




Internet of Things (IoT) is a network ofphysical objects or things that are embedded with electronics, software,sensors, and network connectivity - which enable the object to collect andexchange data. Rapid proliferation of IoT is driving the intelligence in thingsused daily in homes, workplaces and industry. The IoT devices typicallycommunicate via radio frequency (RF), such as WiFi and Bluetooth. In thisdissertation we deeply analyze the various characteristics of differentwireless communication methods in terms of range, energy-efficiency, andradiation pattern. We find that a well-established communication method mightnot be the most efficient, and other alternate communication methods with thedesired properties for a particular application could exist. We exploitradically alternative, innovative, and complimentary wireless communicationmethods, including radio frequency, infrared (IR), and visible lights, throughthe IoT applications we have designed and built with those. We have developedvarious IoT applications which provide security and authentication, enablevehicular communications with smartphones or other smart devices, provideenergy-efficient and accurate positioning to smart devices, and enableenergy-efficient communications in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT).

1 引言
2 利用单板光传感器进行智能器件的无线认证
3 用于驾驶安全的基于智能手机WIFI信标的CAR2X通信
4 异构智能设备的高效能协作定位
5 工业物联网(IIoT)能量消耗的降低与平衡
6 基于智能手机的智能门锁的光学无线解锁
7 总结与未来研究方向


