

Working on computer science research projects can be a difficult task, partly because computer science projects are unlike research projects in any other discipline. Depending on the area of study, a research project can be defined differently. A general definition of a research project states that a research project aims to take old research (done by others) and either expand on it or create something new with the discovered research.

在计算机科学研究项目上工作可能是一项艰巨的任务,部分原因是计算机科学项目与其他学科的研究项目不同。 根据研究领域,可以不同地定义研究项目。 研究项目的一般定义是,研究项目旨在接受旧的研究(由他人完成),并在此基础上进行扩展或利用发现的研究创建新的内容。

Often times with computer science classes, and in similar classes, professors will assign a research project as one of the final projects of the class. These projects can involve doing a wide array of things, from making a new computer program to using artificial intelligence in a new way. Writing a paper about the research project is a common aspect to a research project. The paper is usually used to explain the project and show the results and/or findings of the project.

通常,在计算机科学课程和类似课程中,教授会将研究项目分配为该课程的最终项目之一。 这些项目可能涉及做很多事情,从制作新的计算机程序到以新的方式使用人工智能。 撰写有关研究项目的论文是研究项目的共同方面。 论文通常用于解释项目并显示项目的结果和/或发现。


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Below are some of the best tips to help computer science students pick a research project and how to write about their chosen topic.


1.选择项目主题 (1. Pick the Project Topic)

The first thing to do when working on a professional computer science research paper is picking the topic. In computer science, there are a variety of research areas to choose from. Below is a list of just a few examples of research project topics that students may want to consider.

在撰写专业计算机科学研究论文时,要做的第一件事就是选择主题。 在计算机科学中,有很多研究领域可供选择。 下面列出了学生可能要考虑的研究项目主题的一些示例。

  • Medical apps

  • Education apps

  • Entertainment apps

  • Information storage and retrieval

  • Communication tools

  • Social media research

  • Video/media creation and editing

  • Virus/malware protection


2.研究并做笔记 (2. Research and Take Notes)

Once students have picked have picked their research paper, it’s time to begin the actual research. Since the computer sciences are constantly changing as computers and other technological devices are also constantly changing, one of the best ways to research computer science is by using the Internet.

一旦学生选择了他们的研究论文,就该开始实际的研究了。 由于计算机科学随着计算机和其他技术设备的不断变化而不断变化,因此研究计算机科学的最佳方法之一就是使用Internet。

When working on research projects for other classes, like English or history, it is best to use book research. However, books on computer science can become outdated quickly, which is why it is some important to use Internet research, as it can update as quickly as the computer sciences can.

在从事其他课程(例如英语或历史课程)的研究项目时,最好使用书籍研究。 但是,有关计算机科学的书籍很快就会过时,这就是使用Internet研究非常重要的原因,因为它可以像计算机科学一样Swift地进行更新。

When researching online, students should make sure they are using reliable sources. One way to do this is to make sure that the articles or journals used are peer-reviewed. Peer-reviewed papers have been looked over by other professionals, so they are legitimate sources of true information.

在线研究时,学生应确保他们使用可靠的资源。 一种方法是确保所使用的文章或期刊经过同行评审。 经过同行评审的论文已经由其他专业人员进行了审查,因此它们是真实信息的合法来源。

Some great places to find peer-reviewed sources include the Journal of Computer Science, The International Journal of Computer Science, and The Journal of Computer and System Sciences.


Students should always take notes as they conduct their research. This way, they can save time as they will not need to reread entire articles as they work on their project or their research paper. It is not likely that anyone else will see a student’s notes; there is no specific way they need to be formatted.

学生进行研究时应始终记笔记。 这样,他们可以节省时间,因为他们在处理项目或研究论文时不需要重新阅读整篇文章。 其他人不太可能会看到学生的笔记; 没有特定的格式需要格式化。

If students do not have time to research, they can hire an academic writer to do the research for them. These writers can help to conduct the research, take notes, and even cite sources by writing a bibliography page. This can save a lot of time when it comes to the research project as a whole.

