

项目开始已经有几天了,一直在读《Approximation Algorithm》这本书,由于大部分概念都比较陌生,读得很慢,目前主要把第3章的阅读翻译工作完成了。


Chapter3——Steiner Tree and TSP

In this chapter, we will present constant factor algorithms for two fundamental problems, metric Steiner tree and metric TSP. The reasons for considering the metric case of these problems are quite different. For Steiner tree, this is the core of the problem – the rest of the problem reduces to this case. For TSP, without this restriction, the problem admits no approximation factor, assuming P \ne NP. The algorithms, and their analyses, are similar in spirit, which is the reason for presenting these problems together.

在本章中,我们将介绍度量斯坦纳树和度量TSP这两个基本问题的常数因子算法。考虑这些问题的度量情况的原因是完全不同的。对于Steiner tree来说,问题的其余部分能够归约化是问题的核心。由于TSP是NP完全问题,因为P≠NP,所以这个问题不可能有多项式时间算法。这两个问题的算法和分析在精神上是相似的,这就是把这两个问题放在一起的原因.

3.1 Metric Steiner tree

度量Steiner tree

The Steiner tree problem was defined by Gauss in a letter he wrote to Schumacher (reproduced on the cover of this book). Today, this problem occupies a central place in the field of approximation algorithms. The problem has a wide range of applications, all the way from finding minimum length interconnection of terminals in VLSI design to constructing phylogeny trees in computational biology. This problem and its generalizations will be studied extensively in this book, see Chapters 22 and 23.

Problem 3.1 (Steiner tree)

Given an undirected graph G =(V,E) with nonnegative edge costs and whose vertices are partitioned into two sets, required and Steiner, find a minimum cost tree in G that contains all the required vertices and any subset of the Steiner vertices.
We will first show that the core of this problem lies in its restriction to instances in which the edge costs satisfy the triangle inequality, i.e., G is a complete undirected graph,and for any three vertices u, v,and w,cost(u,v)≤ cost(u,w) + cost(v,w). Let us call this restriction the metric Steiner tree problem.
给定一个带权的无向图G =(V,E),其顶点被划分为requiredSteiner两个集合,在G中找到一个包含所有required顶点,和Steiner顶点的任意子集的最小代价树。


我们要首先说明这个问题的核心在于它对实例的限制,即边代价满足三角形不等式。G是一个完全无向图,对于任意三个顶点u,v,w,cost(u,v)≤cost(u,w) + cost(v,w)。我们把这个限制称为度量斯坦纳树问题。

Theorem 3.2

There is an approximation factor preserving reduction(规约化) from the Steiner tree problem to the metric Steiner tree problem.


Proof: We will transform, in polynomial time, an instance I of the Steiner tree problem, consisting of graph G=(V,E)G =(V,E), to an instance II' of the metric Steiner tree problem as follows. Let GG' be the complete undirected graph on vertex set V . Define the cost of edge (u,v) in GG' to be the cost of a shortest u–v path in GG.GG' is called the metric closure of G. The partition of V into required and Steiner vertices in II' is the same as in II.
证明:我们将在多项式时间内,把由图G=(V,E)组成的斯坦纳树问题的一个实例I变换为度量斯坦纳树问题的一个实例II',如下所示。设GG'为顶点集V上的完全无向图。定义GG'中的边(u,v)的代价为GG中u-v最短路径的代价。GG'被称为GG的度量闭包。在II'中将V划分为 requiredSteiner的方法与II相同。
For any edge (u,v) ∈ E, its cost in GG' is no more than its cost in G. Therefore, the cost of an optimal solution in II' does not exceed the cost of an optimal solution in II.
对于E中的任意边 (u,v),其在GG'中的代价将不会多于在G中的代价。因此,II'中一个最优解的代价不会超过II中一个最优解的代价。
Next, given a Steiner tree TT' in II', we will show how to obtain, in polynomial time, a Steiner tree TT in II of at most the same cost. The cost of an edge (u,v) in GG' corresponds to the cost of a path in GG. Replace each edge of TT' by the corresponding path to obtain a subgraph of GG. Clearly, in this subgraph, all the required vertices are connected. However, this subgraph may, in general, contain cycles. If so, remove edges to obtain tree TT. This completes the approximation factor preserving reduction.
接下来,给定II'中的斯坦纳树TT',我们将演示如何在多项式时间内获得II中的斯坦纳树TT,其代价最多相同。GG' 中一条边(u,v)的代价等于GG中一条路径的代价。用对应的路径替换T '的每条边,得到GG的子图。显然,在这个子图中,所有的required顶点都被连接起来了。然而,这个子图通常会包含圈。如果是这种情况,就删除边得到树t,这样完成了近似值保留约简。





