
Since March, our friends across the pond in Europe get to decide which browser they want to install with their Windows OS. Today we thought we would take a look at the ballot choices, some are well known, and others you may not have heard of.

自三月以来,我们遍布欧洲的朋友决定要使用Windows OS安装哪种浏览器。 今天,我们认为我们将看看选票的选择,其中一些众所周知,而另一些您可能没有听说过。

Windows users in European countries should start seeing the so called “Browser Ballot Screen” after installing the Windows Update KB976002 (link below). The browser ballot offers a dozen different browsers, including some you’ve likely never heard of.  They each have some unique features, and are all free, and here we take a quick look at each of them.

欧洲国家/地区的Windows用户在安装Windows Update KB976002(下面的链接)后应该会开始看到所谓的“浏览器投票屏幕”。 浏览器选票提供了十二种不同的浏览器,其中包括一些您可能从未听说过的浏览器。 它们每个都有一些独特的功能,并且都是免​​费的,在这里我们快速浏览它们。


Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer 8

Internet Explorer is the world’s most used web browser, as it’s bundled with Windows. It also includes several unique features, including Accelerators that make it easy to search or find a map of a location, and InPrivate filtering to directly control what sites can get personal information.  Additionally, it offers great integration with Windows Touch and the new taskbar in Windows 7. IE 8 runs on Windows XP and newer, and is bundled with Windows 7.

Internet Explorer与Windows捆绑在一起,是世界上使用最广泛的Web浏览器。 它还包括几个独特的功能,其中包括使您可以轻松地搜索或查找位置地图的加速器,以及InPrivate过滤功能来直接控制哪些网站可以获取个人信息。 此外,它与Windows Touch和Windows 7中的新任务栏提供了很好的集成。IE 8在Windows XP和更高版本上运行,并且与Windows 7捆绑在一起。


Mozilla Firefox 3.6

Mozilla Firefox 3.6

Firefox is the most popular browser other than Internet Explorer.  It is the modern descendant of Netscape, and is loved by web developers for its adherence to web standards, openness, and expandability.  It offers thousands of Add-ons and themes to let you customize it to fit your preferences. The most recent version has added Personas, which are quick, lightweight themes to let you personalize the look your browser. It’s open source, and runs on all modern versions of Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Firefox是Internet Explorer以外最受欢迎的浏览器。 它是Netscape的现代后代,并因其对Web标准,开放性和可扩展性的坚持而受到Web开发人员的喜爱。 它提供了成千上万的附加组件和主题,可让您根据喜好自定义它。 最新版本添加了Personas,这是快速,轻量级的主题,可让您个性化浏览器的外观。 它是开源的,并且可以在Windows,Mac OS X和Linux的所有现代版本上运行。

Of course thanks to Asian Angel, our resident browser expert, you can check out several articles regarding this popular IE alternative.

当然,感谢我们的常驻浏览器专家Asian Angel,您可以查看有关此流行的IE替代品的几篇文章


Google Chrome 4


Google Chrome has gained an impressive amount of market share during its short time in the market. It offers a minimalistic interface and fast speeds with intensive web applications. The address bar is also a search bar, so you can enter a search query or web address and quickly get the information you need. With version 4 you can add a growing number of extensions, personalize it with a variety of stylish themes, and automatically translate foreign websites into your own language.

谷歌浏览器在短时间内就获得了可观的市场份额。 通过密集的Web应用程序,它提供了简约的界面和快速的运行速度。 地址栏也是搜索栏,因此您可以输入搜索查询或网址,并快速获取所需的信息。 使用版本4,您可以添加数量不断增长的扩展 ,以各种时尚的主题对其进行个性化设置,并自动将外国网站翻译成您自己的语言。


Opera 10.50


Although Opera has been around for over a decade, relatively few users have used it. With the new 10.50 release, Opera has many unique features packed in a sleek UI. It integrates great with Aero and the Windows 7 taskbar, and lets you preview the contents of your websites in the tab bar. It also includes Opera Unite, a small personal web server to make file sharing easy, Opera Turbo to speed up your internet when the connection is slow, and Opera Link to keep all your copies of Opera in sync. It’s a popular browser on many mobile devices, and version 10.50 has a lot of enhancements.

尽管Opera已经存在了十多年,但很少有用户使用它。 在新的10.50版本中,Opera具有许多独特的功能,这些功能都包含在时尚的UI中。 它很好地集成了Aero和Windows 7任务栏,并允许您在选项卡栏中预览网站的内容。 它还包括Opera Unite (小型个人Web服务器,可轻松共享文件),Opera Turbo(在连接速度较慢时加快互联网速度)以及Opera Link(使所有Opera副本保持同步)。 它是许多移动设备上流行的浏览器,并且10.50版具有很多增强功能。


Apple Safari 4

苹果Safari 4

Safari is the default browser in Mac OS X, and starting with version 3 it has been available for Windows as well. It’s based on Webkit, the popular new rendering engine that provides great speed and standards compatibility.  Safari 4 lets you browse your browsing history in a unique Coverflow interface, and shows your Top Sites in a fancy, 3D interface.  It’s also great for viewing mobile websites for the iPhone and other mobile devices through Developer Tools.

