如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Have you ever had a troublesome .doc or .docx file Word that you can’t seem to open? Or even lost a document completely, with all your hard work gone with it?

您是否曾经遇到过无法打开的麻烦的.doc或.docx文件? 甚至完全失去了一份文档,而您所有的辛苦工作也随之而去了?

We’ve all been there before, and if you don’t already, this is a hard lesson that you should keep your computer backed up. There are plenty of free and cheap programs that will ensure this doesn’t happen in the future, so once you’re done with your work, do yourself a favor and set that up.

我们以前都去过那里,如果您还没有这样做,那么这是一个艰巨的教训,您应该备份计算机。 有很多免费和廉价的程序可以确保将来不会发生这种情况,因此,一旦您完成工作,就帮自己一个忙,并进行设置。

For the time being, here are a few ways to recover that lost or damaged file.


从损坏的Word文档中恢复文本 (Recover Text from a Corrupted Word Document)

If your document is corrupted, you may encounter an error that says:


“Word experienced an error trying to open the file. Try these suggestions. * Check the file permissions for the document or drive. * Make sure there is sufficient free memory and disk space. * Open the file with the Text Recovery converter.”

“ Word尝试打开文件时遇到错误。 尝试这些建议。 *检查文档或驱动器的文件权限。 *确保有足够的可用内存和磁盘空间。 *使用文本恢复转换器打开文件。”

If you’ve checked the file permissions and you know that you should be able to access it, and you’ve checked your current CPU and Memory usage and found it not overly high, you can use Word’s built-in recovery to try and get some of your text back. (And if you can’t even find the file, skip down to the third section of this article.)

如果您已经检查了文件权限并且知道应该可以访问它,并且已经检查了当前的CPU和内存使用率,但发现它并不太高,则可以使用Word的内置恢复来尝试获得您的一些文字回来。 (并且,如果您甚至找不到该文件,请跳至本文的第三部分。)

Open Word, then click File > Open.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Next, click Browse.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

From here, you’ll need to navigate to the file you’re trying to open. When you get to the file, select the “Recover Text from Any File (*.*)” file type from the dropdown menu.

从这里,您需要导航到您要打开的文件。 进入文件后,从下拉菜单中选择“从任何文件中恢复文本(*。*)”文件类型。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Click Open, and with a little luck, Word will recover your text.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

That being said, your mileage may vary. Sometimes the file may be corrupted beyond repair, and even if the text can be repaired, you may lose formatting.

话虽如此,您的里程可能会有所不同。 有时,文件可能已损坏,无法修复,即使文本可以修复,您也可能会丢失格式。

强制Word修复损坏的文件 (Force Word to Repair a Damaged File)

If the above option doesn’t work, Microsoft has another way to try to force Word to try to repair a file. In Word, click File on the Ribbon, and then click Open.

如果上述选项不起作用,Microsoft可以通过另一种方法来强制Word尝试修复文件。 在Word中,单击功能区上的“文件”,然后单击“打开”。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档
如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

In the Open dialog box, click to highlight your Word document.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Click the arrow on the Open button, and then click Open and Repair.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

恢复丢失的Word文档 (Recover a Lost Word Document)

If you can’t even find the file, you may be able to find backup files that Word has saved. Here’s a demonstration of how to search for Word’s backup files in Microsoft Word 2016. Instructions for older versions of Word can be found in Microsoft’s documentation.

如果您甚至找不到该文件,则可以找到Word已保存的备份文件。 这是有关如何在Microsoft Word 2016中搜索Word的备份文件的演示。有关旧版本Word的说明,请参阅Microsoft文档

After you’ve started Word 2016, first click File > Open.

启动Word 2016后,首先单击文件>打开。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Next, click Browse.


如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Then navigate to the folder where you last saved the missing file. In the Files of type list (All Word documents), click All Files. The backup file usually has the name “Backup of” followed by the name of the missing file. Click the backup file, and then click Open.

然后导航到上次保存丢失文件的文件夹。 在文件类型列表(所有Word文档)中,单击所有文件。 备份文件通常的名称为“ Backup of”,后跟丢失文件的名称。 单击备份文件,然后单击“打开”。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

If you don’t find the backup file listed that way, alternatively search for *.wbk Word Backup files.

如果找不到以这种方式列出的备份文件,或者搜索* .wbk Word备份文件。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

The name of the file may be unfamiliar, since it’s automatically generated by Word. So, if you see any .wbk files, open them one at a time until you find the one you’re looking for, and save it right away.

该文件的名称可能不熟悉,因为它是由Word自动生成的。 因此,如果您看到任何.wbk文件,请一次打开一个文件,直到找到所需文件为止,然后立即将其保存。

查找和恢复临时自动保存文件 (Find and Recover Temporary Autosave Files)

If you don’t find any backups in the document’s folder, you might have autosaved files from the last 10 minutes you worked on any Word document. They can appear in a number of locations, including:

如果您在文档的文件夹中找不到任何备份,则可能是在处理任何Word文档后的最近10分钟内自动保存的文件。 它们可以出现在许多位置,包括:

  • “C:\ Documents and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Microsoft\Word”.

    “ C:\ Documents and Settings \ <用户名> \ Application Data \ Microsoft \ Word”。
  • “C:\ Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp”

    “ C:\ Documents and Settings \ <用户名> \ Local Settings \ Temp”

On Windows 7 and Vista, the locations will be

在Windows 7和Vista上,位置为

  • “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Word”

    “ C:\ Users \ <用户名> \ AppData \ Local \ Microsoft \ Word”
  • “C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Temp”

    “ C:\ Users \ <用户名> \ AppData \ Local \ Temp”

I found mine stored in C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word.

我发现我的存储在C:\ Users \ <用户名> \ AppData \ Roaming \ Microsoft \ Word中。

如何在Microsoft Word 2016中恢复丢失或损坏的文档

Look for the following types of files, where “xxxx” is a number:

查找以下类型的文件,其中“ xxxx”是数字:

  • A word document file will look like ~wrdxxxx.tmp

  • A temp document file will look like ~wrfxxxx.tmp

  • An auto recovery file will look like ~wraxxxx.tmp or will be named “AutoRecovery save of . . .” with a .asd extension

    一个自动恢复文件看起来像〜wraxxxx.tmp或将被命名为“ AutoRecovery save of”。 。 。” 扩展名为.asd
  • An auto recovery file that is complete will have the extension of .wbk.


If you’re having trouble finding your Autosave storage or Temp files folder, a fast and easy way to find your autosave files is to use the Search Everything utility to search for filetypes like “.asd” or prefixes like “wra”. You’ll need to wait for it to index your computer’s storage, but after it’s done, it’s lightning quick. Hopefully, one of these options will help recover your lost work.

如果找不到自动保存的存储或Temp文件文件夹,查找自动保存文件的快速简便方法是使用“搜索全部”实用程序来搜索“ .asd”等文件类型或“ wra”之类的前缀。 您需要等待它为计算机的存储建立索引,但是完成后,它的运行速度很快。 希望这些选项之一可以帮助您恢复丢失的工作。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/263319/how-to-recover-a-lost-or-corrupt-document-in-microsoft-word-2016/