synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

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synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

Keeping the operating system of your Synology NAS up to date is only half of the smooth home server experience: the other half is keeping all your application packages up to date, too. Let’s look at how to manually update your packages as well as how to automate the process.

使Synology NAS的操作系统保持最新状态仅是流畅的家庭服务器体验的一半:另一半是使所有应用程序包也保持最新状态。 让我们看看如何手动更新软件包以及如何自动执行该过程。

In our guide to getting started with your Synology NAS, we showed you how to update the core operating system—now it’s time to take a look at keeping your application packages updated too. Because the Synology platform is so much more than simple network-attached-storage, keeping your apps updated is critical in ensuring a smooth and bug free experience.

在我们的Synology NAS入门指南中 ,我们向您展示了如何更新核心操作系统-现在该来看看如何保持应用程序包的更新。 由于Synology平台不只是简单的网络附加存储,因此确保您的应用程序更新对于确保流畅且无错误的体验至关重要。

手动更新Synology软件包 (Manually Updating Your Synology Packages)

To get started with the update process, simply navigate to the web-based interface for your Synology NAS. On the default desktop, you’ll see the Package Center shortcut (if there are packages in need of update you’ll see, like in the screenshot below, a red indicator displaying the number of them). If you’ve done a little desktop rearranging, you can always find the shortcut for the Package Center by clicking on the Start Menu-like button in the upper corner to access your full application list.

要开始更新过程,只需导航到Synology NAS的基于Web的界面即可。 在默认桌面上,您将看到Package Center快捷方式(如果有需要更新的软件包,如下面的屏幕截图所示,红色指示器将显示它们的数量)。 如果您进行了一些桌面重新整理 ,则始终可以通过单击右上角的类似于“开始菜单”的按钮来访问您的完整应用程序列表,找到打包中心的快捷方式。

synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

Inside the Package Center, you’ll default to the “Installed” view, showing all your installed packages with any packages in need of updates, if applicable, displayed at the top of the list in the “Attention required” section, seen below.


synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

There are three ways to approach manually updating your packages. You can hit the “Update All” button to just rip through all the updates without review. You can selectively update by selecting the “Update” button beside each entry in need of updates. Finally, if you wish to review the release notes for a particular update before approving it, you can click on the general entry for an individual application package to see the detailed view. Let’s do so now with the package “Hyper Backup” to see what the update entails.

有三种方法可以手动更新软件包。 您可以点击“全部更新”按钮以翻阅所有更新而无需查看。 您可以通过选择每个需要更新的条目旁边的“更新”按钮来有选择地进行更新。 最后,如果您希望在批准某个特定更新之前阅读发行说明,则可以单击单个应用程序包的常规条目以查看详细视图。 现在,让我们使用“超级备份”软件包进行操作,以查看更新需要什么。

synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

Here in the detailed view, we can see there is an additional “Update” button and, more importantly for our purpose, the “What’s new in version…” release note section that highlights what the update adds/removes/repairs. In this case, it’s just a simple bug fix.

在详细视图中,我们可以看到一个附加的“更新”按钮,更重要的是,出于我们的目的,“版本中的新功能...”发行说明部分突出显示了更新添加/删除/修复的内容。 在这种情况下,这只是一个简单的错误修复。

At this point, you can manually approve the update by clicking the green “Update” button, or fall back to the previous menu to review your other updates and click “Update All” to take care of them all at once.


One thing you may notice on this detailed view is the small “Auto-update” check box beneath the “Update” button. Let’s take a look at the automatic update feature now.

您可能会在此详细视图上注意到的一件事是“更新”按钮下方的小“自动更新”复选框。 现在让我们看一下自动更新功能。

将软件包设置为(有选择地)自动更新 (Setting Your Packages to (Selectively) Auto Update)

While you can check the “Auto-update” checkbox in the detailed view, as we saw in the previous section, there’s a much faster way to turn on bulk (and selective) automatic updates. From either the detailed view we were just in or from the main list of packages, click on the grey button labeled “Settings” along the top edge of the window.

正如您在上一节中所看到的,虽然您可以在详细视图中选中“自动更新”复选框,但是有一种更快的方式来启用批量(和选择性)自动更新。 从我们刚进入的详细视图中或从软件包的主列表中,单击窗口顶部边缘上标有“设置”的灰色按钮。

synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

Within the Settings menu, select the “Auto Updates” tab along the upper navigation bar.


synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

In the Auto Updates menu, you can check “Update packages automatically” as we did below and then set it either as “All packages” or “Only packages below”.


synology nfs_如何手动和自动更新Synology NAS软件包

If you opt to enable selective automatic updating, simply check off all the packages you wish to keep automatically updated. When you’re done, click “OK” to save your changes. Your Synology NAS will now automatically update your application packages as new updates roll out, no user input required.

如果您选择启用选择性自动更新,只需选中您希望保持自动更新的所有软件包即可。 完成后,单击“确定”保存更改。 现在,随着新更新的推出,您的Synology NAS将自动更新您的应用程序包,无需用户输入。

Whether you opt to stick to a strict manual method or mix in full (or semi) automated updates, it’s painless to stay on top of package updates thanks to Synology’s streamlined package manager.



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