
本文为瑞典皇家理工学院(作者:ZHIBO PANG)的博士论文,共91页。



The emerging technology breakthrough of theInternet-of-Things (IoT) is expected to offer promising solutions for foodsupply chain (FSC) and in-home healthcare (IHH), which may significantlycontribute to human health and well-being. In this thesis, we have investigatedthe technologies and architectures of the IoT for these two applications asso-called Food-IoT and Health-IoT respectively. We intend to resolve a seriesof research problems about the WSN architectures, device architectures andsystem integration architectures. To reduce the time-to-market and risk offailure, business aspects are taken into account more than before in the earlystage of technology development because the technologies and applications ofIoT are both immature today. The challenges about enabling devices that we haveaddressed include: the WSN mobility and wide area deployment, efficient datacompression in resource-limited wireless sensor devices, reliable communicationprotocol stack architecture, and integration of acting capacity to the low costintelligent and interactive packaging (I2Pack). Correspondingly, the WAN-SANcoherent architecture of WSN, the RTOSbased and multiprocessor friendly stackarchitecture, the content-extraction based data compression algorithm, and theCDM-based I2Pack solution are proposed and demonstrated. At the system level,we have addressed the challenges about effective integration of scattereddevices and technologies, including EIS and information integrationarchitectures such as shelf-life prediction and real-time supply chainre-planning for the Food-IoT, and device and service integration architecturesfor the Health-IoT. Additionally, we have also addressed some challenges at thetop business level, including the Value Chain Models and Value Proposition ofthe Food-IoT, and the cooperative ecosystem model of the Health-IoT. Thesefindings are generic and not dependent on our proprietary technologies anddevices. To be more generalized, we have demonstrated an effective researchapproach, the so-called Business-Technology Co-Design (BTCD), to resolve anessential challenge in nowadays research on the IoT – the lack of alignment ofbasic technology and practical business requirements. We have shown itseffectiveness by our design practice. It could be an instructive example of“the change of mindset” which is essential for the IoT research in the future.

1 引言
2 基本设备与技术
3 创新业务的系统集成
4 与本文相关的论文及贡献
5 结论
6 参考文献
