流利阅读 2019.4.1 Why India’s election is among the world’s most expensive

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流利阅读 2019.4.1 Why India’s election is among the world’s most expensive

Why India’s election is among the world’s most expensive

India will soon hold what’s likely to be one of the world’s costliest elections. The polling exercise will cost an unprecedented 500 billion rupees ($7 billion), according to the New Delhi-based Centre for Media Studies.
印度即将进行大选,该大选可能会是全球最昂贵的选举之一。根据位于新德里的媒体研究中心的说法,此次选举活动将耗资 5000 亿卢比(70 亿美元),堪称史无前例。

Specific data can be hard to pin down, but costs are rising in general as constituency sizes increase and more candidates join the fray, said Simon Chauchard, a Columbia University lecturer who has followed elections in India.

“It’s a bunch of panicky candidates throwing money around to voters but also to vendors selling all kinds of stuff useful in a political campaign,” Chauchard said.

Here’s a look at where some of the money goes:

Can goats help win votes?

Most federal-level Indian politicians said their peers feel pressured to hand out gifts like cash and alcohol. Blenders, television sets and occasionally even goats are handed out as gifts in some areas.

Rallying the troops with chicken curry

Indian politicians love a good rally: They crisscross the country, corralling locals into large tents where they’re bombarded with campaign rhetoric. To attract a crowd, some politicians may need to offer a box of food filled with chicken curry that can be too expensive for average citizens.

Dummy candidates

India’s Election Commission has long warned about dummy candidates: nominating someone with the same name to confuse voters and split the vote. But even fielding dummy candidates can cost as much as 120 million rupees.
长期以来,印度的选举委员会一直告诫(群众)要提防虚假候选人:提名虚假候选人,是指提名和选举领先者同名的人,以迷惑选民、分散选票。然而,光是让虚假候选人参选,就可能要花费高达 1.2 亿卢比的费用。

Brand building: Make India Great Again swag

As much as 26 billion rupees will be spent on advertising in the upcoming elections. In February alone, more than 40 million rupees was spent on political advertising on just one site—Facebook. Then there are T-shirts with the slogan “Namo Again” (Narendra Modi Again) peddled by his camp.
在即将到来的选举中,高达 260 亿卢比的经费将被用于广告宣传。仅 2 月份,就有超过 4000 万卢比被用在 Facebook 这一个网站上做政治宣传。此外,(印度总理)纳伦德拉·莫迪的阵营还在兜售带有“Namo Again”(莫迪连任)口号的 T 恤衫。