github gist_GitHub Gist是类固醇的Pastie

github gist

github gist_GitHub Gist是类固醇的PastieIn just a few short months
GitHub has become a huge hit in the programming community, especially in the open source and Rails communities. GitHub provides software repository services using Git, the decentralized version control system created by Linus Torvalds and used by the Linux kernel project. GitHub hosts about 10,000 projects and officially launched in April of this year after a beta period of a few months.

GitHub在编程社区,特别是在开源社区和Rails社区中大受欢迎。 GitHub使用Git提供软件存储库服务, Git是由Linus Torvalds创建并由Linux内核项目使用的去中心化版本控制系统。 GitHub托管了大约10,000个项目,并在几个月的测试期后于今年4月正式启动。

It may seem counterintuitive to create a centralized software repository using what is supposed to be a decentralized system, but what makes GitHub special are the social features it offers. Git makes it easy to fork and merge code, and GitHub has taken those concepts and built social networking features around them, including user and project news feeds of comments, forks, commits, and other project related activities.

使用所谓的去中心化系统创建集中式软件存储库似乎违反直觉,但是使GitHub与众不同的是它提供的社交功能。 Git使派生和合并代码变得容易,并且GitHub采纳了这些概念并围绕它们建立了社交网络功能,包括用户和项目新闻提要,分支,提交以及其他与项目相关的活动。

Earlier this week, GitHub applied some of the same concepts to the practice of “pasting” and created their own pastebin site called Gist. Pastebins, such as the popular Pastie, have become an invaluable tool for many coders, especially those working with collaborators, by letting developers paste and share small code snippets.

本周早些时候,GitHub在“粘贴”实践中应用了一些相同的概念,并创建了自己的称为Gistpastebin网站。 诸如流行的Pastie之类的Pastebins通过允许开发人员粘贴和共享小的代码段,已成为许多编码器(尤其是与合作者合作的编码器)的宝贵工具。

github gist_GitHub Gist是类固醇的Pastie

Gist builds upon that idea by adding version control for code snippets, easy forking, and SSL encryption for private pastes. Because each “gist” is its own Git repository, multiple code snippets can be contained in a single paste and they and be pushed and pulled using Git. Further, forked code can be pushed back to the original author in the form of a patch, so pastes can become more like mini-projects.

Gist通过添加用于代码段的版本控制,简单的分叉和用于私人粘贴的SSL加密来建立该思想。 因为每个“要点”都是其自己的Git存储库,所以多个代码段可以包含在单个粘贴中,并且可以使用Git进行推送和拉取。 此外,可以将分叉的代码以补丁的形式发送回原始作者,因此粘贴可以变得更像微型项目。

As TechCrunch notes, GitHub’s hope with Gist is that people will find it easier to contribute to open source projects without having to first become familiar with how Git works. TechCrunch also notes, though, that Gist is missing full text search. Gist is already a killer pasting services, and with a few small improvements it could be nearly perfect.

正如TechCrunch指出的那样 ,GitHub对Gist的希望是,人们将发现在不必首先熟悉Git的工作原理的情况下,为开源项目做贡献会变得更加容易。 但是TechCrunch还指出,Gist缺少全文搜索。 吉斯特(Gist)已经是杀手past的粘贴服务,并且通过一些小的改进就可以达到完美。


github gist