


To help you grow your game, we wanted to analyze our internal data to find trends and insights that can guide you when including ads in your game design. Read on to discover the biggest takeaways from 2019 and predictions for what mobile monetization looks like in 2020.

为了帮助您扩展游戏,我们希望分析我们的内部数据,以找到趋势和见解,从而在将广告纳入游戏设计时为您提供指导。 继续阅读以发现2019年的最大收获以及对2020年移动货币化前景的预测。

“Unity powers 50% of mobile games on the planet. It uses that distribution to serve over 10 billion ads a month, and they’re working.”

“团结为全球50%的手机游戏提供动力。 它使用该分布来每月投放超过100亿个广告,并且它们正在发挥作用。”

– Dean Takahashi, VentureBeat

–高桥(Dean Takahashi),VentureBeat

Millions of people every day play mobile games that were built with Unity. Unity serves some of the ads that people see in those games. Because of the scale of our network, we serve billions of ads each month.

每天都有数百万人玩Unity制作的手机游戏。 Unity投放了人们在这些游戏中看到的一些广告。 由于我们网络的规模,我们每个月投放数十亿个广告。

In fact, we serve more than 23 billion ads per month. That number is staggering. With all of that data available, we wanted to identify some trends and patterns to help you monetize your games.

实际上,我们每月投放超过230亿个广告。 这个数字是惊人的。 利用所有可用数据,我们希望确定一些趋势和模式,以帮助您通过游戏获利

We wondered about things like:


    • How are developers using ads and in-app purchases?

    • In what countries are ads the most and least effective?

    • Are players, on average, watching more or fewer ads?

    • What category of game performs the best in terms of monetization?

  • What type of ad format is the most commonly used?


So our data team, along with our new friends at deltaDNA, crunched the numbers and found some very interesting statistics that we’d like to share with you.


But first, an important note about the data.


We take developer data privacy very seriously and have omitted information from this report that would individually identify any single game or developer. The analysis in this report is aggregated from our internal data into the publicly determined categories on Google Play and the Apple App Store from January to December 2019.

我们非常重视开发人员数据的隐私,并从此报告中省略了可以单独识别任何单个游戏或开发人员的信息。 本报告中分析是从我们的内部数据汇总到2019年1月至2019年12月在Google Play和Apple App Store上公开确定的类别中。

With that, here are six key takeaways from the 2020 Mobile Game Monetization Report.


1.去年移动游戏广告收入增长了30.1%。 (1. Mobile gaming ad revenue grew 30.1% last year.)

Mobile gaming is skyrocketing in popularity and shows no signs of slowing down. Across the board, mobile ad revenue grew significantly in all of the categories.

移动游戏的普及率正在飙升,并且没有放缓的迹象。 在所有类别中,移动广告收入均全面增长。

For game categories that have only recently begun showing ads, the growth is enormous and indicates great potential to increase earnings further. Categories that have been using ad monetization for many years (such as Casino, Word, and Casual) didn’t grow quite as much, but every single category showed growth, which is encouraging.

对于刚刚才开始展示广告的游戏类别,其增长是巨大的,并显示出进一步增加收益的巨大潜力。 多年来使用广告获利的类别(例如Casino,Word和Casual)的增长幅度并不大,但是每个类别都呈现出增长,这令人鼓舞。

2.有广告时,第1天,第7天和第30天的保留率更高。 (2. Day 1, Day 7, and Day 30 have higher retention when there are ads.)

One of the most common myths among game developers is that ads compromise the gameplay experience, causing player engagement to go down. Our data showed that there is no statistically significant difference for retention in games that have ads versus games that don’t. In fact, for games with ads, D1 is higher by 1.65%, D7 is higher by 1.01%, and D30 is higher by 0.54%.

游戏开发人员中最常见的神话之一是广告会损害游戏体验,从而导致玩家参与度下降。 我们的数据显示,有广告的游戏与没有广告的游戏的保留率在统计上没有显着差异。 实际上,对于带有广告的游戏,D1更高1.65%,D7更高1.01%,D30更高0.54%。

The main lesson here is that if you choose to implement ads, do so thoughtfully. As long as they’re part of your game’s design and blend into the core game loop, you can expect players to engage more.

这里的主要教训是,如果您选择实施广告,请认真考虑。 只要它们是游戏设计的一部分并融入核心游戏循环中,您就可以期望玩家参与更多游戏。

3.游戏中的奖励视频广告与去年相比增长了10.2%。 (3. Rewarded video ads in games increased by 10.2% compared to last year.)

Rewarded video ads are commonly considered the best kind of advertisement when it comes to the player experience. Seeing this number increase means that developers care about the players’ experience. With rewarded video, developers can maximize ad revenue while players feel like they’re being rewarded for their time. In fact, proper implementation of rewarded video can even raise in-app purchase (IAP) metrics, since players get a taste of a game’s premium offerings and are more likely to convert.

当涉及到玩家体验时,奖励视频广告通常被认为是最好的广告。 看到这个数字的增加意味着开发人员会关心玩家的体验。 借助奖励视频,开发人员可以最大限度地提高广告收入,同时让玩家觉得自己的时间得到了回报。 实际上,奖励视频的正确实施甚至可以提高应用内购买(IAP)指标,因为玩家可以体验游戏的优质产品并且更有可能实现转化。

We expect this number to keep growing through 2020 and beyond.


4.从2018年到2019年,每个会话中看到五个或更多广告的玩家数量增加了9.4%。 (4. From 2018 to 2019, there was a 9.4% increase in the number of players who see five or more ads per session.)

This is a substantial increase, and it is very significant for mobile game developers for two reasons:


  • Players are feeling more comfortable with ads in general

  • Players are willing to view more ads per session


You’ll need to test what’s right for your game, but this data suggests you can try inserting more ad monetization opportunities into your games, and it may pay off.


5.从2018年到2019年,益智游戏的广告收入增长了67.4%。 (5. Puzzle games grew ad revenue by 67.4% from 2018 to 2019.)

This is a huge amount of growth. Clearly, certain app store categories are becoming more sophisticated in their monetization strategies. Puzzle, Card, and Word games all also showed an increase in D7 retention with ads.

这是一个巨大的增长。 显然,某些应用商店类别的获利策略正变得越来越复杂。 益智游戏,纸牌游戏和文字游戏也都显示出广告的D7保留率有所提高。

In the full report, we break down the revenue growth in all categories and show you ad opportunities you can explore when you’re building your next game.


6.平均而言,中国的游戏广告收入比美国游戏高20%。 (6. On average, games in China derive 20% more revenue from ads than their American counterparts.)

This likely means that Chinese developers lean more heavily on ads for revenue. Players in China may be more familiar with seeing ads in their games, which is why developers are more comfortable using them.

这可能意味着中国开发商更依赖广告来获取收入。 中国玩家可能更熟悉在游戏中看到广告,这就是为什么开发人员更习惯使用它们的原因。

In the full report, we have a breakdown per country with many more interesting findings for each region (spoiler: massive opportunity in EMEA).


取得报告 (Get the report)

Download the full report to see all of the statistics we uncovered. We share a lot of insight, a case study you can learn from, predictions for 2020, and actionable advice you can use to earn more from your games.

下载完整报告,以查看我们发现的所有统计信息。 我们分享了很多见识,您可以从中学习的案例研究,2020年的预测以及可用于从游戏中获得更多收益的可行建议。

