

When you group apps together into folders, your iPhone or iPad attempts to name those folders for you based on what’s in them. But what if you don’t want to label a folder? Here’s how to erase it completely.

将应用程序分组到文件夹中时,iPhone或iPad会尝试根据其中的文件夹为您命名这些文件夹。 但是,如果您不想标记文件夹怎么办? 这是彻底删除它的方法。

Right off the bat, this sounds pretty easy—just name it with a single space right? Nope. When you leave the name of a folder blank or insert only one space, iOS converts the name of the folder back to what it used to be. Over the years, various workarounds have come and gone, but fortunately one or two remain.

马上就听起来很容易-只需用一个空格命名就可以了吗? 不。 当您将文件夹名称保留为空白或仅插入一个空格时,iOS会将文件夹名称转换回原来的名称。 多年以来,各种解决方法来了又去,但幸运的是仍然存在一两个。

简单的选择:将文件夹移至扩展坞 (The Simple Option: Move Your Folders Into the Dock)

Items placed in the dock at the bottom of an iPhone or iPad do not have names. Moving a folder into the dock continues that behavior—no name will be displayed. When you tap on the folder, you can see the name again, so it’s not gone, just hidden. This is a fairly obvious option, but it doesn’t totally solve the problem—your folder still has a name. If you’re just opposed to folder names in general, read on.

iPhone或iPad底部的底座中放置的物品没有名称。 将文件夹移到扩展坞中将继续该行为-不会显示名称。 当您点击该文件夹时,您可以再次看到该名称,因此它没有消失,只是被隐藏了。 这是一个相当明显的选项,但不能完全解决问题-您的文件夹仍具有名称。 如果您一般只反对文件夹名称,请继续阅读。


稍微复杂一点的选项:使用Unicode和盲文 (The Slightly More Complicated Option: Use Unicode and Braille)

While dropping your folder into the dock is by far the simplest option, we get that not everyone wants to put folders in the dock. If you’re looking for a way to have a blank folder on your home screen, there’s a solution for that—using the Unicode character for a braille space as the folder name. iOS doesn’t recognize the Braille space as an actual space—it just sees it as a normal character—so it doesn’t replace the empty space with the folder name.

虽然将文件夹放到扩展坞中是最简单的选择,但我们得到的并不是每个人都希望将文件夹放入扩展坞中。 如果您正在寻找一种在主屏幕上显示空白文件夹的方法,那么可以找到一种解决方案,即使用Unicode字符将盲文空格作为文件夹名称。 iOS无法将盲文空间识别为实际空间,只是将其视为普通字符,因此它不会用文件夹名称替换空白空间。

To get started, copy the following character on your iPhone or iPad by long-pressing in between the brackets, and then choosing “Copy”: [⠀]. From there, jump back to your home screen and long press on the folder until the icons start to wiggle.

要开始使用,请长按括号之间的内容,然后在iPhone或iPad上复制以下字符,然后选择“复制”:[⠀]。 从那里跳回到主屏幕,然后长按文件夹,直到图标开始摆动。


Tap on the folder to open it, and tap the “X” to clear the name.

点击文件夹将其打开,然后点击“ X”以清除名称。


Double-tap the name field and then tap “Paste” to insert the blank character. Tap “Done” to save the new, blank name.

双击名称字段,然后点击“粘贴”以插入空白字符。 点击“完成”以保存新的空白名称。


Done and done! From that point forward, you can easily copy this blank character from the existing folder name and paste it into other folder names. Before you know it, you’ll have tons of nameless folders all over your home screens. What could be better?

做完了! 从那时起,您可以轻松地从现有文件夹名称中复制此空白字符并将其粘贴到其他文件夹名称中。 在不知不觉中,您将在主屏幕上遍布成吨的无名文件夹。 有什么更好的办法吗?

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/413565/how-to-hide-your-app-folder-names-on-iphone-or-ipad/