在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

One of the many awesome features of Windows Home Server, is the ability to access your server and other computers on your network remotely. Today we show you the steps to enable Remote Access to your home server from anywhere you have an Internet connection.

Windows Home Server的众多出色功能之一是能够远程访问服务器和网络上的其他计算机的功能。 今天,我们向您展示了从具有Internet连接的任何位置启用对家庭服务器的远程访问的步骤。

Remote Access in Windows Home Server has a lot of great features like uploading and downloading files from shared folders, accessing files from machines on your network, and controling machines remotely (on supported OS versions). Here we take a look at the basics of setting it up, choosing a domain name, and verifying you can connect remotely.

Windows Home Server中的远程访问具有很多很棒的功能,例如从共享文件夹上载和下载文件,从网络上的计算机访问文件以及远程控制计算机(在受支持的OS版本上)。 在这里,我们介绍了设置,选择域名以及验证您可以远程连接的基础知识。

Setup Remote Access in Windows Home Server

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Open the Windows Home Server Console and click on Settings.

打开Windows Home Server控制台,然后单击“设置”。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Next select Remote Access, it is off by default, just click the button to turn it on.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Wait while your router is configured for remote access, when it’s complete click Next. Notice that it will enable UPnP, if you don’t wish to have that enabled, you can manually forward the correct ports. If you have any problems with the router being automatically configured, we’ll be taking a look at a more detailed troubleshooting guide in the future.

等待路由器配置为可远程访问,完成后,单击“下一步”。 请注意,它将启用UPnP,如果您不希望启用该功能,则可以手动转发正确的端口。 如果您在自动配置路由器方面遇到任何问题,将来我们将查看更详细的故障排除指南。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

The router is successfully configured, and we can continue to the next process of configuring our domain name.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

The Domain Name Setup Wizard will start. Notice you will need a Windows Live ID to set it up –which is typically your hotmail address. If you don’t already have one, you can get one here.

域名设置向导将启动。 请注意,您将需要Windows Live ID进行设置-通常是您的Hotmail地址。 如果您还没有,可以在这里买一个。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Type in your Live ID email address and password and click Next…

输入您的Live ID电子邮件地址和密码,然后单击“下一步”。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Agree to the Home Server Privacy Statement and the Live Custom Domains Addendum. If you’re concerned about privacy and want to learn more about the domain addendum, make sure to read about it before agreeing. There is nothing abnormal to point out about either statement, but if this is your first time setting it up, it’s good to review the information.

同意“主服务器隐私声明”和“实时自定义域附录”。 如果您担心隐私并想了解有关域附录的更多信息,请确保在同意之前先阅读它。 关于这两种说法,没有什么异常可以指出,但是,如果这是您第一次进行设置,则最好复查信息。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Now choose a name for the domain. You should select something that is easy to remember and identifies your home server. The name can contain up to 63 characters, numbers, letters, and hyphens…and must begin and end with a letter or number. When you have the name figured out click the Confirm button.

现在为域选择一个名称。 您应该选择易于记忆并标识您的家庭服务器的内容。 该名称最多可以包含63个字符,数字,字母和连字符…,并且必须以字母或数字开头和结尾。 确定名称后,单击“确认”按钮。

Note: You can only register one domain name per Live ID.

注意:每个Live ID只能注册一个域名

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

If the name isn’t already taken, you’ll get a confirmation message indicating it’s god to go.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

The wizard is complete and you can now access the home server from the URL provided.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

A few other things to point out after you’ve set it up…under Domain Name click on the Details button…


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Which pulls up the domain detail information and you can refresh the data to verify everything is working correctly.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Or you can click the Configure button and then change or release your current domain name.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Under Web site settings, you can change you site page headline to whatever you want it to be.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Accessing Home Server Remotely


After you’ve gotten everything setup for your home server domain, you can begin to access it when you’re away from home. Simply type in the domain address you created in the previous steps. The start page is rather boring…and to start accessing your data, click the Log On button in the upper right hand corner.

为家庭服务器域设置完所有设置后,出门在外就可以开始访问它。 只需键入您在之前的步骤中创建的域名即可。 起始页面非常无聊……要开始访问数据,请单击右上角的“登录”按钮。

在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Then enter in your home server credentials to gain access to your files, folders, and network computers.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

You won’t be able to log in with your administrator user account however, to protect security of your network.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问

Once you’re logged in, you’ll be able to access different parts of your home server shares and network computers.


在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问
在Windows Home Server中设置远程访问



Now that you have Remote Access setup, you should be able to access and manage your files easily. Being able to access data from your home server remotely is great when you need to get certain files while on the road. The web UI is pretty self explanatory, works best in IE as ActiveX is required, and is smooth and easy to work with. In future articles we’ll be covering a lot more regarding remote access, including more of the available features, troubleshooting connection issues, and enabling access for other users.

现在,您已经设置了远程访问设置,您应该可以轻松访问和管理文件了。 当您在旅途中需要获取某些文件时,能够远程访问家庭服务器中的数据非常有用。 Web UI很容易解释,因为需要ActiveX,因此在IE中效果最好,并且平滑且易于使用。 在以后的文章中,我们将介绍有关远程访问的更多信息,包括更多可用功能,对连接问题进行故障排除以及为其他用户启用访问。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/14123/setup-remote-access-in-windows-home-server/