鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center


Have you ever wondered how to remove the “Catalyst(TM) Control Center” item from the desktop context menu? After writing yesterday about how to remove the NVIDIA Control Panel, a number of readers wrote in asking how to get rid of the ATI version.

您是否曾经想过如何从桌面上下文菜单中删除“ Catalyst(TM)控制中心”项? 在昨天写了有关如何删除NVIDIA控制面板的文章之后 ,许多读者写信询问如何摆脱ATI版本。

We can look in the same place in the registry in order to quickly remove the item, or we can use the same utility we used yesterday to completely disable the shell extension.


Note: This method works the same for XP, Vista, and Windows 7.

注意:此方法对XP,Vista和Windows 7相同。

In case you aren’t sure what we’re talking about, here’s the menu item we’re looking to remove:


鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

Remove the Registry Hack Way


Open up regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key:



HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \ Directory \ Background \ shellex \ ContextMenuHandlers \ ACE

鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

Double-click on the (Default) value in the right-hand side, and then add some dashes in front of the value to disable it. You should be able to right-click on the desktop and see that the item is removed.

双击右侧的(默认)值,然后在该值之前添加一些破折号以将其禁用。 您应该能够右键单击桌面,然后查看该项目已被删除。

If you would prefer, you can simply get rid of this key, but I would do right-click / export the key out to a file for backup purposes before deleting it.


Completely Disable the Shell Extension


If you don’t want that shell extension loading at all, you can use the awesome Nirsoft ShellExView application to just completely disable the extension and prevent it from running.

如果您根本不希望加载该外壳扩展程序,则可以使用功能强大的Nirsoft ShellExView应用程序完全禁用该扩展程序并阻止其运行。

Note: make sure to launch ShellExView by right-clicking and choosing Run as Administrator if you are using Vista. This doesn’t seem to work for Windows 7, but the registry hack above will work perfectly fine.

注意:如果使用Vista,请确保通过右键单击并选择以管理员身份运行来启动ShellExView。 这似乎不适用于Windows 7,但是上面的注册表修改将非常正常。

Find the “SimpleShlExt Class” item with the description “ACE Context Menu” in the list, and click the Disable button.

在列表中找到描述为“ ACE Con​​text Menu”的“ SimpleShlExt Class”项,然后单击“禁用”按钮。

鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

If you aren’t sure it’s the right one, double-click on it to see the details, and verify that it’s similar to this one (although your version could be different)


鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

At this point, you should have a nice clean desktop context menu:


鼠标右键catalyst_从桌面右键单击菜单中删除ATI Catalyst Control Center

Does this menu item annoy you as much as it does me?


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/windows-vista/remove-ati-catalyst-control-center-from-the-desktop-right-click-menu/
