Linux环境下安装Xilinx ISE 14.6





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$ sudo tar xvf Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3.tar  
[sudo] password for yunz:  
$ cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3/ 
$ ls 
bin     data  idata  labtools  msg        planahead_wp  webpack  xsetup 
common  edk   ise    lib       planahead  sysgen        xinfo 
$ sudo chmod +x xsetup     //用这种方法反复安装都不对,最后采用另外一个xsetup文件就可以了(bin目录下的32位安装)。
$ ./xsetup 
$ sudo tar xvf Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3.tar 
[sudo] password for yunz: 
$ cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3/
$ ls
bin     data  idata  labtools  msg        planahead_wp  webpack  xsetup
common  edk   ise    lib       planahead  sysgen        xinfo
$ sudo chmod +x xsetup
$ ./xsetup



Linux环境下安装Xilinx ISE 14.6


Linux环境下安装Xilinx ISE 14.6


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Install cable drivers 
Install cable drivers

记下Install summary

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Install Location(s): 
Edition : ISE Design Suite System Edition 
Option: Acquire or Manage a License Key 
ISE DS Common 
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/common 
Module: ISE DS Common 
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK 
Module: EDK 
PlanAhead Analysis Tool 
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead 
Module: PlanAhead Common Files 
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE 
Module: Design Environment Tools 
Module: WebPACK Devices 
Module: Edition Devices 
Option: Ensure Linux System Generator Symlinks 
Option: Install Linux System Generator Info XML 
Option: Configure WebTalk 
Option: Enable WebTalk to send software, IP and device usage statistics to Xilinx (Always enabled for WebPACK license) 
System Generator 
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/SysGen 
Module: System Generator 
Option: Version Equalizer 
Install Location(s):
Edition : ISE Design Suite System Edition
Option: Acquire or Manage a License Key

ISE DS Common
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/common
Module: ISE DS Common

Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK
Module: EDK

PlanAhead Analysis Tool
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead
Module: PlanAhead Common Files

Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE
Module: Design Environment Tools
Module: WebPACK Devices
Module: Edition Devices
Option: Ensure Linux System Generator Symlinks
Option: Install Linux System Generator Info XML
Option: Configure WebTalk
Option: Enable WebTalk to send software, IP and device usage statistics to Xilinx (Always enabled for WebPACK license)

System Generator
Install Location: /usr/14.6/ISE_DS/SysGen
Module: System Generator
Option: Version Equalizer




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$ cd ~/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS 
$ ls 
common  EDK  ISE  PlanAhead  settings32.csh  SysGen 
$ source 
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/common/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/common 
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK 
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead 
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE 
$ ise 
$ cd ~/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS
$ ls
common  EDK  ISE  PlanAhead  settings32.csh  SysGen
$ source
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/common/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/common
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/EDK
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/PlanAhead
. /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE/ /home/yunz/Xilinx_ISE_14_6/14.6/ISE_DS/ISE
$ ise

(忽略出现的关于 licence 的 error。)


Help >> Manage License >> Manage Xilinx License >> Load License   我安装14.2的时候,在该对话框中会显示添加该license的路径,要添加到它提示的路径中才可以,linux系统添加到usr/local中即可,提示的是添加到usr/local/flexlm,flexlm文件没找到,我直接添加到上一路径,经验证,可用。

还有一个问题,我的ISE HELP中的命令都用不了,总是达不到license添加的对话框,最后在ISE_DS\COMMON\BIN\..\xlcm 中打开了license添加的对话框。

把刚才下好的 licence 导入。

至此,ISE 安装就告一段落。

(4、5步的顺序可以随机应变,也可以先打开ISE 然后根据 license 的提示 先 获取(acq)再管理(man)导入(load))


1)运行 ./setup 时可能出现以下问题:

