




There was a beautiful woman named Sophie. Sophie had to play TigerWoods in golf in just one month.

Sophie was worried.

Because Tiger Woods is the number one golfer in the world and Sophie was not good.

So Sophie went to Japan.

She went to Japan to find a golf coach.

She found a coach named Yoda.

He said “I can help you learn golfSophie.” He said “Ifyou use your subconscious, you will become a golf master.”

So Sophle tried to use her subconscious. She closed her eyes every time she played golf. Yoda said“Use your subconscious, close your eyes.” Unfortunately, 

it didn't work.

Every time she hit the ball went into the trees

So Sophie went to Hawaii

To find another golf coach

Tiger Woods went to South Carolina

He also wanted a golf coach He found an Army golf coach. The Amy golf coach said“You must run 30 meils every day."

So Sophie went to Hawaii and she found a surfing golf coach named Farley

He said" you practice and surf every day, you will aways succeed

So she got on the surfboard. She was surfing and she was trying to paly golf at the same time

She get very wet but she did not improve

she fell into the water every time every time she got wet. She was still a terrible golfer.

 she had tried to use her subconscious and she failed. She had tried to surf and play golf and she fad failed.Now she was very worred.Only one week to play Tiger Woods,

She went to San Diego.

Well,of course,

She went to San Diego to find anther golf coach

she went to Tony Robbins

Tony Robbins was a peek performance coach.

Sophie said “ Help me,Tony. Help me.”Tony said “If you engage your physiology, you will be a master.”

Tony taught her to get into a peak state

Then Tony said” Now practice golf. ”

She improved very quickly. Finally, the day came. Sophie play Tiger Woods.

Tiger was very tired. He looked very tried.

But Sophie was in a peek emotional state during the whole game.

Finally,at the end of the game Sophie won. She beat Tiger Woods!

Tiger cried”Sophie, you’re the best now.”

He wrote a check to Sophie for $85 million.

Tiger cried and cried.He was very sad.


