finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹


finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

Whenever you open a new Finder window in OS X, it will open “All My Files” by default. You may, however, prefer it open to your Documents or Dropbox folder instead. There’s an easy way to change the default Finder folder.

每当您在OS X中打开新的Finder窗口时,默认情况下都会打开“所有我的文件”。 但是,您可能更喜欢将其打开到“文档”或“ Dropbox”文件夹中。 有一种简单的方法可以更改默认的Finder文件夹。

That “All My Files” folder isn’t all that useful. After all, all your files are probably a lot more than you bargained for. More than likely, you tend to open Finder to access other locations, or one location specifically.

“所有我的文件”文件夹并没有那么有用。 毕竟,您的所有文件可能远远超出您的议价范围。 您更有可能打开Finder来访问其他位置,或专门访问一个位置。

Changing where Finder opens can then greatly reduce the amount of time you spend changing locations. If you think of how many times you open Finder, and how many times you switch to different folder, that can add up to a lot over the months and years.

更改Finder的打开位置可以极大地减少您花费在更改位置上的时间。 如果您考虑打开Finder的次数,以及切换到不同文件夹的次数,那么几个月和几年来加起来可能会很多。

To change the Finder’s default location, first open the Finder preferences. You can do this by clicking on the “Finder” menu and then selecting “Preferences” or using the standard Command+, keyboard shortcut.

要更改Finder的默认位置,请首先打开Finder首选项。 您可以通过单击“查找器”菜单,然后选择“首选项”或使用标准的Command +键盘快捷键来执行此操作。

finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

In the Finder Preference, note the area “New Finder windows show:” and click it to access the dropdown menu.


finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

As we stated earlier, the default location is “All My Files”, but in this example we’re going to change it to our Dropbox folder so we would click on “Other”.


finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

Now, we will browse to our Dropbox location and click “Choose” when we have found it.


finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

You can test things out now by clicking open a new Finder window. It will open to Dropbox (or whatever location you select as your default).

您可以通过单击打开新的Finder窗口现在进行测试。 它将向Dropbox(或您选择作为默认位置的任何位置)打开。

finder刷新文件夹_如何在OS X中更改默认Finder文件夹

We think you will find this much more convenient than having to always change locations when you open the Finder. Granted, you’re still going to go to other locations on your computer, but at least now the Finder will open to that one location where you find you usually tend to open first.

我们认为您会发现,这比打开Finder时始终更改位置要方便得多。 当然,您仍将转到计算机上的其他位置,但是至少现在Finder将打开到您通常会首先打开的那个位置。

