


Recently our CEO David Helgason gave a presentation at Unite Nordic where one of the key points was that Unity is having a huge focus on quality. As always, backing it up by numbers is my personal pet peeve, so here is little breakdown of how David is putting his money where his mouth is.

最近,我们的首席执行官大卫·赫尔加森(David Helgason)在联合北欧公司 ( Unite Nordic)发表了演讲,其中关键点之一是Unity对质量的关注度很高。 像往常一样,用数字来备份是我个人的宠儿,所以这几乎无法说明大卫如何把钱放到嘴边。

When I started in December 2011 the QA department in Unity consisted of 7 people in Denmark, England and Lithuania. What the exact cost of that was in 2011 I don’t know, but it is fair to say it is quite a bit lower than today.

当我于2011年12月开始工作时,Unity的质量检查部门由丹麦,英格兰和立陶宛的7人组成。 我不知道2011年的确切成本是多少,但可以说比今天要便宜很多。

In the budget for Unity in 2013 the QA department has 35 people with all of the salary, office space, furniture, hardware, lab hardware, training and travelling that comes with that. A handful are student workers on part time, but the grand total comes to 63360 hours of QA work a year. We have 70 developers, so it is an exact 1:2 tester-to-developer ratio which was the goal I stated to the company when I joined 18 months ago. You can see how I got to that number in a post I made on my personal blog. At 70 developers it also means that we are spending an additional 905 hours per developer per year in the quest to achieve great quality.

在2013年Unity的预算中,质量检查部门有35名员工,包括薪水,办公空间,家具,硬件,实验室硬件,培训和差旅费。 少数是兼职的学生工作者,但每年总共需要63360小时的质量检查工作。 我们有70位开发人员,因此测试人员与开发人员的比例是确切的1:2,这是我18个月前加入公司时向公司提出的目标。 您可以在我个人博客上发表的帖子中看到我如何达到该数字。 在拥有70个开发人员的同时,这也意味着我们每年要为每个开发人员额外花费905个小时,以求获得卓越的质量。

So what do we use all that QA for?


First of all we have manual testing. We use a lot of time on testing each feature before it ships, so the iteration and feedback cycle internally has been done before we hand it over to our community groups. And the feedback from those is also reproduced and verified. Claus has already made a blog post about the exploratory testing we do, which is yet another attack we do internally. But every area of Unity has a manual test engineer assigned to ensure we get coverage on all of it and catch as much as possible before we ship a version.

首先,我们进行手动测试。 在每个功能发布之前,我们会花费大量时间来对其进行测试,因此在将其移交给社区组之前已经在内部完成了迭代和反馈周期。 来自这些反馈的信息也会被复制和验证。 克劳斯(Claus)已经发布了有关我们进行的探索性测试的博客文章,这是我们内部进行的又一次攻击。 但是Unity的每个领域都指派了一名手动测试工程师,以确保我们覆盖所有内容并在发布版本之前尽可能多地捕获它。

There is also a ton of automation going on. Kasper recently posted about our runtimetest framework, which has brought incredible results as we are increasing the number of supported platforms in Unity. Not only that, we are also shipping these tests to Google which they run in their test rigs on new Android versions, so they don’t accidentally break Unity in future versions of Android. And we are currently exploring similar collaboration with other platform holders.

还有大量的自动化正在进行。 Kasper最近发布了有关我们的runtimetest框架的信息 ,随着我们增加Unity支持的平台数量,该框架带来了令人难以置信的结果。 不仅如此,我们还将这些测试交付给Google ,它们在新的Android版本上的测试装置中运行,因此它们不会在Android的未来版本中意外破坏Unity。 我们目前正在探索与其他平台所有者的类似合作。

Finally we’re going through the incoming lines of bugs our users are submitting. As the user base has grown, we are currently unable to answer all of them, but we are committed to get to a point where anyone who doesn’t just press the submit button actually gets a human reply.

最终,我们将审视用户提交的Bug。 随着用户群的增长,我们目前无法回答所有这些问题,但是我们致力于使所有不只是按下“提交”按钮的人都能得到人为的答复。

All of this work is done to help you, the user, to get a better experience when you use Unity. The speed with which we are adding features is jaw dropping and unless we are vigilant about keeping our quality bar high, we can end in a bad state quickly. Fortunately, the company really gets it and there’s support for this effort from all sides.

所有这些工作都是为了帮助您(用户)在使用Unity时获得更好的体验。 我们添加功能的速度令人jaw目结舌,除非我们保持较高的质量水准,否则我们可能很快就会陷入困境。 幸运的是,公司确实做到了,各方的支持也为这一努力提供了支持。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2013/07/17/committed-to-quality/
