

One art form that geeks really appreciate is soldering, but not all of us know the proper technique. It’s an easy skill to add to your geek resume, so let’s learn how and some old projects off the shelf.

极客真正欣赏的一种艺术形式是焊接,但并非所有人都知道正确的技术。 将其添加到极客简历中是一项简单的技能,所以让我们学习如何使用和一些现成的旧项目。

(Image credit: oskay)

(图片来源: oskay )

什么是焊接? (What Is Soldering?)


(Image credit: Public Domain Photos)

(图片来源: Public Domain Photos )

A soldering iron is a tool with a metal tip that gets really hot. We’re talking like 800 degree Fahrenheit, though you can adjust the temperature on a good iron. Its job is to transfer heat to things like wires, transistor leads, and pads on PCBs. After the appropriate areas are heated properly, solder is applied. If you plan on soldering, then you’re better off spending $30-$40 on a 20-30 Watt iron instead of on a cheap $15 one. You’ll get a longer-lasting tool that will work for a much wider variety of applications and you’ll get proper heat control to boot. There are also soldering guns available, but you should only use these when repairing thick cables and never on PCBs, as the tips have a live voltage running through them that can damage sensitive electronics.

烙铁是一种带有金属尖端的工具,会变得非常热。 尽管您可以调节优质熨斗的温度,但我们的谈话就像800华氏度。 它的工作是将热量传递到电线,晶体管引线和PCB上的焊盘上。 适当加热适当的区域后,应用焊料。 如果您打算进行焊接,那么最好花20至30瓦的烙铁花30至40美元,而不是便宜的15美元。 您将获得一个使用寿命更长的工具,该工具可用于更广泛的应用程序,并且您将获得适当的热量控制来启动。 也有可用的焊枪,但是您仅应在修理粗电缆时使用它们,切勿在PCB上使用,因为烙铁头上流过的带电电压会损坏敏感的电子设备。


(Image credit: Public Domain Photos)

(图片来源: Public Domain Photos )

Solder is a thin tube, usually rolled in spools, made of various metal alloys. Its job is to hold the individual components together. The individual components and their quantities can vary, but for computer electronics, you’re usually looking at a 60% tin and 40% lead. Lead-free solder is also available, though it has higher melting temperatures and less “wettability,” meaning you may need a better soldering iron to use it and removing it can be more tedious. Lead-free solder is better for the environment and has other benefits, and they function more or less the same way.

焊料是一根细管,通常由各种金属合金制成,通常以线轴的形式滚动。 它的工作是将各个组件结合在一起。 各个组件及其数量可能会有所不同,但是对于计算机电子设备,您通常会看到60%的锡和40%的铅。 也可以使用无铅焊料,尽管它具有更高的熔化温度和更低的“润湿性”,这意味着您可能需要更好的烙铁来使用它,而将其移除可能会更加繁琐。 无铅焊料对环境更好,并具有其他好处,它们的功能大致相同。

The inside of the tube is filled with “flux,” a substance that gets rid of oxidation and helps clean the surfaces involved in the fusing process. For electronic use, you want rosin-core/rosin-flux solder. Acid-flux is used in plumbing and the acid can damage the sensitive components on PCBs.

管的内部充满了“助焊剂”,这种助焊剂可消除氧化作用,并有助于清洁定影过程中涉及的表面。 对于电子用途,您需要松香芯/松香助焊剂。 酸助焊剂用于管道,酸会损坏PCB上的敏感组件。

安全第一! (Safety First!)


(Image credit: intherough)

(图片来源: intherough )

Many who’ve never used a soldering iron are afraid of damaging equipment, but more important is the danger to yourself! Soldering irons get really hot (think, and solder itself is molten metal. Be sure to wear safety glasses, keep loose clothing and hair out of the way, and be careful with your fingers. Better still, use protective gloves. Solder can contain lead, so be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling it. It’s also really important to work in a well-ventilated area because the fumes from the rosin can cause damage to your lungs when inhaled. Honestly, it’s more common sense and preparation than anything. Just take proper precautions and you’ll be fine.

许多从未使用过烙铁的人都害怕损坏设备,但更重要的是危险! 烙铁真的很热(请注意,焊料本身是熔融金属。请务必戴上安全眼镜,保持宽松的衣服和头发不受干扰,并注意手指。最好还是戴防护手套。焊料中可能含有铅)因此,请务必在操作后彻底洗净手。在通风良好的地方工作也很重要,因为松香的烟气在吸入时会损害肺部。只要采取适当的预防措施,您就会没事的。

清洁和镀锡小费 (Cleaning and Tinning the Tip)


(Image credit: Mae Labs)

(图片来源: Mae Labs )

In order to conduct heat properly, your soldering iron needs to be free of any old solder. After being exposed to air, it oxidizes and thus insulates against heat. We want heat to conduct so that we can apply everything quickly and efficiently. A dirty tip means that you’ll have to hold the iron on longer and risk heat damage to the PCB, and nobody wants that. Keep a wet sponge handy, and after the soldering iron is fully heated, softly scrape it against the sponge to remove old solder. The tip should be nice and shiny, or at least very close to it.

为了正确传导热量,烙铁必须不含任何旧焊料。 暴露在空气中后,它会氧化并因此隔热。 我们希望传导热量,以便我们可以快速有效地应用所有内容。 肮脏的烙铁头意味着您必须将熨斗放更长的时间,并有可能对PCB造成热损坏,而没人愿意这样做。 保持湿海绵在手,烙铁充分加热后,将其轻轻擦在海绵上,以去除旧焊料。 笔尖应该美观,有光泽,或者至少非常靠近笔尖。

Next, we’re going to “tin” the tip. This will protect the tip and allow heat to conduct better via the presence of new solder. On the hot iron, carefully apply a small amount of fresh solder and coat the tip. It should still be shiny if you’ve done it right. As soon as you tin the tip you should start soldering your components together. After every few joins, clean and re-tin, and again before putting your iron away into storage. This will really help increase the longevity of your tool. A good soldering iron should easily last years this way.

