

本文为芬兰奥卢应用科学大学(作者:Simon Mensah)的硕士论文,共71页。




The main objective of this Master’s thesiswas to present a detailed overview of the most promising protocols designed forthe Internet of Things (IoT) application implementation. The objective was alsoto serve as a comprehension for new researches and application developers tochoose the best protocol for their applications deployment. A review on theexisting IoT architectures, the protocol stacks, IoT gateway performance anddata management with semantic interoperability of the protocols were presentedto serve as a guide for developers. Also, a quick overview on the upcoming 5G cellular technology, which has beenplanned to have more promising technology for IoT full deployment is alsopresented to give an idea of what IoT will be in near future. This thesis workwas conducted mainly by a collection of relevant scientific papers and approvedstandards of the Internet of Things (IoT) technology. Also, players in the IoTindustry were personally contacted for further real-time applicationimplementation challenges and the constrains they face in terms of the choiceof protocol and the interconnectivity or interoperability with otherapplications due to different protocol standards. As long as there is no commonstandard for IoT protocol implementation, the result of this study will serveas a guide for IoT application developers to help them to choose the rightapplication protocol when developing an IoT product. Again, due to the lack ofcommon standard for IoT, interconnectivity or interoperability between devicesfrom different vendors is a challenge for consumers, hence, the result of thisthesis will help consumers to choose carefully from the vast IoT products onthe market today in other to interoperate the product the buy. However, futurestudies on this subject could be conducted to investigate how to achieve asemantic interoperability among the application layer protocols presented inthis work so that data from one vendor application can be represented in thesimilar format in another vendor application.

1 引言
2 IoT架构
3 IoT网关协议与IP栈
4 CoAP协议
5 MQTT协议
6 比较MQTT和CoAP协议
7 5G移动通信中的IoT
8 结论


