



As you may know, the Unity editor environment is at its core incredibly extensible.  An over-arching part of the design philosophy is to allow and encourage talented developers to create new features, integrated at a level deeper than the simple plug-in architecture you find in other software.  Editor extensions can sit so tightly and integrate so directly in the environment that you might think they were new features in the tool from our own internal development team. I’m not just saying that—see for yourself! We have two new Editor Extensions in the Unity Asset Store which both radically change the Unity workflow and exemplify the power of Unity’s plug-in architecture.

如您所知,Unity编辑器环境的核心是难以置信的可扩展性。 设计理念的最重要部分是允许和鼓励有才华的开发人员创建新功能,并且在比您在其他软件中找到的简单插件体系结构更深的层次上进行集成。 编辑器扩展可以紧密地放置并直接集成到环境中,您可能会认为它们是我们自己内部开发团队的工具中的新功能。 我不仅在说-自己看看! 我们在Unity Asset Store中有两个新的Editor Extensions,它们都从根本上改变了Unity工作流程并体现了Unity插件体系结构的强大功能。

First, the Mixamo Animation store plugin, which allows you to procedurally animate your character inside Unity, within minutes!  Once you’e downloaded the free plugin, you’ll find a new Mixamo pane under the Window menu item.  Drag your rigged model from the Project Pane into the Mixamo window and go through a quick retargeting process.  Once that’s in place, you can browse Mixamo’s enormous animation archive right in Unity.  Press preview and watch the animation play on your character directly in the Unity editor!  With a few sliders you can adjust various animation parameters, so that your animation perfectly suits your character’s body—no hands penetrating the head, for example.  You can make a walk surly and aggressive, or fine tune it to a quirky jog.  This is the kind of thing I myself, as an armchair animator, have slaved over in Motionbuilder for my own game.  Those days are over!  Cut your animation budget and schedule dramatically with this revolutionary new tool.  Mixamo has put up a how-to video if you’d like to get a head start.

首先, Mixamo Animation store插件 ,它使您可以在几分钟内对Unity中的角色进行动画处理! 下载免费插件后,您将在“窗口”菜单项下找到一个新的Mixamo窗格。 将装配的模型从项目窗格拖到Mixamo窗口中,并进行快速的重新定位过程。 安装好之后,您可以直接在Unity中浏览Mixamo的大量动画存档。 按预览,然后直接在Unity编辑器中观看角色上的动画播放! 使用几个滑块,您可以调整各种动画参数,以使动画完全适合角色的身体,例如,没有手可以穿透头部。 您可以散步而激进,或微调它以适应古怪的慢跑。 作为我自己的扶手椅动画师,我本人就是在Motionbuilder中为自己的游戏而奴隶的。 那些日子已经过去了! 借助这款革命性的新工具,您可以大幅削减动画预算并大幅安排时间。 如果您想抢先一步,Mixamo提供了一个操作视频

As much of a paradigm shift as the Mixamo plug-in, the ingenious Playmaker Visual Logic editor has arrived to change the way you code!  This kind of editor is something I’ve personally wanted in our product for some time—and in true Asset Store rock star form, Huton Games beat us to it!  With Playmaker, you can visually script game logic using nodes, transition events, and access to nearly the entire Unity API  in an elegant finite state machine.

与Mixamo插件一样,在范式上也有很大的转变,巧妙的Playmaker Visual Logic编辑器已经到来,可以改变您的编码方式! 这种编辑器是我个人一段时间以来一直希望在我们的产品中使用的–真正的Asset Store摇滚明星形式,Huton Games击败了我们! 借助Playmaker,您可以在优雅的有限状态机中使用节点,过渡事件以及对几乎整个Unity API的访问来直观地编写游戏逻辑脚本。


You can literally program without… er.. programming?  From simple trigger-based events to extremely complex and sophisticated gameplay behavior, you can do it with Playmaker.  Since you can augment its library of methods and actions with your own standard Unity scripts,  you can pretty much do anything with it!

您可以直接进行编程,而无需…………编程? 从简单的基于触发的事件到极其复杂的游戏行为,您都可以使用Playmaker做到这一点。 由于您可以使用自己的标准Unity脚本扩展其方法和操作库,因此几乎可以执行任何操作!


Playmaker revolutionizes how you program.  Mixamo, how you animate.  Both of these new extensions offer so many powerful new features that it would practically warrant a new version number for Unity, if we had created them ourselves.  They’re here to save you time and offer you great flexibility.   To take advantage of this new power, launch the Unity Editor.  You’ll find the Asset Store listed under the Window menu.

Playmaker革新了您的编程方式。 Mixamo,您如何制作动画。 这两个新扩展都提供了许多强大的新功能,如果我们自己创建它们,那么实际上将为Unity保证一个新的版本号。 他们在这里为您节省时间,并为您提供极大的灵活性。 要利用这一新功能,请启动Unity Editor。 您会在“窗口”菜单下找到“资产商店”。

You’ll not only find editor extensions like Playmaker and Mixamo, you’ll also find (*deep breath*) racing cars, aircraft carriers, MMO networking templates, grand pianos, animated cats, rats, wolves and horses, water buoyancy simulation systems, electronic magazines, zombies, goblins, PHP scripts, social media integration APIs, toilets, terrain tools, web serialization kits, asset bundle management tools, dragons, node-based shader editors, c# programming tutorials, Javascript to c# converters, dungeon templates, rifles, explosion and particle collections, pathfinding systems, Baroque French bath tubs and a heck of a lot more.


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2011/03/07/editor-extensions-which-will-optimize-your-workflow/
