

Chrome allows you to open tabs from your last browsing session when you open the browser. However, what if you want to save your current set of tabs to re-open at any time? Chrome doesn’t provide a way to do that natively, but there is an easy workaround using bookmarks.

Chrome浏览器允许您在打开浏览器时从上一次浏览会话中打开标签页。 但是,如果要保存当前的选项卡集以便随时重新打开怎么办? Chrome浏览器没有原生提供此功能的方法,但是有一种使用书签的简单解决方法。

You could use an extension to do this, such as Session Buddy. But, if you don’t like installing extensions, you can save sessions using the built-in bookmark feature in Chrome.

您可以使用扩展来执行此操作,例如Session Buddy 。 但是,如果您不喜欢安装扩展程序,则可以使用Chrome中的内置书签功能保存会话。

Before we start, we need to make sure the bookmarks bar is enabled. If not, click the menu button on the right side of the address bar/toolbar. Move your mouse over “Bookmarks” to access the submenu. Make sure “Show bookmarks bar” has a check mark next to it. If it isn’t, select the item to enable the bookmarks bar.

在开始之前,我们需要确保启用了书签栏。 如果没有,请单击地址栏/工具栏右侧的菜单按钮。 将鼠标移到“书签”上可以访问子菜单。 确保“显示书签栏”旁边有一个复选标记。 如果不是,请选择该项目以启用书签栏。


Here’s the meat of this trick: to save all the tabs you currently have open, right-click on the tab bar and select “Bookmark all tabs” from the popup menu.



The Bookmark all tabs dialog box displays. To keep our bookmarks bar organized, we’re going to create a special folder in which we will store our saved tab sessions. To create a folder on the Bookmarks bar, click “New folder” at the bottom of the dialog box and then enter a name for the folder that added under Bookmarks bar in the folder tree. Make sure that new folder is selected and enter a name in the “Name” edit box for the subfolder that will contain the bookmarks for this tab session, such as the current date or a short name that gives you an idea what types of sites are saved in this session. Then, click “Save”.

显示“将所有标签设为书签”对话框。 为了使书签栏保持井井有条,我们将创建一个特殊的文件夹,在其中存储保存的选项卡会话。 要在书签栏上创建文件夹,请单击对话框底部的“新建文件夹”,然后在文件夹树中的书签栏下输入添加的文件夹名称。 确保选择了新文件夹,然后在子文件夹的“名称”编辑框中输入名称,该子文件夹将包含此选项卡会话的书签,例如当前日期或简称,以使您了解哪些类型的网站保存在此会话中。 然后,单击“保存”。


In our example, all our open tabs are added as bookmarks under a folder with today’s date under the Saved Sessions folder.


The Saved Sessions folder (or whatever you named it) is added to the end of the bookmarks bar. If you want to move it to a different location, click and hold on the folder name and drag it to a new location on the bookmarks bar.

“保存的会话”文件夹(或您命名的任何文件夹)将添加到书签栏的末尾。 如果要将其移动到其他位置,请单击并按住文件夹名称,然后将其拖动到书签栏上的新位置。


The next time we want to open all the tabs in this session, we simply click on the Saved Sessions folder on the bookmarks bar, right-click on the dated folder, and select “Open all bookmarks” from the popup menu.



All the bookmarks in that dated folder are opened as separate tabs in the current window. Any tabs you currently had open stay open as well. You can also open all bookmarks in that folder in a new window, or even in an incognito window.

该带有日期的文件夹中的所有书签在当前窗口中作为单独的选项卡打开。 您当前打开的所有标签页也会保持打开状态。 您还可以在新窗口甚至隐身窗口中打开该文件夹中的所有书签。

Now, you can save other tab sessions in that folder on your bookmarks bar to access again at a later time.


If you’re done with a tab session, you can remove it from the bookmarks bar. Simply right-click on the folder containing the bookmarks for the sites/tabs you want to remove and select “Delete” from the popup menu.

如果完成了标签会话,则可以将其从书签栏中删除。 只需右键单击包含要删除站点/标签的书签的文件夹,然后从弹出菜单中选择“删除”。


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/250852/how-to-save-all-your-current-tabs-in-chrome-for-reading-later/