在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

If you’re a Windows Home Server enthusiast, you’re more than likely aware of the new Beta code named “Vail”. If you want to test it out without worrying about having an extra machine, we can install and use it free in VMware Server.

如果您是Windows Home Server的*者,您很有可能会知道名为“ Vail”的新Beta代码。 如果您想测试它而不必担心会有额外的计算机,我们可以在VMware Server中免费安装和使用它。

Previously we showed you how to install WHS Vail on VMware Workstation. Today we’ll take a look at how to install it completely free using VMware Server 2 and the free Vail Beta ISO.

之前,我们向您展示了如何在VMware Workstation上安装WHS Vail 。 今天,我们将探讨如何使用VMware Server 2和免费的Vail Beta ISO完全免费安装它。

Getting Started


You’ll need the following items to get started.


  • VMware Server 2 – Registration required

    VMware Server 2 – 需要注册

  • WHS Vail Beta ISO – Via Microsoft Connect

    WHS Vail Beta ISO – 通过Microsoft Connect

  • Computer Capable of Hardware Virtualization running a 64-bit version of Windows

    运行Windows 64位版本的具有硬件虚拟化功能的计算机
  • Enough Hard Drive space on the Host computer to create a 160GB virtual hard drive which is the minimum system requirement

  • At least 2GB of RAM or more on the Host computer – The minimum amount of RAM to allocate for Vail is 1GB


For this article we used a machine with a Core i3 processor and 6GB of RAM  running Windows 7 Ultimate x64 and VMware Server 2

在本文中,我们使用了一台具有Core i3处理器和6GB RAM的计算机,该计算机运行Windows 7 Ultimate x64和VMware Server 2

Verify Hardware Virtualization


In our last article we showed you the easy to use free utility SecurAble to determine if your computer is capable of Hardware Virtualization.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

There is also another free utility from Microsoft that does the same thing called Microsoft Hardware-Assisted Virtualization Detection Tool (link below). Like SecurAble it doesn’t require installation, just run the executable as Administrator.

Microsoft还有另一个免费的实用程序,可以执行相同的操作,称为Microsoft硬件辅助虚拟化检测工具(下面的链接)。 像SecurAble一样,它不需要安装,只需以管理员身份运行可执行文件即可。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

You’ll be prompted to agree to the EULA and after that you’ll receive a message like the ones below. Showing either that you’re machine is capable of Hardware Virtualation or not.

系统将提示您同意EULA,然后您将收到以下消息。 显示您的计算机是否支持硬件虚拟化。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

If it doesn’t support Hardware Virtualization, a lot of times the feature is locked and you’ll need to carefully dig through your BIOS to find a setting to turn it on. If that doesn’t work, make sure you have the latest update for your BIOS.

如果它不支持硬件虚拟化,则很多时候该功能会被锁定,您需要仔细浏览BIOS才能找到将其打开的设置。 如果这样不起作用,请确保您具有BIOS的最新更新。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Download and Install VMware Server

下载并安装VMware Server

If you don’t already have it, you’ll need to download and install VMware server. It’s free, but registration is required (link below).

如果尚未安装,则需要下载并安装VMware服务器。 它是免费的,但需要注册(下面的链接)。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Note: Before you start installation be aware that if you have VMware Workstation already installed, you’ll be prompted to uninstall it first.

注意:在开始安装之前,请注意,如果您已经安装了VMware Workstation,将提示您首先将其卸载。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Once you have the file downloaded, start installation as normal where you should be able to go with the defaults.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After you registered they sent an email to activate your license and download the server, from that page enter in the serial number they provided.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now you’ll be able to access VMware Server from the Start Menu along with other tools it provides. To launch it, click on VMware Server Home Page which will launch locally in your default browser.

现在,您可以从“开始”菜单及其提供的其他工具访问VMware Server。 要启动它,请单击VMware Server主页,它将在您的默认浏览器中本地启动。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

This next step is pretty important. You’ll notice that during the installation you were never asked to enter in user credentials. By default it uses the login information for the machine you’re running it on. Not your VMware login information. This was a bit confusing at first so, just keep that in mind when you want to log in.

下一步非常重要。 您会注意到,在安装过程中,从未要求您输入用户凭据。 默认情况下,它将使用您正在其上运行的计算机的登录信息。 不是您的VMware登录信息。 刚开始时这有点让人困惑,所以在登录时请记住这一点。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Once logged in  you will be presented with the summary page. Now we’re ready to install Windows Home Server “Vail”!

登录后,您将看到摘要页面。 现在我们准备安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”!

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Create Virtual Machine


Ok, now that we have VMware server installed and are logged in, we want to create a new virtual machine to run Vail on. Click on Virtual Machine \ Create Virtual machine.