Safari是Mac OS X中的默认浏览器,从版本3开始,它也适用于Windows。 它基于Webkit,Webkit是流行的新型渲染引擎,可提供出色的速度和标准兼容性。 Safari 4可让您在独特的Coverflow界面中浏览浏览历史记录,并在精美的3D界面中显示您的热门网站。 通过开发人员工具查看 iPhone和其他移动设备的移动网站也非常有用。


Flock 2.5


Based on the popular Firefox core, Flock brings a multitude of social features to your browsing experience. You can view the latest YouTube videos, Flickr pictures, update your favorite social network, and keep up with your webmail thanks to It’s integration with a wide variety of services. You can even post to your blog through the integrated blog editor. If your time online is mostly spent in social services, this may be a browser you want to check out.

Flock基于流行的Firefox核心,为您的浏览体验带来了众多社交功能。 由于它已与各种服务集成,因此您可以查看最新的YouTube视频,Flickr图片,更新您喜欢的社交网络并紧跟您的网络邮件。 您甚至可以通过集成的博客编辑器发布到博客。 如果您的上网时间主要用于社交服务,则可能是您要签出的浏览器。


Maxthon 2.5


Maxthon is a unique browser that builds on Internet Explorer to bring more features with IE’s rendering. Formerly known as MyIE2, Maxthon was popular for bringing tabbed browsing with IE rendering during the days of IE 6.  Today Maxthon supports a wide range of plugins and skins, so you can customize it however you want. It includes mouse gestures, a web accelerator to speed up pokey internet connections, a content blocker to remove unwanted content from sites, an online account to backup your favorites, and a nice download manager.

Maxthon是基于Internet Explorer构建的独特浏览器,可通过IE渲染提供更多功能。 Maxthon(以前称为MyIE2)在IE 6时代因其带IE渲染的标签式浏览功能而广受欢迎。如今,Maxthon支持各种插件和外观,因此您可以根据需要自定义它。 它包括鼠标手势,用于加速pokey Internet连接的Web加速器,用于从网站中删除不需要的内容的内容阻止程序,用于备份您的收藏夹的在线帐户以及一个不错的下载管理器。


Avant Browser


Another nice browser based on Internet Explorer, Avant brings a wide variety of features in a nice brushed-metal interface. It includes an integrated AutoFill for forms, mouse gestures, customizable skins, and privacy protection features. It also includes a Flash blocker that will only load flash in webpages when you select them. You can also integrate Avant with an online account to store your bookmarks, feeds, settings and passwords online.

Avant是另一个基于Internet Explorer的漂亮浏览器,在漂亮的金属拉丝界面中提供了多种功能。 它包括用于表单,鼠标手势,可自定义皮肤和隐私保护功能的集成自动填充。 它还包括一个Flash阻止程序,仅在您选择网页时才会加载Flash。 您也可以将Avant与在线帐户集成,以在线存储书签,提要,设置和密码。




Sleipnir is a customizable browser meant for advance users that is quite popular in Japan. It’s built on the Trident engine and virtually every aspect of is customizable unlike Internet Explorer.

Sleipnir是可定制的浏览器,专门供在日本非常流行的高级用户使用。 它基于Trident引擎构建,与Internet Explorer不同,它的几乎每个方面都可以自定义。


FlashPeak SlimBrowser

FlashPeak SlimBrowser

SlimBrowser from FlashPeak incorporates a lot of features like Popup Killer, Auto Login, site filtering and more. It’s based on Internet Explorer but offers a lot more customizable options out of the box.

FlashPeak的SlimBrowser集成了许多功能,例如Popup Killer,自动登录,站点筛选等。 它基于Internet Explorer,但是开箱即用提供了更多可自定义的选项。




This basic browser is light on system resources and based on the Gecko engine. It’s been in development for years on SourceForge, and if you like to tweak virtually any aspect of your browser, this might be a good choice for you.

这个基本的浏览器基于Gecko引擎,可以利用系统资源。 它已经在SourceForge上进行了多年开发,如果您想对浏览器的几乎任何方面进行调整,这对于您来说都是一个不错的选择。




GreenBrowser is based on Internet Explorer and is available in several languages. It has a large amount of features out of the box and is light on system resources.

GreenBrowser基于Internet Explorer,并提供多种语言。 它具有大量现成的功能,并且不占用系统资源。




The European Union asked for more choices in the web browser they could choose from when installing Windows, and with the Browser Ballot Screen, they certainly get a variety to choose from.


If you’ve tried out some of the lesser known browsers, or think some important ones have been left out, leave a comment and tell us about it.


Learn More About the Browser Ballot Screen and Download Alternatives to IE


Windows Update KB976002

