linkedin 分享_如何管理您的LinkedIn隐私设置

linkedin 分享_如何管理您的LinkedIn隐私设置

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linkedin 分享_如何管理您的LinkedIn隐私设置
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LinkedIn is a great way to connect with professionals in your field, find employment opportunities, and build up your credentials. However, its privacy settings can be confusing and difficult to manage. Here’s how to fix that.

LinkedIn是与您所在领域的专业人士联系,找到就业机会并建立您的证书的一种好方法。 但是,其隐私设置可能会造成混乱并且难以管理。 解决方法如下。

LinkedIn隐私:概述 (LinkedIn Privacy: An Overview)

Unlike other social networks, privacy on LinkedIn isn’t just about managing who can see your posts and your profile, it’s also about managing who can see what you do on the site. Because LinkedIn is all about forming professional connections, having other users see some of your activity is enabled by default.

与其他社交网络不同,LinkedIn上的隐私权不仅仅在于管理谁可以看到您的帖子和个人资料,还在于管理谁可以看到您在网站上所做的事情。 由于LinkedIn完全是建立专业联系,因此默认情况下,使其他用户看到您的某些活动是启用的。

For example, changes in your employment status, new connections, and even whether or not you’ve looked at someone’s profile is information that may be accessible to others. That’s why it’s important to stay on top of your LinkedIn privacy settings, especially if you’re using it to find a job.

例如,您的工作状态变化,新的人际关系甚至您是否查看过某人的个人资料,都是其他人可以访问的信息。 这就是为什么保持LinkedIn隐私设置最重要的原因,尤其是在使用它来寻找工作时。

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When you open up the privacy settings in LinkedIn by going to Me > Settings and Privacy > Privacy in the upper-right corner, you’ll see the following sections:


  • How others see your profile and network information: This lets you control what information is visible on your profile, and who is allowed to see it.


  • How others see your LinkedIn activity: This lets you change the visibility of your on-site activity, such as your online status and changes to your profile.


  • How LinkedIn uses your data: This allows you to manage how LinkedIn uses and shares your data with others.


    Job seeking preferences: This lets you manage job seeking on LinkedIn, particularly the visibility of your job-seeking status to employers.


  • Blocking and hiding: This allows you to change who can see your posts and block specific people entirely from your network.


个人资料可见性 (Profile Visibility)

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The two primary sections involved in configuring your profile visibility are “How Others See Your Profile And Network Information” and “Blocking And Hiding.”


In “How Others See…,” you can customize who can see your profile, connections, interests, last name, and the organization you work for. The most basic setting here is “Edit Your Public Profile,” which limits the amount of information visible to people who are not logged into LinkedIn.

在“其他人的看法…”中,您可以自定义可以看到您的个人资料,联系,兴趣,姓氏和工作单位的人员。 这里最基本的设置是“编辑您的公共资料”,它限制了那些未登录LinkedIn的人可以看到的信息量。

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Clicking on this takes you to the separate “Public Profile Settings” page. You can see a preview of what your profile will look like to people who discover your profile through search engines or external links. On the right, you can toggle which sections of your page are public. You can also opt to hide your profile picture from anyone not in your network.

单击此按钮将带您进入单独的“公共配置文件设置”页面。 您可以查看通过搜索引擎或外部链接发现您的个人资料的人的个人资料外观预览。 在右侧,您可以切换页面的哪些部分是公开的。 您还可以选择对不在您网络中的任何人隐藏您的个人资料照片。

linkedin 分享_如何管理您的LinkedIn隐私设置

On “Blocking And Hiding,” you’ll be able to see who you have blocked from the site. Accounts that you have blocked will not be able to see your profile. Under this section, you can also select which types of accounts can follow you on the site. When someone follows you, they’ll be able to your public updates and posts.

在“阻止和隐藏”上,您可以查看自己是谁阻止了该站点。 您已阻止的帐户将无法看到您的个人资料。 在此部分下,您还可以选择可以在网站上关注您的帐户类型。 当有人关注您时,他们将可以公开发布您的最新动态和帖子。

现场活动 (Site Activities)

The next thing that can be configured is the visibility of your activity on the site, which is in the “How Others See Your LinkedIn Activity” section.


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Unlike other social media sites, LinkedIn allows users to see who visited their profile. You can change this with “Profile Viewing Options,” which can make you anonymous when you browse other peoples’ accounts. However, switching to private also prevents you from seeing who visited your page, unless you upgrade to LinkedIn Premium.

与其他社交媒体网站不同,LinkedIn允许用户查看谁访问了他们的个人资料。 您可以使用“个人资料查看选项”更改此设置,当您浏览其他人的帐户时,可以使您匿名。 但是,除非您升级到LinkedIn Premium,否则切换到私有状态还可以防止您看到谁访问了您的页面。

By default, LinkedIn informs your network if you have a new job or when you have a work anniversary. You can disable this by going to “Share Job Changes…” and switching the toggle to “No.”