好的,现在我们已经安装了VMware服务器并已登录,我们想创建一个新的虚拟机以在其上运行Vail。 单击虚拟机\创建虚拟机。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

The Create Virtual Machine wizard starts and first you want to give it a name.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Next we need to select the Guest Operating System. From the Version dropdown field select Microsoft Windows Server 2008 (64-bit).

接下来,我们需要选择客户机操作系统。 在“版本”下拉字段中,选择“ Microsoft Windows Server 2008(64位)”。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now select the amount of memory you want the server to use. Remember this will be using your Host’s RAM so depending on how much you have, you might want to go with the Recommended Size of 1GB. Since our machine has extra memory, we bumped it up to 2GB. You can change these settings at any time later after the machine is created too.

现在,选择要服务器使用的内存量。 请记住,这将使用主机的RAM,因此,根据您的存储量,您可能希望使用1GB的建议大小。 由于我们的计算机具有额外的内存,因此我们将其增加到2GB。 您也可以在创建计算机之后的任何时间更改这些设置。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

In the next step we need to Create a new Virtual Disk.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now we need to assign its capacity. The minimum size for Vail is 160GB so we will just go with that. In our testing we’ve had best result by checking Allocate all disk space now.

现在我们需要分配其容量。 Vail的最小大小为160GB,因此我们将继续使用。 在我们的测试中,通过检查“ 现在分配所有磁盘空间”,我们获得了最佳结果。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Next under Network Adapter click on Add a Network Adapter

接下来,在“网络适配器”下,单击“ 添加网络适配器 ...”。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Under Properties you’ll have best results if you use a Bridged Network Connection. This way the virtual server will be assigned its own IP address and will operate like a separate physical machine on your network.

如果使用桥接网络连接,则在“属性”下将获得最佳结果。 这样,将为虚拟服务器分配自己的IP地址,并将其像网络上的单独物理机一样运行。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now you need to copy the Vail Install DVD, Restore CD, and SrvRecovery ISO files to C:\Virtual Machines so VMware server can see it when we go to load it. The browse feature in VMware Server doesn’t allow browsing to you local directories like Workstation or Player.

现在,您需要将Vail Install DVD,Restore CD和SrvRecovery ISO文件复制到C:\ Virtual Machines,以便VMware服务器在我们加载它时可以看到它。 VMware Server中的浏览功能不允许浏览到本地目录,如Workstation或Player。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

For the CD/DVD Drive select Use an ISO Image (which is the format Vail downloads as). You don’t need to burn it to disc first…unless you want to for some reason. Of course you’ll want to burn it to disc if you were installing it on an actual machine.

对于CD / DVD驱动器,选择“ 使用ISO映像” (这是Vail下载的格式)。 您无需先将其刻录到光盘上,除非出于某种原因而不想这样做。 当然,如果您将其安装到实际计算机上,则需要将其刻录到光盘上。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Click on the Browse button…


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now we can select VailInstallDVD.iso and click OK.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Then back at the Properties screen make sure to check Yes to Connect at Power On and click Next.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Click on Don’t Add a Floppy Drive unless you want to for some reason…


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

For USB Controller you can add support for it or not, it’s up to you. For our testing purposes we’re going to go ahead and click Add a USB Controller.

对于USB控制器,您可以添加是否支持它,这取决于您。 出于测试目的,我们将继续并点击添加USB控制器

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now we’re done setting up the VM. Check out the overview and verify it’s configured correctly. If not you can go back at this point and make adjustments. You can also add more hardware at this point if you want, but everything is configured now to get Vail installed, so we’ll just keep what we have. Remember we can change the settings after Vail is install as well.

现在我们完成了虚拟机的设置。 查看概述并确认其配置正确。 如果没有,您可以返回此处进行调整。 如果需要,您还可以在此时添加更多硬件,但是现在已经配置了所有内容以安装Vail,因此我们将保留所有内容。 请记住,在安装Vail之后,我们也可以更改设置。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Check Power on your new virtual machine now and click the Finish button.

选中立即打开新虚拟机电源 ,然后单击完成按钮。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Now wait while your new Virtual Server will be built. The length of time it takes will vary based on the type of hardware your machine has. On our system it took around 30 minutes to create the virtual HD.

现在等待构建新的虚拟服务器。 所需时间的长短将取决于计算机所具有的硬件类型。 在我们的系统上,创建虚拟HD花了大约30分钟。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”
在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After the drive has been successfully created and the VM machine powered on, under Inventory click on the Vail VM then the Console tab.

成功创建驱动器并打开VM计算机电源后,在“清单”下单击Vail VM,然后单击“控制台”选项卡。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

You’ll see a message that you need to install the VMware Remote Console Plug-in…just click to install it.

