

本文为土耳其比尔肯大学(作者:Yi˘githan Dedeo˘glu)的硕士论文,共100页。



Video surveillance has long been in use tomonitor security sensitive areas such as banks, department stores, highways,crowded public places and borders. The advance in computing power, availabilityof large-capacity storage devices and high speed network infrastructure pavedthe way for cheaper, multi sensor video surveillance systems. Traditionally,the video outputs are processed online by human operators and are usually savedto tapes for later use only after a forensic event. The increase in the numberof cameras in ordinary surveillance systems overloaded both the human operatorsand the storage devices with high volumes of data and made it infeasible toensure proper monitoring of sensitive areas for long times. In order to filterout redundant information generated by an array of cameras, and increase theresponse time to forensic events, assisting the human operators withidentification of important events in video by the use of “smart” videosurveillance systems has become a critical requirement. The making of videosurveillance systems “smart” requires fast, reliable and robust algorithms formoving object detection, classification, tracking and activity analysis. Inthis thesis, a smart visual surveillance system with real-time moving objectdetection, classification and tracking capabilities is presented. The systemoperates on both color and gray scale video imagery from a stationary camera.It can handle object detection in indoor and outdoor environments and underchanging illumination conditions. The classification algorithm makes use of theshape of the detected objects and temporal tracking results to successfullycategorize objects into pre-defined classes like human, human group andvehicle. The system is also able to detect the natural phenomenon fire invarious scenes reliably. The proposed tracking algorithm successfully tracksvideo objects even in full occlusion cases. In addition to these, someimportant needs of a robust smart video surveillance system such as removingshadows, detecting sudden illumination changes and distinguishing left/removedobjects are met.

1 引言
2 智能视频监控调研
3 目标检测与跟踪
4 目标分类
5 火灾检测
6 实验结果
7 结论与未来工作展望


