altium designer原理图更新PCB时弹出Do you want to try and match the remaining camponents using their designat

altium designer原理图更新PCB时弹出Do you want to try and match the remaining camponents using their designat

altium designer在更改了原理图后重新更新PCB提示Do you want to try and match the remaining camponents using their designators?并且在PCB中重复添加了部分元器件。


切换到 PCB 文件,点击菜单"Project => Component Links".工程 =>器件连结

在对话框中,选中对应的两个原理图和PCB元件,点击">" 按钮



altium designer原理图更新PCB时弹出Do you want to try and match the remaining camponents using their designat