

Facebook’s privacy settings are a mess, making it hard to do something like make it hard for someone to find your Facebook account. That’s changing.

Facebook的隐私设置是一团糟,使其难以执行诸如使某人难以找到您的Facebook帐户之类的事情。 情况正在改变。

Facebook is planning to overhaul its Byzantine privacy settings so people can take better control of their content. The project is, planned for a while now, is taking on new urgency amid a series of terrible headlines.

Facebook正计划彻底修改其拜占庭隐私设置,以便人们可以更好地控制其内容。 该项目计划一会儿,在一系列可怕的头条新闻中正面临着新的紧迫性。

Erin Egan, VP and Chief Privacy Officer for Facebook, writing in a Facebook release:

Facebook副总裁兼首席隐私官Erin Egan在Facebook版本中写道:

Last week showed how much more work we need to do to enforce our policies and help people understand how Facebook works and the choices they have over their data. We’ve heard loud and clear that privacy settings and other important tools are too hard to find and that we must do more to keep people informed…we’re taking additional steps in the coming weeks to put people more in control of their privacy. Most of these updates have been in the works for some time, but the events of the past several days underscore their importance.

上周显示了我们需要执行多少工作来执行我们的政策并帮助人们了解Facebook的工作方式以及他们对数据的选择。 我们已经大声而清晰地听到,隐私设置和其他重要工具太难找到了,我们必须做更多的事情来使人们知道……我们将在未来几周内采取更多措施,使人们更好地控制自己的隐私。 这些更新大多数已经进行了一段时间,但是过去几天的事件强调了它们的重要性。


It’s hard to overstate how badly this is needed: at least one button that does absolutely nothing lived in on in the settings for four years after a policy change made it obsolete. We’ll be watching closely and updating all of our articles related to Facebook Privacy as soon as these changes are implemented, so stay tuned.

很难高估这一需求的严重性:在政策更改使其过时四年后,至少有一个按钮在设置中完全没有任何作用。 一旦实施这些更改,我们将密切关注并更新与Facebook隐私相关的所有文章,敬请期待。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/fyi/simpler-facebook-privacy-settings-are-on-the-way/