part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文
本论文着重对错检和body部分缺失引起的尺度和姿态变化问题研究(如上图),前者可能会使检测得到的图像含有过多的背景,后者则是part missing,由此产生的misalignment对reid识别的结果有重要的影响,作者针对此提出了PAN网络,即可以在不用额外的标注情况下同时进行行人对齐和学习判别性的特征描述子,提出的网络可以充分利用CNN提取的特征图更多**表现在body上这个注意机制来自适应的定位和对齐行人。
作者在Market1501, CUHK03 (detected), CUHK03 (labeled)and DukeMTMC-reID 上做了实验验证了方法的有效性。作者比较时,还考虑了re-ranking(2017),可以进一步提升性能。
part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文
模型含两个分支,两个分支都是分类网络,分基分支和alignment branch ,这两个分支不分享权重,两者之间是一个Affine Estimation分支(应用了STN网络,可微的定位网络(spatial transformer network)),用于提供给对齐分支对齐的特征图,用STN可以:
1.crop the detected images which may contain too much background
2.pad zeros to the borders of images with missing parts
仿射变换分支:仿射变换分支包含一个双线性采样内插(bilinear sampler)和一个网格网络(Grid Network包含一个Res-Block和一个均值降采样池化层),作者将Res4特征图通过网格网络回归出一个六维的仿射变换参数,用该参数来产生image grid。用双线性内插来补变换后缺失的像素,并用0补变换之外在原始图像上边缘处的像素。
模型的训练和测试:In the training phase, the model minimizes two identification losses.In the test phase, we concatenate two 1 × 1 × 2048 FC embeddings to form a 4096-dim pedestrian descriptor for retrieval。


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Visualize the Res4 Feature Maps in the base vbranch

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

Base branch. vs. alignment branch 和The complementary of the two branches
part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

Parameter sensitivity实验-融合参数的设置:
part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

Visualize some retrieval results on the three datasets
part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文

part-aligned系列论文:1707.ICCV.Pedestrian Alignment Network for Large-scale Person Re-identification 论文