默认情况下,LinkedIn会通知您的网络是您有新工作还是有工作周年纪念日。 您可以通过以下方式禁用此功能:转到“共享作业更改...”,然后将切换开关切换为“否”。

You can also change who can see when you’re active on the site, which is typically denoted by a green circle next to your name. Under “Manage Active Status,” you can select if everyone, no one, or only your connections can see when you’re online.

您还可以更改谁可以看到您何时在网站上活跃,通常用您名字旁边的绿色圆圈表示。 在“管理活动状态”下,您可以选择是否每个人,没有人或只有您的连接可以看到您何时在线。

数据管理 (Data Management)

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LinkedIn collects a lot of data about you, especially if you’re actively hunting for a job. Depending on how you’ve interacted with the service, you may have provided salary data, demographic information, and the names of your contacts to the site.

LinkedIn收集了大量有关您的数据,尤其是当您正在积极寻找工作时。 根据您与该服务的交互方式,您可能已经提供了薪水数据,人口统计信息以及该站点的联系人姓名。

In the “How LinkedIn Uses Your Data” section, you can obtain a copy of all the data that’s been collected on you by going to “Get A Copy Of Your Data.” You can customize what is included in the dump, or you can opt just to obtain everything including media files. Depending on how large the database is, it can take up to 24 hours to get a download link.

在“ LinkedIn如何使用您的数据”部分中,您可以转到“获取数据的副本”来获取已收集到的所有数据的副本。 您可以自定义转储中包含的内容,也可以选择仅获取包括媒体文件在内的所有内容。 根据数据库的大小,最多可能需要24小时才能获得下载链接。

There’s also a list of your data-related activities under “Manage Your Data And Activity.” This includes syncing your contacts, sharing your profile with another company, or linking your account with another application.

在“管理您的数据和活动”下还有一个与数据有关的活动的列表。 这包括同步您的联系人,与其他公司共享您的个人资料或将您的帐户与另一个应用程序链接。

求职隐私 (Job Seeking Privacy)

LinkedIn job hunting is a two-way street. One way you can get a job on the site is by looking through available opportunities in your area, field, and level of expertise, which can be found at the “Jobs” section on the main page. The other way is by allowing jobs to come to you. Recruiters frequently use LinkedIn to find talented people who are open to new job opportunities.

LinkedIn的求职是一条两条路。 您可以在网站上找到工作的一种方法是,仔细研究您所在地区,领域和专业水平的可用机会,这些机会可以在主页的“工作”部分找到。 另一种方法是允许工作来找你。 招聘人员经常使用LinkedIn来寻找对新工作机会开放的人才。

linkedin 分享_如何管理您的LinkedIn隐私设置

The most basic way to configure this is by changing your current availability status. If you toggle the “Let Recruiters Know You’re Open To Opportunities” setting to Yes, you will appear in searches made by recruiters if you fit their employment criteria. However, while they do take steps to prevent your current employer from seeing your job seeking status, LinkedIn does not make explicit guarantees.

配置此功能的最基本方法是更改​​当前的可用性状态。 如果将“让招聘人员知道您愿意接受机会”设置切换为“是”,则符合招聘条件的招聘人员将出现在招聘人员的搜索中。 但是,尽管他们确实采取了一些措施来阻止您当前的雇主看到您的求职状况,但LinkedIn并未做出明确保证。

If you’re paranoid about your current employer finding out and don’t want to take the risk, you may want to consider leaving this option off. You will still be able to apply to jobs and display interest.

如果您对当前的雇主感到不安,并且不想冒险,您可能需要考虑取消此选项。 您仍然可以申请工作并显示兴趣。

You can also manage the following settings under this section:


  • Sharing your profile when you click apply: When you apply to a job, you may be redirected to an off-site recruitment page. When this option is turned on, your LinkedIn profile will be shared with the recruiter even when you’re redirected.

    单击“应用”时共享您的个人资料:当您申请工作时,您可能会被重定向到场外招聘页面。 启用此选项后,即使您被重定向,您的LinkedIn个人资料也将与招聘者共享。

  • Application settings: When you apply to a job that uses LinkedIn’s built-in application feature, you can choose whether or not to save that information for future job applications.


  • Signal interest to companies you have created job alerts for: This toggles whether you appear as available to companies you have set job alerts for. You can set a job alert for an employer on their company profile page.

    向您为其创建工作警报的公司表示兴趣:这可切换您是否显示为已为其设置工作警报的公司。 您可以在雇主的公司资料页面上为其设置工作警报。


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