


This toolbox contains useful functions to deal with graph and triangulation.

具有n个顶点的图形的基本表示是邻接矩阵A,如果顶点 i 连接到顶点 j,则A(i,j)=1。

The basic representation of a graph of n vertices is the adjacency matrix A where A(i,j)=1 if vertex i is linked to vertex j.

图形通常在R^d中具备一种几何实现形式,即(d,n)矩阵,其中vertex(:,i)是第 i 个顶点的位置。

A graph often comes with a geometric realization in R^d which an (d,n) matrix where vertex(:,i) is the position of the ith vertex.


A triangulation of m faces and n vertex is represented through:

*一组面,由一个(3,m)矩阵表示,其中face(:,i)是第 i 个面的顶点索引。

  • a set of faces which is a (3,m) matrix where face(:,i) are the vertices indexes of the ith face.


  • a set of vertex which is a (d,n) matrix.


The toolbox contains function to deal more easily with a triangulation data structure, and allows to retrieve vertex and face 1-ring and switch from adjacency to faces.


The graph part of the toolbox contains function to creates synthetic graph and compute shortest path (dijkstra and isomap algorithm).


This toolbox contains a lot of function to deal with spectral theory of triangulation.


You can load triangulations from files and then display the resulting mesh.


It allows to compute various laplacian operator, and the to compute parameterization using spectral decomposition, harmonic mapping, free boundary harmonic mapping, and isomap.


