sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

sql azure 语法

介绍 ( Introduction )

In this chapter, we will work with Visual Studio to connect to SQL Databases in Azure.

在本章中,我们将使用Visual Studio来连接到Azure中SQL数据库。

The first part of this chapter will be to create a Database in the Azure Portal and the second part will be to connect in Visual Studio and create some Database Objects.

本章的第一部分将在Azure门户中创建一个数据库,第二部分将在Visual Studio中进行连接并创建一些数据库对象。

要求 ( Requirements )

  • An Azure subscription.

  • A local machine with Windows and Visual Studio installed. In this example, the Visual Studio 2015 was used.

    安装了Windows和Visual Studio的本地计算机。 在此示例中,使用了Visual Studio 2015。

入门 ( Getting started )

Let’s start opening the Azure New Portal


  1. To create a new SQL database, in the new Portal Press Browse All.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 1. The Azure Portal图1. Azure门户
  2. Go to SQL databases and press the Add icon to add a new SQL database.

    转到SQL数据库 ,然后按“添加”图标以添加新SQL数据库。

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    Figure 2. The SQL databases图2. SQL数据库
  3. Add a name for the SQL Database and click on the Pricing tier option.


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    Figure 3. The sql database options图3. sql数据库选项
  4. If you like your money use a database cheaper. Specially if you are testing like me. The more GB, the more expensive it is. I will use the Basic Pricing. Verify your company needs and the space required for your company in order to chose the best option. The basic are usually the cheapest options, the standard is the intermediate option and the premium the most expensive option.

    如果您喜欢您的钱,请使用便宜的数据库。 特别是如果您像我一样进行测试。 GB越大,价格越高。 我将使用基本定价。 验证您的公司需求和公司所需的空间,以便选择最佳选项。 基本通常是最便宜的选择,标准是中间选择,高级是最昂贵的选择。

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    Figure 4. The prices for databases图4.数据库价格
  5. Select the server option to select an existing server or to create a new one. In this example, we will create a new Server.

    选择服务器选项以选择现有服务器或创建新服务器。 在此示例中,我们将创建一个新的服务器。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 5. Server options图5.服务器选项
  6. Select the option to create a new server.


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    Figure 6. New server图6.新服务器
  7. Specify the server name, the login and password for the server. You will also need to verify the password. The location will allow you to specify where do you want to store the server.

    指定服务器名称,服务器的登录名和密码。 您还需要验证密码。 该位置将允许您指定要将服务器存储在何处。

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    Figure 7. Server admin图7.服务器管理员
  8. In the portal, you will see a notification and a message that the database is being created.


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    Figure 8. Database Creation图8.数据库创建
  9. If everything is OK, a database will be created. The complete name is the Server Name. You can group the resources and assign your database to a group. The last version of groups is the V12.

    如果一切正常,将创建一个数据库。 全名是服务器名称。 您可以对资源进行分组,然后将数据库分配给一个组。 组的最新版本是V12。

    You can connect from other application with the information displayed in the Show database connection strings.


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    Figure 9. The SQL Database characteristics图9. SQL数据库特征
  10. The pricing tier is the Basic S0. The DTU is the Database Throughput Unit. It is used to measure the performance. For example, a machine with 10 DTUs is 10 times more powerful in performance than a machine of 1 DTU.

    定价层是基本S0。 DTU是数据库吞吐量单位。 它用于衡量性能。 例如,具有10个DTU的计算机的性能比具有1个DTU的计算机强大10倍。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 10. The pricing tier图10.定价层
  11. Visual Studio ( The Visual Studio )

    We created a SQL Database in Azure, now we will connect with Azure.


  12. Press the Connect to Azure option.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 11. Visual Studio 图11. Visual Studio
  13. Specify the email address associated with your Azure Subscription and press continue.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 12. Connection to Visual Studio图12.连接到Visual Studio
  14. Click on the Server Explorer to verify the existing Azure objects


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    Figure 13. The Server Explorer图13.服务器浏览器
  15. You will be able to see the Azure icon associated with the subscription. Expand it and expand the SQL Databases.

    您将能够看到与订阅关联的Azure图标。 展开它并展开SQL数据库。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 14. Connection to Azure图14.连接到Azure
  16. Right click on the databases created in steps 1 to 10, and select Open in SQL Server Object Explorer. With this option, you will be able to see the database objects in Azure.

    右键单击在步骤1到10中创建的数据库,然后在SQL Server Object Explorer中选择“打开”。 使用此选项,您将能够在Azure中查看数据库对象。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 15. The SQL Server Object Explorer图15. SQL Server对象资源管理器
  17. You will receive a request to include the IP address in the firewall rules. With this option you will be able to access to the Azure Database. Press the Add Firewall Rule button. Now your IP Address is enabled.

