

Using the “Ok Google” hotword to start a search or execute a command on your phone is a cool, useful feature. But I get that it’s not for everyone—some folks just don’t like talking to their phones. Here’s how to get rid of it.

使用“ Ok Google”关键词在手机上开始搜索或执行命令是一项很酷的实用功能。 但是我了解到它并不适合所有人-有些人只是不喜欢手机通话。 这是摆脱它的方法。

There are a couple of reasons why you may want to disable the Ok Google functionality. Maybe you never use it, so why keep it on? Maybe you tried it, but just feel awkward speaking aloud to your phone. But if I were a betting man, my guess would be that you’re sick of the false positives during regular conversation. That’s totally understandable.

您可能要禁用Ok Google功能的原因有两个。 也许您从不使用它,那么为什么要继续使用它呢? 也许您尝试过,但只是大声说话而感到尴尬。 但是,如果我是一个博彩人,我的猜测是您会厌倦定期交谈中的误报。 这是完全可以理解的。

But then there’s the question of Google Assistant, and how disabling “Ok Google” affects it. The good news is that—assuming your device has Assistant in the first place—you can disable Ok Google without dramatically altering how Assistant works. Instead of actually saying the command to launch Assistant, you’ll just launch it with a long-press of the home button (which is a native function in Assistant). If you’re looking to completely disable Assistant, you can do that too.

但是接下来是Google Assistant的问题,以及禁用“ Ok Google”如何对其产生影响。 好消息是-假设您的设备首先安装了助手-您可以在不大幅改变助手工作方式的情况下禁用Ok Google。 您无需长说启动助手的命令,只需长按主屏幕按钮即可启动它(助手中的本机功能)。 如果您要完全禁用助手,也可以这样做

So yeah, now that we have that all out of the way, let’s talk about how to actually turn this thing off.


There are actually two different places that you can disable Ok Google, depending on whether or not your device has Google Assistant. The good news is that both locations are aware of each other, so disabling it in one place also disables it in the other. As such, we’re going to cover the method that will work for everyone, regardless of Assistant status: from the Google App.

您可以在两个不同的位置上禁用Ok Google,具体取决于您的设备是否装有Google Assistant。 好消息是两个位置都知道对方,因此在一个位置禁用它也会在另一个位置禁用它。 因此,无论Google助理状态如何,我们都将介绍适用于所有人的方法:Google App。

Every Android phone has the Google App installed by default, as this has become a core part of how Android works at this point. So go ahead and open the app drawer and look for “Google.” Launch it.

默认情况下,每部Android手机均已安装Google App,因为这已成为Android目前工作方式的核心部分。 因此,继续打开应用程序抽屉,然后查找“ Google”。 启动它。


From within the Google app, tap on the three lines in the upper left corner (or just slide in from the left side. Tap “Settings.”



If your device has Google Assistant, you can access those settings from here if you’d like, but we’re looking for more general option: Voice. It’s about three-quarters of the way down this menu.

如果您的设备装有Google助理,则可以根据需要从此处访问这些设置,但我们正在寻找更通用的选项:语音。 大约是此菜单的四分之三。


The second option here should be “Ok Google detection.” Tap that.

这里的第二个选项应该是“确定Google检测”。 点一下


Tap the slider next to “Say Ok Google” any time” to disable the feature. That’s literally all there is to it.

点按“随时说Google”旁边的滑块以禁用该功能。 从字面上看,这就是全部。

Note: Your phone may or may not have the “Trusted Voice” option. This is irrelevant.
注意:您的电话可能带有“受信任的语音”选项,也可能没有。 这无关紧要。

Now, that said, there is one thing to be aware of: OK Google will still activate if you’re in the Google app or on the home screen when using the Google Now Launcher (which has now been discontinued). There’s no way to disable this functionality. But at least disabling it everywhere else should dramatically cut back on false positives.

就是说,您需要注意一件事:确定如果您在使用Google Now Launcher(现已停产)时在Google应用中或主屏幕上,Google仍将**。 无法禁用此功能。 但是至少在其他所有地方都禁用它应该可以大大减少误报。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/213784/how-to-turn-off-ok-google-on-your-android-device/