


欢迎来到广告的糟糕世界。 作为游戏开发商,广告可能会让人有些不知所措。 我该如何赚钱? 如何获得用户? 所有这些怪异的缩写甚至意味着什么? (Welcome to the big bad world of advertising. As a game developer, advertising can be a little overwhelming. How do I make money? How do I acquire users? What do all of those weird acronyms even mean?)

Let’s take a step back and look at look at both sides of the game advertising coin:


  • Monetizing your game by displaying ads for other products within your game.


  • Advertising your game in order to acquire users.


获利–在游戏内展示广告 (Monetization – Displaying ads inside your game)

There are, of course, several strategies you can employ to make money from your game – by displaying ads, by using in-app purchases and so on. These strategies aren’t necessarily exclusive. Games that feature in-app purchases often display ads as a complementary revenue source. Games without in-app purchases can generate significant revenue if they have sufficient numbers of users.

当然,您可以采用多种策略从游戏中获利–通过展示广告,使用应用内购买等。 这些策略不一定是排他的。 带有应用内购买功能的游戏通常会将广告作为补充收入来源展示。 如果没有足够的用户数量,则没有应用内购买的游戏可以产生可观的收入。

If you decide to display ads within your game, you’ll become what’s known within the industry as a publisher making inventory (the facility to display ads within your game) available to advertisers.

如果您决定在游戏中展示广告 ,那么您将成为发布商,向广告商提供广告资源(在游戏中展示广告的工具),这在业界将是众所周知的。

Advertisers will look to target particular player demographics (players with specific characteristics, those living in a particular region of the world, for example). In order to connect you as a publisher with advertisers who find your players particularly attractive, you’ll need the services of an advertising network.

广告商将着眼于特定的玩​​家受众特征(例如,具有特定特征的玩家,例如生活在世界特定地区的玩家)。 为了使您作为发布者与发现您的播放器特别有吸引力的广告商建立联系,您需要广告网络的服务。

Advertising networks, such as Unity Ads (currently, probably the fastest-growing Game Ad network in the world) receive money from advertisers for providing them with inventory. Ad networks use algorithms to determine when it’s relevant to display a particular advert within a given game, both to match up advertisers’ demographic requirements with a particular game’s players and, more importantly, to optimize the chances of players clicking ads.

广告网络(例如Unity Ads (目前可能是世界上增长最快的游戏广告网络))从广告商那里获得收益,以为其提供库存。 广告网络使用算法来确定何时在给定游戏中显示特定广告是相关的,既可以使广告客户的受众特征与特定游戏的玩家相匹配,更重要的是可以优化玩家点击广告的机会。

If you’re considering becoming a publisher and making advertising inventory available within your game, there are a number of strategies you can employ to ensure that your users don’t find those ads intrusive.


A particularly successful one, in our experience, is linking ad views to in-game rewards (coins and the like). More on how best to integrate ads into your game in a later post…

根据我们的经验,一种特别成功的方法是将广告视图与游戏内奖励(硬币等)相关联。 有关在以后的文章中如何最好地将广告整合到您的游戏中的更多信息……

广告–通过游戏内广告吸引用户 (Advertising – Acquiring users through in-game ads)

Every developer needs players for their game, but not every developer knows if spending time and money on advertising makes sense. If you’re considering advertising your game, the first thing you need to work out is how much each player is worth to you.

每个开发人员都需要他们的游戏玩家,但并不是每个开发人员都知道在广告上花费时间和金钱是否合理。 如果您正在考虑为您的游戏做广告,那么首先需要确定的是每个玩家对您来说有多少。

If your game makes a relatively large amount of money per player from in-game purchases or ads you display inside your game, using advertising to acquire new users may well make sense.


If the cost per install of advertising your game is less than the amount of revenue you make from each install the difference between the two is pure profit. In the jargon, this is expressed as follows:

如果广告安装的每次安装费用少于您从每次安装获得的收入,则两者之间的差额就是纯利润。 用行话来说,表示如下:

ARPU – Average Revenue Per User

ARPU –每个用户的平均收入

        Each user you bring in typically brings in X dollars in revenue


CPI – Cost Per Install

CPI –每次安装成本

Acquiring a new user through advertising, will cost you Y dollars.


        ARPU – CPI = Profit

ARPU – CPI =利润

Once you really get into advertising, there’s a lot more to discuss: advertising creatives, optimization, targeting… we’ll go into all of that in future blog posts.


Unity广告 (Unity Ads)

Crossy Road developers Hipster Whale chose to monetize their game by publishing ads (amongst other things). With Unity Ads, they were able to generate over $1 Million in revenue in just a few weeks.

Crossy Road开发人员Hipster Whale选择通过发布广告(以及其他方式)来通过他们的游戏获利。 借助Unity Ads,他们能够在短短几周内就产生超过100万美元的收入

Getting started with Unity Ads is very simple – just import the free Unity Ads plugin from the Asset Store and you’re good to go!

Unity Ads的入门非常简单-只需从Asset Store导入免费的Unity Ads插件即可 ,一切顺利!

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2015/01/20/an-introduction-to-advertising/