    您将收到一个将IP地址包含在防火墙规则中的请求。 使用此选项,您将能够访问Azure数据库。 按添加防火墙规则按钮。 现在,您的IP地址已启用。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 16. Adding Firewall Rule图16.添加防火墙规则
  18. Now, connect to SQL Server using the credentials specified on step 7.

    现在,使用第7步中指定的凭据连接到SQL Server。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 17. Database credentials图17.数据库凭证
  19. You are now connected to Azure. Expand the database and you will be able to see the Tables, Views, synonyms and the Programmability section to create stored procedures, functions.

    您现在已连接到Azure。 展开数据库,您将能够看到Tables,Views,同义词和Programmability部分,以创建存储过程,函数。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 18. The database objects图18.数据库对象
  20. To create a new table select the tables folder and press the Add New Table option.


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    Figure 19. Adding new tables图19.添加新表
  21. Add some columns and define the datatypes for your table. In this example we are adding a Name a Lastname, the salary and the Id. The name and lastname are characters and the Id and Salary are integers.

    添加一些列并定义表的数据类型。 在此示例中,我们添加了一个姓,名,薪水和ID。 名称和姓氏是字符,而ID和Salary是整数。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 20. The Table Columns and data types图20.表列和数据类型
  22. As you can see, you can design the table and see the T-SQL script also. This is very useful if you want to edit the T-SQL directly or if you want to learn T-SQL. Change the table name of the table to employees.

    如您所见,您可以设计表并同时查看T-SQL脚本。 如果要直接编辑T-SQL或要学习T-SQL,这将非常有用。 将表的表名称更改为employees。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 21. The T-SQL code图21. T-SQL代码
  23. Press Update to update the table in Azure. The script will be executed in the Azure database to create the new table named dbo.employees.

    按更新以更新Azure中的表。 该脚本将在Azure数据库中执行,以创建名为dbo.employees的新表。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 22. The Update option图22. Update选项
  24. You will receive a Preview Database Updates to confim the update. Press the Update Database.

    您将收到预览数据库更新以确认更新。 按更新数据库。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 23. Preview Database Update图23.预览数据库更新
  25. The details of the execution will be displayed. The script will be created and executed in Azure. If there are failures, the windows below will show where the execution failed.

    将显示执行的详细信息。 该脚本将在Azure中创建并执行。 如果失败,则以下窗口将显示执行失败的位置。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 24.The Data Tools Operations图24.数据工具操作
  26. In the SQL Server Object Explorer, you will be able to see the table dbo.employees created.

    在SQL Server对象资源管理器中,您将看到创建的表dbo.employees。

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 25. The table created图25.创建的表
  27. To view the data of the table, right click on the table and select View Data.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 26. View Data图26.查看数据
  28. Write names, lastnames, salaries, ids. Try to add data similar to the following picture:

    写出姓名,姓氏,薪水,身份证。 尝试添加类似于下图的数据:

    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 27. Adding data to the table图27.将数据添加到表
  29. To create a view related to the table dbo.Employees, right click on the Views and select Add New view.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 28. New View图28.新建视图
  30. We will name the view v_employees_high_salary and the view will show all the employees from the employees table whose salary is higher than 4000.


    sql azure 语法_使用Visual Studio和SQL Azure数据库

    Figure 29. T-SQL code to create a new view图29.创建新视图的T-SQL代码
  31. Repeat the steps 22 to 24 to update the view in Azure. Once you create the view, go to the SQL Server Explorer, select the database and expland the Views folder to see the new folder created. To verify the data right click on the view and select View data.

    重复步骤22至24,以更新Azure中的视图。 创建视图后,转到SQL Server资源管理器,选择数据库并展开Views文件夹以查看创建的新文件夹。 要验证数据,请在视图上单击鼠标右键,然后选择“查看数据”。

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    Figure 30. Checking the View Data图30.检查视图数据
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    Figure 31. The View Data filtered from the table图31.从表中过滤出的View Data

结论 ( Conclusion )

In this article, we showed how to create tables in SQL Azure and views using Visual Studio. As you can see, the process is very simple. In later chapters, we will learn more.

在本文中,我们展示了如何使用Visual Studio在SQL Azure中创建表和视图。 如您所见,该过程非常简单。 在后面的章节中,我们将学习更多。

翻译自: https://www.sqlshack.com/working-with-visual-studio-and-sql-azure-databases/

sql azure 语法