您会看到一条消息,需要安装VMware Remote Console插件…只需单击即可安装。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

At first we were running VMware server through Firefox, and after installing the plugin we ran into some problems.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After installing the Plug-in you need to restart Firefox. When we came back, we weren’t able to launch the console. It probably has something to do with an Addon or some caching issue. We will figure out a fix and post an article about it later.

安装插件后,您需要重新启动Firefox。 当我们回来时,我们无法启动控制台。 它可能与Addon或某些缓存问题有关。 我们将找出一个修复程序,并在稍后发布有关此问题的文章。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

We want to get Vail installed so we ran the VMware Server in Internet Explorer 8 instead. Again, you’ll need to install the Remote Console Plug-in.

我们想要安装Vail,所以我们改为在Internet Explorer 8中运行VMware Server。 同样,您将需要安装远程控制台插件。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Installation for IE is straight-forward following the install wizard.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

When you first go to your server in IE you’ll get a warning about the security certificate, click Continue to this website


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After you log in…select Run Add-on when the security bar shows up to start the Remote Console Plug-in.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Install WHS Vail

安装WHS Vail

From the VMware Server Web Homepage select the Vail Server and click on the Console tab to open the VMware Remote Console.

从VMware Server Web主页中选择Vail服务器,然后单击“控制台”选项卡以打开VMware远程控制台。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

The VMware Remote Console opens up and you can now begin your Vail installation. On our system, installation took around 45 minutes to complete.

此时将打开VMware远程控制台,您现在可以开始安装Vail。 在我们的系统上,安装大约需要45分钟才能完成。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

During the install, the Remote Console will restart several times.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After a long wait and entering some of the information it asks for during installation, we have our new WHS Vail Virtual Server!

经过漫长的等待并输入了安装期间要求的一些信息,我们有了新的WHS Vail虚拟服务器!

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Install VMware Tools

安装VMware Tools

Once installation of Vail is complete, we need to add VMware Tools for a more fluid experience. From the Web Interface in the Status field click on Install VMware Tools

Vail安装完成后,我们需要添加VMware Tools以获得更流畅的体验。 在“状态”字段的Web界面中,单击“安装VMware Tools”。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

A message explaining VMware Tools will pop up, click the Install button.

将弹出一则消息,说明VMware Tools,单击“安装”按钮。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Over in the Remote Console you’ll see AutoPlay pop up…click on Run setup.exe.

在远程控制台的上方,您将看到弹出自动播放…,单击运行 setup.exe

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Then run the the install wizard accepting the defaults.


在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

A restart of the VM Server will be required to complete the install process.

需要重新启动VM Server才能完成安装过程。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

After you restart the VM you’ll see the Ctrl+Alt+Del screen.

重新启动VM之后,您将看到Ctrl + Alt + Del屏幕。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Click on VMware Remote Console \ Troubleshoot \ Send Ctrl+Alt+Del.

单击VMware远程控制台\疑难解答\发送Ctrl + Alt + Del。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

Then log into your WHS Vail virtual server.

然后登录到WHS Vail虚拟服务器。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”



If you’re looking for a way to test out the new Windows Home Server “Vail” Beta, using VMware Server is a great way to get it done for free. You will be able to RDP into it just like it was a separate physical machine on your network. To test out connecting machines to it and using new features like Dashboard or Launchpad, you can create a Windows VM, or connect an extra machine on your network. Make sure that machine doesn’t already have WHS Version 1 Connector software installed as you can’t have both installed on a the same machine.

如果您正在寻找一种测试新的Windows Home Server“ Vail” Beta的方法,那么使用VMware Server是免费完成它的好方法。 您可以将RDP放入其中,就像它是网络上的一台单独的物理计算机一样。 要测试将计算机连接到它并使用Dashboard或Launchpad等新功能,可以创建Windows VM,或在网络上连接其他计算机。 确保您的计算机尚未安装WHS版本1连接器软件,因为您不能同时将二者安装在同一台计算机上。

在VMware Server上安装Windows Home Server“ Vail”

If you’re currently running WHS Version 1, you don’t want to replace it with the Vail beta. There are still several quirks that need to be worked out with it first. This isn’t the same as the Windows 7 Beta where you could install it on your machine and have little to no problems. At least you’ll be able to explore Vail and see what you can expect when the final version is released.

如果您当前正在运行WHS版本1,则不想将其替换为Vail beta。 仍然存在一些需要首先解决的问题。 这与Windows 7 Beta不同,可以将Windows 7 Beta安装在计算机上,几乎没有问题。 至少您将能够浏览Vail并查看最终版本发布后的期望。

Download VMware ServerRegistration Required

下载VMware Server需要注册

Download Microsoft Hardware-Assisted Virtual Detection Tool


Download Windows Home server Beta Code Named Vail from Microsoft Connect

从Microsoft Connect下载名为Vail的Windows Home服务器Beta代码

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/23405/install-windows-home-server-vail-on-vmware-server/