  • e’1 <—> {e1}
  • e’2 <—> {e1,e4}
  • e’3 <—> {e1,e5}


As a consequence of Theorem 3.2, any approximation factor established for the metric Steiner tree problem carries over to the entire Steiner tree problem.


3.1.1 MST-based algorithm


Let R denote the set of required vertices. Clearly, a minimum spanning tree (MST) on R is a feasible solution for this problem. Since the problem of finding an MST is in P and the metric Steiner tree problem is NP-hard, we cannot expect the MST on R to always give an optimal Steiner tree; below is an example in which the MST is strictly costlier.
Even so, an MST on R is not much more costly than an optimal Steiner tree:

Theorem 3.3

The cost of an MST on R is within 2·OPT.

Proof: Consider a Steiner tree of cost OPT. By doubling its edges we obtain an Eulerian graph connecting all vertices of R and, possibly, some Steiner vertices. Find an Euler tour(欧拉序列) of this graph, for example by traversing the edges in DFS (depth first search) order:

The cost of this Euler tour is 2·OPT. Next obtain a Hamiltonian cycle on the vertices of R by traversing the Euler tour and “short-cutting” Steiner vertices and previously visited vertices of R:
Because of triangle inequality, the shortcuts do not increase the cost of the tour. If we delete one edge of this Hamiltonian cycle, we obtain a path that spans R and has cost at most 2·OPT. This path is also a spanning tree on R. Hence, the MST on R has cost at most 2·OPT.
Theorem 3.3 gives a straightforward factor 2 algorithm for the metric Steiner tree problem: simply find an MST on the set of required vertices. As in the case of set cover, the “correct” way of viewing this algorithm is in the setting of LP-duality theory. In Chapters 22 and 23 we will see that LP-duality provides the lower bound on which this algorithm is based and also helps solve generalizations of this problem.

Example 3.4

For a tight example, consider a graph with n required vertices and one Steiner vertex. An edge between the Steiner vertex and a required vertex has cost 1, and an edge between two required vertices has cost 2 (not all edges of cost 2 are shown below). In this graph, any MST on R has cost 2(n−1), while OPT = n.
举一个紧密的例子,考虑一个有n个需要顶点和一个斯坦纳顶点的图。斯坦纳顶点和必需顶点之间的一条边的代价为1,两个必需顶点之间的一条边的代价为2(图中没有画出所有代价为2的边)。在这个图中,R上的任何MST代价为2(n−1),而OPT = n。

3.2 Metric TSP

The following is a well-studied problem in combinatorial optimization.

Problem 3.5 (Traveling salesman problem (TSP)) 旅行商问题

Given a complete graph with nonnegative edge costs, find a minimum cost cycle visiting every vertex exactly once. In its full generality, TSP cannot be approximated, assuming P\neNP.

Theorem 3.6

For any polynomial time computable function α(n), TSP cannot be approximated within a factor of α(n), unless P = NP.
对于任何多项式时间可计算的函数α(n),TSP是不能用α(n)的近似比估计的,除非P = NP。
Proof: Assume, for a contradiction, that there is a factor α(n) polynomial time approximation algorithm,A, for the general TSP problem. We will show that A can be used for deciding the Hamiltonian cycle problem (which is NP-hard) in polynomial time, thus implying P = NP.
[反证法]假设存在一个α(n)因子的多项式时间近似算法A,用于一般TSP问题。我们将证明A可以用于在多项式时间内确定哈密顿回路问题(NP-hard),从而意味着P = NP。
The central idea is a reduction from the Hamiltonian cycle problem to TSP, that transforms a graph G on n vertices to an edge-weighted complete graph G’ on n vertices such that
• if G has a Hamiltonian cycle, then the cost of an optimal TSP tour in G’ is n, and
• if G does not have a Hamiltonian cycle, then an optimal TSP tour in G’ is of cost >α(n)·n.
• 如果G中存在哈密顿回路,那么在G’上进行一次最佳TSP旅行的成本是n;
• 如果G中不存在哈密顿回路,那么在G’上进行一次最佳TSP旅行的成本大于α(n)·n;


