



You’re working in a worksheet in Excel and you press one of the arrow keys on your keyboard to move to the next cell. But instead of moving to the next cell, the whole worksheet moved. Don’t panic. There’s an easy fix for this.

您正在Excel中的工作表中工作,然后按键盘上的箭头键之一移至下一个单元格。 但是,整个工作表没有移动到下一个单元格。 不要惊慌 有一个简单的解决方法。

When the arrow keys scroll through your entire spreadsheet rather than moving from cell to cell, the culprit of this behavior is the Scroll Lock key. Even if you don’t have a Scroll Lock key on your keyboard (most laptops today don’t), you may have pressed the “Fn” key available on most laptops with another key, rather than the “Ctrl” key. If you don’t know what you accidentally pressed, you can turn Scroll Lock off using the on-screen keyboard.

当箭头键滚动浏览整个电子表格而不是在一个单元格之间移动时,此行为的罪魁祸首是Scroll Lock键 。 即使您的键盘上没有Scroll Lock键(当今大多数笔记本电脑都没有),您也可能已经按下了大多数笔记本电脑上的“ Fn”键,而不是“ Ctrl”键。 如果您不知道自己意外按下了什么,可以使用屏幕键盘关闭“滚动锁定”。

(Alternatively, if you like this behavior and accidentally turned it off, the below instructions will work for turning Scroll Lock back on, too.)

(或者,如果您喜欢此行为并意外将其关闭 ,则以下说明也适用于重新打开“滚动锁定”。)

Notice on the above image that “Scroll Lock” displays in the status bar in Excel. If you’re experiencing the scrolling behavior and you don’t see Scroll Lock on the status bar, it’s not selected to display. You can customize the status bar to show when Scroll Lock is on.

请注意,在上图中,“ Scroll Lock”显示在Excel的状态栏中。 如果您遇到滚动行为,但在状态栏上看不到“滚动锁定”,则不会选择显示它。 您可以自定义状态栏,以在滚动锁定打开时显示

To turn off Scroll Lock, activate the more advanced on-screen keyboard in the Ease of Access settings. A full on-screen keyboard displays.

要关闭滚动锁定,请在“轻松访问”设置中**更高级的屏幕键盘 。 显示完整的屏幕键盘。


If Scroll Lock is on, the “ScrLk” key on the right side of the on-screen keyboard displays in blue. Click the “ScrLk” key to turn off Scroll Lock.

如果启用了滚动锁定,则屏幕键盘右侧的“ ScrLk”键将显示为蓝色。 单击“ ScrLk”键以关闭滚动锁定。


The key should no longer be blue when Scroll Lock is off.



The Scroll Lock indicator on the status bar goes away when Scroll Lock is off. Again, make sure the “Scroll Lock” indicator is selected to display on the status bar so you can tell if it’s on or off.

关闭滚动锁定后,状态栏上的滚动锁定指示灯将熄灭。 同样,请确保已选择“滚动锁定”指示器以在状态栏上显示,以便您可以知道它是打开还是关闭。


If you’d rather not add the Scroll Lock indicator to the status bar, you could use the more advanced on-screen keyboard to check if Scroll Lock is on and easily turn it off.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/247834/how-to-fix-arrow-key-scrolling-in-excel/
