如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Sometimes when your making tweaks to WHS or installing certain Add-Ins, it can make the system unstable. Here we take a look at how to backup the WHS System State and / or Registry so you can restore it if something goes wrong.

有时,当您对WHS进行调整或安装某些外接程序时,可能会使系统不稳定。 在这里,我们看一下如何备份WHS系统状态和/或注册表,以便在出现问题时可以将其还原。

备份WHS系统状态 (Backup WHS System State)

The System State includes the most important system files for WHS such as the Registry, Startup Files, and Protected System files.


The first thing you’ll want to to is log on to WHS either through the WHS Console, Remote Desktop, or through Advanced Admin Console. Now navigate to Start \ All Programs \ Accessories \ System Tool \ Backup.

您首先要通过WHS控制台,远程桌面或高级管理控制台登录WHS。 现在导航到“开始” \“所有程序” \“附件” \“系统工具” \“备份”。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

The Backup or Restore Wizard launches, but we’re not going to use the Wizard. From here click on the Advanced Mode link instead.

将启动“备份或还原向导”,但我们将不使用该向导。 从这里单击高级模式链接。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

This opens the Backup Utility and in the left pane expand My Computer and check System State.


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Now at the bottom of the screen click the Browse button to find a destination to save the backup file.


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Note: Don’t back it up to the server’s local drive. Make sure you choose a destination like a shared folder, Flash Drive, or External HD.

注意:不要将其备份到服务器的本地驱动器。 确保选择目的地,例如共享文件夹,闪存驱动器或外部HD。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

As you can see here we have it set to backup to our shared backup folder…now click on Start Backup.


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

You will get an overview of the backup job and can start it right away or schedule it for a later time.


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Now wait while everything is backed up. The amount of time it takes will vary depending on the server configuration. Also keep in mind the file can be large (ours was 627 MB), so make sure you have enough space on the location you’re backing up to.

现在,等待所有备份。 花费的时间将取决于服务器配置。 另外请记住,文件可能很大(我们的627 MB),因此请确保要备份的位置上有足够的空间。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

When the backup is complete you can view a report for detailed information on the backup or close out of the utility.


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态
如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

After we completed the System State backup, we brought the file to one of the PCs on our network and backed up the backup file using Carbonite…having redundant backups is always a good idea!


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Backup the Registry Only


If you don’t want to backup the full System State, you can also backup the entire Registry only. Remote into WHS and open the Registry Editor.

如果您不想备份整个系统状态,也可以仅备份整个注册表。 远程进入WHS并打开注册表编辑器。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Then click on File \ Export…


如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Now select a location and name for the backup. Under Export range make sure to select All to backup the entire Registry. Or you can go through and backup a Selected branch if you’re only making changes to specific parts of the Registry. When in doubt just backup the entire thing.

现在选择备份的位置和名称。 在“导出范围”下,确保选择“全部”以备份整个注册表。 或者,如果仅对注册表的特定部分进行更改,则可以浏览并备份Selected分支。 如有疑问,只需备份整个事情。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Again you’ll want to back it up to a location other than your local server drive. The size of our Registry was around 45 MB, though yours may vary.

同样,您将需要将其备份到本地服务器驱动器以外的其他位置。 我们的注册表的大小约为45 MB,尽管您的注册表可能有所不同。

如何备份Windows Home Server系统状态

Backing up your server’s System State and Registry is a great idea to incorporate into your backup strategy. If something does go wrong, you can easily restore the settings which should help get your server back to where it needs to be.

备份服务器的系统状态和注册表是将备份策略纳入备份的好主意。 如果确实出现问题,则可以轻松地恢复设置,这将有助于使服务器恢复到需要的位置。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/26264/how-to-backup-your-windows-home-server-system-state/