接下来,我们将“提示”技巧。 这样可以保护烙铁头,并通过存在新的焊料使热量更好地传导。 在热铁上,小心地涂抹少量新鲜焊料,并在烙铁头上涂上一层涂料。 如果操作正确,它仍然应该很闪亮。 装好烙铁头后,就应该开始将组件焊接在一起。 每次加入后,请清洁并重新上锡,然后再将铁存放起来。 这确实有助于延长工具的使用寿命。 好的烙铁应该很容易以这种方式使用多年。

连接零件 (Joining Parts)


(Image credit: Soldering Is Easy Comic Book)

(图片来源: Soldering Is Easy Comic Book )

Hold the iron in your dominant hand and a long piece of solder in your other hand. When soldering two components together, you want to touch the area where they join with the soldering iron. Hold it there for about a second, then slide the solder underneath the tip of the iron, sandwiching it to the PCB (refer to above image, cursor points to solder). Hold it for another second or two, feeding in how much solder you need. This amount will vary depending on the project, application, and diameter of the solder, so check your instructions and study the pictures to get a good idea of the end result.

握住主导手的烙铁,另一只手握住一长块焊料。 将两个组件焊接在一起时,您要触摸它们与烙铁相连的区域。 将其放在此处约一秒钟,然后将焊料滑到烙铁头的下方,将其夹在PCB上(请参见上图,光标指向焊料)。 保持一秒钟或两秒钟,输入所需的焊料量。 该量将根据项目,应用和焊料直径的不同而有所不同,因此,请仔细阅读说明并研究图片以大致了解最终结果。


(Image credit: Soldering Is Easy Comic Book)

(图片来源: Soldering Is Easy Comic Book )

Now, this is really important. Pull away the solder first, and continue holding the iron for another second. This allows the solder to continue to melt and pool, forming a good joint. Then, you can remove the iron. The total process shouldn’t take more than 5 seconds, and usually you’re aiming for 3-4.

现在,这真的很重要。 首先拉出焊料,然后再继续握住烙铁再保持一秒钟。 这样可使焊料继续熔化并聚积,形成良好的接头。 然后,您可以卸下熨斗。 整个过程不应超过5秒,通常您的目标是3-4。

Wait a few seconds and don’t disturb the solder. It cools very quickly, but moving or blowing on the joint will cause it to deteriorate. A bad solder connection will look really oxidized, overly dull, and grainy. It also sort of looks like a ball of solder formed on the area. A good connection should be smooth and uniform, and its sides will be concave. It won’t look like a raised ball, it’ll look flat.

等待几秒钟,不要打扰焊料。 它的冷却速度非常快,但是在接头上移动或吹动会使其变差。 不良的焊接连接看起来确实会被氧化,过度钝化和颗粒状。 它也看起来像是在该区域上形成的焊料球。 良好的连接应平滑且均匀,并且其侧面将呈凹形。 它看起来不会像凸起的球,看起来会很平坦。

拆焊 (Desoldering)

When removing a connection or undoing a mistake, you can often resolder over the original and add a touch of new solder. If you want to take the extra step and do it right, you can remove the old solder completely and start with a fresh work area. There are two tools you can use for this, a vacuum-based “solder sucker,” or a solder wick.

删除连接或消除错误时,通常可以在原始焊料上重新焊接并添加新的焊料。 如果您想采取额外的步骤并正确执行操作,则可以完全去除旧焊料,并从新的工作区域开始。 您可以使用两种工具,一个基于真空的“吸锡器”或一个焊芯。


(Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

(图片来源: Wikimedia Commons )

A solder sucker is essentially a tiny hand-held syringe-like pump. It creates and uses vacuum pressure to suck solder off of whatever it’s on. It’s a great tool to have and works well.

焊锡吸盘本质上是一个微型的手持注射器状泵。 它产生并利用真空压力将焊锡从其上吸走。 这是拥有并运作良好的好工具。


(Image credit: Wikimedia Commons)

(图片来源: Wikimedia Commons )

A solder wick is woven copper which the old solder bonds to. It’s more expensive and it’s expendable, so I usually don’t recommend it. Some jobs, however, will greatly benefit from the clean finishing touches that a solder wick provides. Both tools have their strong points, and odds are that in your soldering career you’ll need to use one or the other specifically from time to time. Having a clean working area is really important, as it provides the best results and minimizes risk of damage.

焊芯是编织的铜,旧的焊锡会粘结到该铜上。 它更昂贵,而且很消耗,所以我通常不推荐它。 但是,某些工作将受益于焊芯提供的干净的表面处理。 两种工具都有其长处,而且很可能在您的焊接生涯中,您需要不时地专门使用其中一种。 拥有干净的工作区域非常重要,因为它可以提供最佳结果并最大程度地减少损坏的风险。

Soldering isn’t particularly difficult. You just need to focus, keep a steady hand, and be safe. A good soldering iron will prove to be a wonderful investment, leading to a much wider arrangement of geek projects at your disposal. Now that you know how, practice so that you’re ready to show off your skills!

焊接并不是特别困难。 您只需要集中精力,保持稳定的手感和安全感即可。 优质的烙铁将被证明是一项奇妙的投资,从而可以为您安排更多的极客项目。 现在您已经知道了如何进行练习,以便随时炫耀自己的技能!

Have some soldering “tips” of your own? Share your molten-hot stories in the comments!

有自己的焊接“小费”吗? 在评论中分享您的热门故事!

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/63630/how-to-use-a-soldering-iron-a-beginners-guide/