,这并不是理想的选择。 值得庆幸的是,Instagram添加了一种淡化任何滤镜效果的方法

When you add a filter to your image, tap the filter a second time to get a slider that goes from 0 to 100. If you want to apply a more subtle effect, dial it back down to somewhere between 20 and 50.


将您的编辑与原始内容进行比较 (Compare Your Edit to the Original)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

Even when you’re careful with the edits you apply, it can be easy to go too far. There’s a fine line between improving an image and making it look ridiculous. The easiest way to make sure you don’t go over board with your editing is to compare what you’ve done to the original.

即使您对应用的编辑很谨慎,也很容易走得太远。 在改善图像和使其看起来可笑之间有一条细线。 确保您不做任何修改的最简单方法是将您所做的与原始内容进行比较。

In Instagram, once you’ve applied a filter and made some edits, if you tap and hold the preview image you’ll see what the original unfiltered, unedited photo looks like. Release the tap to go back to the edited version.

在Instagram中,一旦您应用了滤镜并进行了一些编辑,然后点击并按住预览图像,您将看到未经过滤,未经编辑的原始照片的外观。 释放水龙头,返回到已编辑的版本。

整理您的过滤器 (Organize Your Filters)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

It’s objective fact that some Instagram filters are awesome (Juno) and some are…not (Toaster). With 40 to choose from, there’s always going to be a few you really love and a few you don’t care for.

客观事实是,某些Instagram过滤器很棒(Juno),而另一些却…(烤面包机)不是。 有40种可供选择,总会有一些您真正喜欢的东西和一些您不关心的东西。

To organize your filters so that your favorites appear first (and your least favorite ones don’t appear at all), swipe to the end of the filter list and go into the Manage Filters option. There, you can rearrange your filters until your heart’s content.

要整理过滤器,使您的收藏夹首先出现(而最不喜欢的过滤器根本不出现),请滑动到过滤器列表的末尾,然后进入“管理过滤器”选项。 在这里,您可以重新排列滤镜,直到您的心脏满足为止。

一次共享多张照片 (Share More Than One Photo at a Time)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

Instagram recently added a way to share up to 10 photos in a single post. This makes it a lot easier to share related images than before.

Instagram最近添加了一种在单个帖子*享多达10张照片的方法。 这使得共享相关图像比以前容易得多。

When you go to create a post, select the first image and then tap the button that says Select Multiple. Add all the rest of the images you want to the post and then continue on to the Filters screen. You can either add the same filter to all the posts, or go in and edit them individually.

当您创建帖子时,选择第一个图像,然后点击显示“选择多个”的按钮。 将您想要的所有其余图像添加到帖子中,然后继续进入“过滤器”屏幕。 您可以将相同的过滤器添加到所有帖子,也可以单独进行编辑。

Once you share the post on Instagram, your friends will see the first image in their feed and be able to swipe through to see all the rest.


删除不需要的草稿 (Delete Unwanted Drafts)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

Ever decide to post a photo and, when you get into the work of editing it, change your mind? By default, Instagram will encourage you to save it as a draft. That’s all well and good, until all you see when you try to post a photo is a dozen failed photos.

是否曾经决定发布照片,并且在进行编辑工作时改变了主意? 默认情况下,Instagram会鼓励您将其另存为草稿。 一切都很好,直到您尝试发布照片时看到的都是十二张失败的照片。

To delete a draft, tap the Manage button next to the Drafts section. Next, tap Edit and then select all the drafts you want to delete. Tap Discard Posts and they’ll be consigned to the digital dumpster.

删除草稿,请点击“草稿”部分旁边的“管理”按钮。 接下来,点击编辑,然后选择所有要删除的草稿。 点击“丢弃帖子”,它们将被委派到数字垃圾箱。

直接发消息给你的朋友 (Direct Message Your Friends)

instagram akp_六项隐藏的Instagram功能使照片共享更加轻松

As well as being a social network for publicly sharing photos, with Instagram you can also directly message your friends. While this might seem like a pretty standard feature of a social network (it is), it’s still nice to have as it means you can respond to your friends’ images in private without having to take things to another messaging app.

除了可以公开分享照片的社交网络外,您还可以使用Instagram直接向您的朋友发送消息。 尽管这似乎是社交网络的一个非常标准的功能,但它仍然很不错,因为它意味着您可以私下响应朋友的图像,而不必将其带到另一个消息传递应用程序中。

Direct messaging is built pretty deep into Instagram: you can do it from the messages page (by clicking on the paper airplane icon in the upper-right corner), any profile page, and even directly from other people’s posts.


Instagram is popular for a reason; it’s about as great as a social network can be. Even the app is well designed and powerful. It’s just that after over half a decade of development, some features are now tucked away behind less than intuitive taps and touches (and you still can’t share photos from your computer without a little work). But armed with this knowledge, you can go forth and take some truly awesome Instagram photos.

Instagram之所以受欢迎是有原因的。 它与社交网络一样强大。 甚至该应用程序都经过精心设计且功能强大。 仅仅是经过五十多年的发展,现在一些功能已被隐藏起来,而不是直观的点击和触摸(并且您仍然无法通过少量工作共享计算机中的照片)。 但是有了这些知识,您就可以继续拍摄一些真棒的Instagram照片


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