如何在Office 2007中查看关于对话框和版本信息

One of our favorite readers wrote in today asking how to tell if his Word 2007 installation was running Service Pack 1, since he couldn’t find the About dialog, which got me thinking… I bet most people don’t know where it is!

我们最喜欢的一位读者今天写信问,如何确定他的Word 2007安装是否正在运行Service Pack 1,因为他找不到“关于”对话框,这让我开始思考……我敢打赌,大多数人都不知道它在哪里!

So Jeff, this article is for you, but hopefully it will help somebody else as well. This same method should work for all Office applications: Word, Excel, Access, and all the rest.

杰夫,这篇文章适合您,但希望它对其他人也有帮助。 相同的方法应适用于所有Office应用程序:Word,Excel,Access和所有其他应用程序。

First click on the Office button in the upper left-hand corner.


如何在Office 2007中查看关于对话框和版本信息

Now click the Word Options button in the menu (or Excel options for Excel, etc)

现在单击菜单中的“ Word选项”按钮(或Excel的Excel选项,等等)

如何在Office 2007中查看关于对话框和版本信息

Select the Resources tab on the left-hand pane, and then you’ll see “about Microsoft Office Word 2007” in the list.

选择左侧窗格上的“资源”选项卡,然后您将在列表中看到“关于Microsoft Office Word 2007”。

如何在Office 2007中查看关于对话框和版本信息

You can click on the About button to bring up About dialog… and look, I’m running SP1 and didn’t even realize it.


如何在Office 2007中查看关于对话框和版本信息

You can do the same thing for any Office application.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/microsoft-office/how-to-see-the-about-dialog-and-version-information-in-office-2007/