Observe that when run on graph G’,algorithm A must return a solution of cost ≤ α(n)·n in the first case, and a solution of cost >α (n)·n in the second case. Thus, it can be used for deciding whether G contains a Hamiltonian cycle.
观察到,在图G’上运行时,算法A在第一种情况下一定会返回cost≤ α(n)·n的解,在第二种情况下一定会返回cost >α (n)·n的解。因此,它可以用来确定G是否包含一个哈密顿回路。
The reduction is simple. Assign a weight of 1 to edges of G, and a weight of α(n)· n to nonedges, to obtain G’. Now, if G has a Hamiltonian cycle, then the corresponding tour in G’ has cost n. On the other hand, if G has no Hamiltonian cycle, any tour in G’ must use an edge of cost α(n)·n, and therefore has cost >α (n)·n.
归约化很简单。给G的边赋权值1,给nonedges赋值α(n)· n来得到G’。这样,如果G中有哈密顿回路,那么G’中对应的tour代价为n。另一方面,如果G中没有哈密顿回路,那么G’中的任意tour都必须使用代价为α(n)·n的边,因此就有代价大于α(n)·n。
Notice that in order to obtain such a strong nonapproximability result, we had to assign edge costs that violate triangle inequality. If we restrict ourselves to graphs in which edge costs satisfy triangle inequality, i.e., consider metric TSP, the problem remains NP-complete, but it is no longer hard to approximate.

3.2.1 A simple factor 2 algorithm

We will first present a simple factor 2 algorithm. The lower bound we will use for obtaining this factor is the cost of an MST in G. This is a lower bound because deleting any edge from an optimal solution to TSP gives us a spanning tree of G.

Algorithm 3.7 (Metric TSP – factor 2)

1.Find an MST,T, ofG.
2.Double every edge of the MST to obtain an Eulerian graph.
3.Find an Eulerian tour,τ\tau, on this graph.
4.Output the tour that visits vertices of G in the order of their first appearance in τ\tau. Let C be this tour.
Notice that Step 4 is similar to the “short-cutting” step in Theorem 3.3.

Theorem 3.8

Algorithm 3.7 is a factor 2 approximation algorithm for metric TSP.
Proof: As noted above, cost(T) ≤ OPT. Since τ\tau contains each edge of T twice, cost(τ\tau)=2·cost(T). Because of triangle inequality, after the “shortcutting” step, cost( C ) ≤ cost(τ\tau). Combining these inequalities we get that cost( C )≤2·OPT.
证明:正如上面提到的(下界),cost(T) ≤ OPT。因为τ\tau包含T的每条边两次,所以cost(τ\tau)=2·cost(T)。由于三角不等式,在“捷径”的那一步之后,cost( C ) ≤ cost(τ\tau)。
综上述不等式,可以得到cost( C )≤2·OPT。

Example 3.9

A tight example for this algorithm is given by a complete graph on n vertices with edges of cost 1 and 2. We present the graph for n = 6 below, where thick edges have cost 1 and remaining edges have cost 2. For arbitrary n the graph has 2n−2 edges of cost 1, with these edges forming the union of a star and an n−1 cycle; all remaining edges have cost 2. The optimal TSP tour has cost n, as shown below for n = 6:
该算法的一个紧密例子是一个包含n个顶点、边的代价为1和2的完全图。下面我们给出n = 6的图,其中加粗的边代价为1,其余边代价为2。对于任意n,图有2n - 2条代价为1的边,这些边形成了一个星和一个n - 1回路的并集;所有剩余边的代价都是2。当n = 6时,最优TSPtour的代价为n:
Suppose that the MST found by the algorithm is the spanning star created by edges of cost 1. Moreover, suppose that the Euler tour constructed in Step 3 visits vertices in order shown below for n = 6:
假设该算法找到的MST是代价为1的边生成的生成星。假设在n = 6时,第3步构建的欧拉序列按如下顺序访问顶点:
那么经过shortcut得到的tour包含代价为2的n - 2条边,总代价为2n - 2。渐近地说,这是最优TSP行程的两倍代价。

