解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

If you’re experiencing slow connections or none at all to your Windows Home Server, a good way to help diagnose issues is with the Windows Home Server Toolkit. Today we take a look at the toolkit and see how it can help you get your connections back.

如果您与Windows Home Server的连接速度很慢或根本没有连接,则Windows Home Server Toolkit是帮助诊断问题的好方法。 今天,我们看一下该工具包,看看它如何帮助您恢复连接。

Windows Home Server Toolkit Install

Windows Home Server工具包安装

The WHS Toolkit is an easy to use utility that will help you find out what is going wrong if computers aren’t connecting to your home server. Simply download and install the toolkit on any of the machines on your network that aren’t connecting properly.

WHS工具包是一个易于使用的实用程序,可以帮助您找出如果计算机未连接到家庭服务器时出了什么问题。 只需在网络上任何未正确连接的计算机上下载并安装工具包。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

For this example we installed the toolkit on a Windows 7 machine and after installation you’ll see it listed in the Start menu. The first thing we need to do is publish the add-in over to the Home Server.

对于此示例,我们在Windows 7计算机上安装了该工具包,安装后,您会在“开始”菜单中看到该工具包。 我们需要做的第一件事是将加载项发布到Home Server。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

After it’s copied over you’ll receive the following message stating that it needs to be installed on the Home Server.

复制完后,您会收到以下消息,指出它需要安装在Home Server上。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

Open up the Home Server Console and click on Add-ins then the Available tab on the right then Install.

打开Home Server Console,然后单击“加载项”,然后单击右侧的“可用”选项卡,然后单击“安装”。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

You’ll receive a message indicating the installation was successful and that WHS Console will close.


解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

WHS Console closes and you’ll see an error that connectivity has been lost… that is normal just click Ok.


解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

Using Connector Troubleshooter


Now you can use the toolkit to help troubleshoot network issues. Go to Start \ All Programs \ Windows Home Server Toolkit then launch the Connector Troubleshooter.

现在,您可以使用该工具包来帮助解决网络问题。 转到“开始” \“所有程序” \“ Windows Home Server工具包”,然后启动“连接器疑难解答”。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

The troubleshooter gathers data and tries to help diagnose connection problems. It doesn’t make changes to any settings on your computer, but does help detect issues and find solutions.

故障排除程序将收集数据并尝试帮助诊断连接问题。 它不会对计算机上的任何设置进行更改,但确实有助于发现问题并找到解决方案。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

After it’s complete you’ll get a report that opens in your browser and points out any issues it found. It might point you to a driver or software that needs to be installed, a Knowledgebase article, Windows Updates…etc.

完成后,您将获得一个在浏览器中打开的报告,并指出发现的所有问题。 它可能会指出您需要安装的驱动程序或软件,知识库文章,Windows Updates等。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

There might be times when you’re asked to send these logs to tech support, copy the logs to the server, or control other options. You can do so from the WHS Console under Home server support tools.

有时可能会要求您将这些日志发送给技术支持,将日志复制到服务器或控制其他选项。 您可以从家庭服务器支持工具下的WHS控制台执行此操作。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

For example here we copied over the log files to the server.


解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

Advanced mode


While the method above is easy and should help most people who need it, you can also run it in Advanced Mode. This allows you to see the tests that the troubleshooter performs and can give you a better idea of any potential problems. To run it in Advanced Mode go to Start \ Run type cmd into the search box and hit Enter.

尽管上面的方法很简单,可以为大多数需要它的人提供帮助,但是您也可以在高级模式下运行它。 这样,您可以查看疑难解答程序执行的测试,并可以更好地了解任何潜在问题。 要在高级模式下运行它,请转到开始\运行,在搜索框中键入cmd ,然后按Enter。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

Now in the Command Prompt type in the following…


cd /d “%ProgramFiles%\Windows Home Server\Toolkit”

cd / d“%ProgramFiles%\ Windows Home Server \ Toolkit”

Then at the next prompt type in…


ConnectorTroubleshooter.exe – a

ConnectorTroubleshooter.exe –一个

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

The troubleshooter opens in Advanced Mode…click Run All Tests, enter in the server password, then get detailed information on each test that’s been performed.

故障排除程序将在“高级模式”下打开……单击“运行所有测试” ,输入服务器密码,然后获取有关已执行的每个测试的详细信息。

解决Windows Home Server Toolkit的连接问题

This can be used to help solve connection problems and for sending error reports to tech support. You’ll need to install the toolkit on each machine that you’re tying to troubleshoot and it runs on XP SP2 and higher. If you’re having problems connecting to your home server, this toolkit can come in very handy for beginners and advanced user alike.

这可用于帮助解决连接问题并将错误报告发送给技术支持。 您需要在要进行故障排除的每台计算机上安装该工具包,并且该工具包必须在XP SP2和更高版本上运行。 如果您在连接家庭服务器时遇到问题,该工具包对于初学者和高级用户都非常方便。

Download Windows Home Server Toolkit 1.1 32-bit

下载Windows Home Server Toolkit 1.1 32位

Download Windows Home Server Toolkit 1.1 64-bit

下载Windows Home Server Toolkit 1.1 64位

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/10569/troubleshoot-connection-issues-with-windows-home-server-toolkit/