



A graphics driver is the software that allow your operating system and programs to use your computer’s graphics hardware. If you play PC games, you should keep your computer’s graphics drivers updated to get the best performance out of your hardware.

图形驱动程序是允许您的操作系统和程序使用计算机的图形硬件的软件。 如果您玩PC游戏,则应保持计算机图形驱动程序的更新,以从硬件中获得最佳性能。

RELATED: When Do You Need to Update Your Drivers?

相关: 您何时需要更新驱动程序?

We have previously advised you to not compulsively update your drivers, and we stand by that. Most hardware drivers that come with your computer—or through Windows Update—are fine. However, we do make an exception for graphics drivers for your NVIDIA, AMD, or even Intel graphics hardware. Those, we recommend you keep up-to-date, especially if you’re a gamer.

以前我们建议您不要强制更新驱动程序 ,我们坚持这一点。 计算机随附的大多数硬件驱动程序(或通过Windows Update)都可以。 但是,对于您的NVIDIA,AMD甚至Intel图形硬件,我们的图形驱动程序确实存在例外。 那些,我们建议您保持最新,特别是如果您是游戏玩家。

为什么要更新图形驱动程序 (Why You Should Update Your Graphics Drivers)

Updates to your computer’s motherboard, sound card, and network drivers don’t generally give speed improvements. They do often fix rare bugs, but to be honest, they just as often introduce new bugs. So, if things are working okay, it’s typically not worth it to bother.

通常,计算机主板,声卡和网络驱动程序的更新不会提高速度。 它们确实经常修复罕见的错误,但是老实说,它们也经常引入新的错误。 因此,如果一切正常,通常就不值得这样做。

However, this is not the case with updated drivers for your graphics card, also known as a GPU or video card. NVIDIA and AMD both frequently release new graphics drivers that usually give major performance improvements, particularly for newer games. With Intel getting more serious about integrated graphics performance, they have started releasing more frequent video driver updates, too.

但是,对于图形卡(也称为GPU或视频卡)的更新驱动程序,情况并非如此。 NVIDIA和AMD都经常发布新的图形驱动程序,这些驱动程序通常可以显着提高性能,尤其是对于较新的游戏。 随着英特尔对集成显卡性能的日益重视,他们也开始发布更频繁的视频驱动程序更新。

Here is a small portion of the changes to NVIDIA’s most recent graphics driver package (Release 387), released on December 20, 2017:



And that just covers the specific games for which optimization has been improved. There are also numerous bug fixes and new features included.

但这仅涉及已改进优化的特定游戏。 还提供了许多错误修复和新功能。

These sorts of performance increases in updated graphics drivers are not uncommon. While newer games get the bulk of the attention, even some older games see a significant increase in performance with updated drivers.

在更新的图形驱动程序中,这类性能提升并不少见。 尽管更新的游戏吸引了大部分注意力,但即使是某些较旧的游戏,更新的驱动程序也可以显着提高性能。

Of course, if you never play PC games on your computer and don’t care about 3D graphics performance, you don’t really need to update your graphics drivers at all.


识别图形卡 (Identifying Your Graphics Card)

There are a number of ways to identify your computer’s graphics hardware, including built-in and third-party system information utilities. However, the easiest way is probably to just hit Start, type “System Information” into the search box, and then hit Enter.

有很多方法可以识别计算机的图形硬件,包括内置和第三方系统信息实用程序 。 但是,最简单的方法可能只是单击“开始”,在搜索框中键入“系统信息”,然后单击Enter。


In the “System Information” window, on the left side, drill down to the “Display” category. On the right, look for your graphics adapter model in the “Adapter Type” or “Adapter Description” entries.

在左侧的“系统信息”窗口中,向下钻取到“显示”类别。 在右侧的“适配器类型”或“适配器描述”条目中查找您的图形适配器型号。


If you see both Intel and NVIDIA hardware on a laptop, your laptop is likely using switching technology to intelligently switch between its better-for-battery-life Intel graphics and better-for-gaming-performance NVIDIA graphics. In this case, you will want to update your NVIDIA drivers to boost your gaming performance.