如果学生没有时间进行研究,则可以聘请学术作家为他们进行研究。 这些作者可以通过编写书目页面来帮助进行研究,做笔记甚至引用资料。 整个研究项目可以节省大量时间。

3.进行研究项目 (3. Conduct the Research Project)

The next step in writing about a computer science research project is to actually conduct the project. While this may seem more like an obvious step than a tip, there is one important tip that goes along with it. Just like when a student researches and takes notes, a student should also take notes while they conduct their project. Also just like with researching, taking notes while conducting the project can also help to save time in the long-run.

编写计算机科学研究项目的下一步是实际进行该项目。 尽管这似乎比提示是一个显而易见的步骤,但还有一个重要提示。 就像学生研究并做笔记一样,学生在进行项目时也应做笔记。 与研究一样,在进行项目时做笔记也可以从长远来看节省时间。

4.介绍项目及领域 (4. Introduce the Project and Field)

The very first thing that should be included in a research project writing, which is usually a long essay, is the introduction. There are two basic things that should be included in the introduction: the area of computer science the project is involved with and the actual topic/name of the research project.

引言是研究项目写作中通常要写的长篇论文,它应该包括的第一件事。 引言中应包含两个基本内容:该项目涉及的计算机科学领域以及该研究项目的实际主题/名称。

According to the University of California, Irvine, there are about twenty research areas just within computer science. Each computer science research project will fall into one of these research areas. Below is a list of some of the most popular research areas in computer science. To learn more about any specific field, click on the link above.

根据加州大学尔湾分校的数据,仅计算机科学领域就有大约20个研究领域。 每个计算机科学研究项目都将属于这些研究领域之一。 以下是计算机科学中一些最受欢迎的研究领域的列表。 要了解有关任何特定领域的更多信息,请单击上面的链接。

  • Algorithms

  • Artificial intelligence

  • Graphic design

  • Databases

  • Embedded systems

  • Multimedia

  • Operating systems

  • Privacy

  • Programming

  • Software engineering


Once a student identifies the field they are working in, they should then go on to briefly summarize what it is their project topic is and/or what their hypothesis for their project was.


5.关于研究和结果的写作 (5. Writing about Research and Results)

The body of the paper, which will take up the majority of the research project paper, should contain information that fully explains how the students went about making a hypothesis, testing their ideas, learning from their research, and more.


The beginning paragraph(s) of the body should explain the research that went into the paper. What sources did the student(s) use? What did they learn? What did they hope to expand on? These are some questions students should think about when writing their paper.

正文的开始部分应解释本文所进行的研究。 学生使用了哪些资源? 他们学到了什么? 他们希望扩展什么? 这些是学生在撰写论文时应该考虑的问题。

The middle of the body paragraph should focus on the research project itself. What steps did the student(s) take to conduct the project? Students should make this section of the paper as detailed as possible in order for the reader to have a good idea of what happened during the project.

正文的中段应侧重于研究项目本身。 学生采取了什么步骤来进行项目? 学生应该使本文的这一部分尽可能详细,以使读者对项目中发生的事情有个很好的了解。

The last body paragraph(s) should focus on the results of the project. Did the students achieve their goal? Did the project go as the student(s) expected? If the project did not produce the expected results, what did the actual results show? These questions and more should be answered to give the reader (most likely just the professor) a good idea of what the project actually accomplished.

最后正文应关注项目的结果。 学生们实现了目标吗? 项目是否按学生的预期进行? 如果项目没有产生预期的结果,那么实际结果表明了什么? 应该回答这些问题以及更多问题,以使读者(很可能只是教授)对项目实际完成的事情有个好主意。

If students follow these tips, then their computer science project and paper are sure to flow smoothly. Students should remember to take notes, remain focused, and write clearly. All of these things can help to make the project and its related paper a success.

如果学生遵循这些提示,那么他们的计算机科学项目和论文一定会顺利进行。 学生应记住记笔记,保持专注并写得清楚。 所有这些都可以帮助使该项目及其相关论文取得成功。

翻译自: https://www.thecrazyprogrammer.com/2018/09/tips-for-writing-a-computer-science-research-project.html