3.2.2 Improving the factor to 3/2

Algorithm 3.7 first finds a low cost Euler tour spanning the vertices of G, and then short-cuts this tour to find a traveling salesman tour. Is there a cheaper Euler tour than that found by doubling an MST? Recall that a graph has an Euler tour iff all its vertices have even degrees. Thus, we only need to be concerned about the vertices of odd degree in the MST. Let V’ denote this set of vertices.|V’|must be even since the sum of degrees of all vertices in the MST is even. Now, if we add to the MST a minimum cost perfect matching on V’, every vertex will have an even degree, and we get an Eulerian graph. With this modification, the algorithm achieves an approximation guarantee of 3/2.
算法3.7首先找到一个横跨G的顶点的低成本欧拉序列,然后缩短这个路线以找到一个旅行商路线。有比MST翻倍成本更低的欧拉序列吗?回想一下,如果一个图的所有顶点度数都是偶数,那么它就有一个欧拉序列。因此,我们只需要关心MST中奇数度数的顶点。设V ‘表示顶点的集合。|V’|一定是偶数,因为MST中所有顶点的度和是偶数。现在,如果我们在MST中加入V’上的最小代价完美匹配,每个顶点都会是偶数度数的,我们就得到了一个欧拉图。经过这样的修改,算法得到了3/2的近似比。

Algorithm 3.10 (Metric TSP – factor 3/2)

1.Find an MST of G, say T.
2.Compute a minimum cost perfect matching, M, on the set of odd-degree vertices of T. Add M to T and obtain an Eulerian graph.
3.Find an Euler tour,τ\tau, of this graph.
4.Output the tour that visits vertices of G in order of their first appearance in τ\tau. Let C be this tour.
Interestingly, the proof of this algorithm is based on a second lower bound on OPT.

Lemma 3.11

Let V’⊆ V , such that |V’| is even, and let M be a minimum cost perfect matching on V’. Then, cost(M)≤OPT/2.
令V’⊆V,使(?)|V’|为偶数,设M为V’上的最小代价完美匹配。此时,cost(M)≤OPT / 2。
Proof: Consider an optimal TSP tour of G, say τ\tau. Let τ\tau' be the tour on V’ obtained by short-cutting τ\tau. By the triangle inequality, cost(τ\tau') ≤cost(τ\tau). Now, τ\tau' is the union of two perfect matchings on V’, each consisting of alternate edges of τ\tau. Thus, the cheaper of these matchings has cost ≤ cost(τ\tau')/2 ≤ OPT/2. Hence the optimal matching also has cost at most OPT/2.
证明:考虑G上的一个最优TSP序列,如τ\tau。设τ\tau'是通过short-cutτ\tau得到的在V’上的序列。由三角不等式可知,cost(τ\tau') ≤cost(τ\tau)。现在,τ\tau'是V’上的两个完美匹配的并集,这两个匹配的每条边都由τ\tau的交替边(?)组成。因此,这些匹配中较低的cost≤cost(τ\tau')/2≤OPT/2。因此,最优匹配的代价也最多为OPT/2。

Theorem 3.12

Algorithm 3.10 achieves an approximation guarantee of 3/2 for metric TSP.
Proof: The cost of the Euler tour,
where the first inequality follows by using the two lower bounds on OPT. Using the triangle inequality, cost( C )≤cost(τ\tau), and the theorem follows.
其中第一个不等式使用在最优算法上的两个下界。而由三角不等式,cost( C )≤cost(τ\tau),得上式。

Example 3.13

A tight example for this algorithm is given by the following graph on n vertices, with n odd:
Thick edges represent the MST found in step 1. This MST has only two odd vertices, and by adding the edge joining them we obtain a traveling salesman tour of cost (n−1)+\lceiln/2\rceil. In contrast, the optimal tour has cost n.
Finding a better approximation algorithm for metric TSP is currently one of the outstanding open problems in this area. Many researchers have conjectured that an approximation factor of 4/3 may be achievable.