如果您在笔记本电脑上同时看到Intel和NVIDIA硬件,则您的笔记本电脑很可能会使用切换技术在电池寿命更长的Intel图形和游戏性能更好的NVIDIA图形之间智能切换。 在这种情况下,您将需要更新NVIDIA驱动程序以提高游戏性能。

获取最新更新 (Getting the Latest Updates)

For some types of graphics hardware integrated into laptops (also known as notebook GPUs), you may not be able to get drivers straight from the graphics adapter manufacturer. You may have to get updated drivers from your laptop manufacturer, and they may not regularly release updates.

对于笔记本电脑(也称为笔记本电脑GPU)中集成的某些类型的图形硬件,您可能无法直接从图形适配器制造商处获得驱动程序。 您可能必须从笔记本电脑制造商那里获取更新的驱动程序,并且它们可能不会定期发布更新。

However, you can generally get updated graphics drivers from your graphics hardware manufacturer’s website:


You will have to select the exact model of your computer’s graphics card, which is displayed in the Device Manager window.


For all three of the major manufacturers, you can enter the details of your adapter on the website and download the right drivers directly.



You also have the option of letting the site scan your system to automatically determine what drivers you need. Just be aware that sometimes, you’ll be asked to install a utility that performs the scan.

您还可以选择让站点扫描系统以自动确定所需的驱动程序。 请注意,有时会要求您安装执行扫描的实用程序。


RELATED: How to Set Your PC Games' Graphics Settings with No Effort

相关文章 如何毫不费力地设置PC游戏的图形设置

If you use an NVIDIA adapter, you also have a third option—a utility named NVIDIA GeForce Experience that runs in the background on your PC. You have the choice of the utility downloading and installing them automatically or just letting you know when they’re ready. GeForce Experience can also help you optimize gaming settings for most PC games, a feature some love and some hate, but that’s entirely optional.

如果使用NVIDIA适配器,则还有第三种选择-名为NVIDIA GeForce Experience的实用程序,该实用程序在PC的后台运行。 您可以选择该实用程序自动下载并安装它们,也可以仅在准备就绪时通知您。 GeForce Experience还可以帮助您优化大多数PC游戏的游戏设置 ,这项功能有些许令人讨厌,但这是完全可选的。


Note: In the past, AMD offered a very similar utility named AMD Gaming Evolved that provided driver updates and game optimization. AMD discontinued that product and it has since been taking up by the folks behind Raptr. The utility does still boast those two features, but also includes some of the community aspects of the primary Raptr tool. It still seems to work well. Just be aware that while the tool is co-branded with AMD, it’s no longer developed by them.

注意 :过去,AMD提供了一个非常相似的实用程序,名为AMD Gaming Evolved ,可提供驱动程序更新和游戏优化。 AMD停止了该产品的生产,此后它一直被Raptr背后的人们所接受。 该实用程序仍然具有这两个功能,但还包括主要Raptr工具的某些社区方面。 它似乎仍然运作良好。 请注意,虽然该工具与AMD联名,但不再由他们开发。

If you have older graphics hardware, bear in mind that it won’t be supported forever. Manufacturers eventually move older hardware to a stable driver release that they stop optimizing and updating. If your graphics hardware is five years old, it’s very likely that optimized drivers for it are no longer being released. How long your hardware is supported is up to its manufacturer.

如果您使用较旧的图形硬件,请记住永远不会支持它。 制造商最终将较旧的硬件迁移到稳定的驱动程序版本,他们停止优化和更新。 如果您的图形硬件已经使用了五年,则很有可能不再发布针对它的优化驱动程序。 您的硬件支持多长时间取决于其制造商。

Image Credit: Carles Reig on Flickr

图片来源: Flickr上的Carles Reig

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/135976/how-to-update-your-graphics-drivers-for-maximum-gaming-performance/