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$ cd Downloads/  
$ ls  
TLF-SOFT-Mathworks.Matlab.R2010a.UNIX.ISO-TBE.iso   Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3  
$ cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3/  
$ ls  
bin data idata labtools msg planahead_wp webpack xsetup common edk ise lib planahead sysgen xinfo  
$ ./xsetup  
./xsetup: 30: ./xsetup: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied  
$ cd Downloads/ 
$ ls 
TLF-SOFT-Mathworks.Matlab.R2010a.UNIX.ISO-TBE.iso   Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3 
$ cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_14.6_P.68d_3/ 
$ ls 
bin data idata labtools msg planahead_wp webpack xsetup common edk ise lib planahead sysgen xinfo 
$ ./xsetup 
./xsetup: 30: ./xsetup: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied 

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Hi all 
I made all procedure mentioned by acleone, but it dosenot work. 
Here is my script as mentioned in this post: 
cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_12.1_M.53d.0.4/ 
sudo ./xsetup 
sudo: ./xsetup: command not found 
Then I tried: 
sudo bash xsetup 
xsetup: line 25: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied 
And also tried: 
sudo dash xsetup 
xsetup: 32: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied 
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on 32-bit machine.can anyone help me? 
Hi all
I made all procedure mentioned by acleone, but it dosenot work.
Here is my script as mentioned in this post:

cd Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_12.1_M.53d.0.4/
sudo ./xsetup
sudo: ./xsetup: command not found

Then I tried:

sudo bash xsetup
xsetup: line 25: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied

And also tried:

sudo dash xsetup
xsetup: 32: ./bin/lin/xsetup: Permission denied

I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS on 32-bit machine.can anyone help me?
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A1:Are you doing this from a section of your drive where you have write permission?  
The Xilinx setup software needs to be able to write to wherever it  
is being launch from. This makes for a hard time installing from the CD directly :) If that's what you were trying to do, copy the contents of the  
CD/DVD to your hard drive first. 
A1:Are you doing this from a section of your drive where you have write permission? 
The Xilinx setup software needs to be able to write to wherever it 
is being launch from. This makes for a hard time installing from the CD directly :) If that's what you were trying to do, copy the contents of the 
CD/DVD to your hard drive first.
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Thank you  jonathan.ross. 
I've found the error finally. 
I had to extract the tar file "Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_12.1_M.53d.0.4.tar" in the linux platform in order to keep all files properties and permissions, then  
setup the ISE. 
Instead, I extracted it using winrar in Windows platform and then tried to setup the ISE (but the Wimdows did not keep the files' special permissions a 
nd properties used by linux systems),so I was not able to setup the ISE. 
Thank you  jonathan.ross.
I've found the error finally.

I had to extract the tar file "Xilinx_ISE_DS_Lin_12.1_M.53d.0.4.tar" in the linux platform in order to keep all files properties and permissions, then 
setup the ISE.
Instead, I extracted it using winrar in Windows platform and then tried to setup the ISE (but the Wimdows did not keep the files' special permissions a
nd properties used by linux systems),so I was not able to setup the ISE.
2)如果在安装时选了 Install cable driver 会报错

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#Driver installation failed. Please check the /.xinstall/install.log file for 
#Driver installation failed. Please check the /.xinstall/install.log file for

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ISE在很多其他版本的LINUX上的安装和运行其实是毫无问题的,唯一的问题就是下载线的驱动在有些LINUX上无法工作。继续深入研究,发现,下载线的驱动在某些linux下不工作的唯一原因是:目前,下载线的驱动依赖于一个叫windrvr的文件。 而该文件目前只有linux 内核2.4的二进制版本,因此遇到2.6内核的linux发布版,如高版本的CentOS或高版本的ubuntu, 就不工作了。  
好在一个叫Michael Gernoth的德国人,大公无私地写了一个windrvr的替代版本,并且开放源码,这样,无论碰到什么版本的内核, 
现场编译一个驱动并安装, 就能解决linux内核版本匹配的问题。 源代码包在这里:  
需要装一下,只需要这样就可以了: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev make完了以后,应该看到libusb-driver.so被生成了。  
当然,编译完还需要设环境量, 命令是,export LD_PRELOAD=/你的路径/ ,为简单起见, 
可以把这个命令加你的.bashrc里,这样,下一次开一个终端时,就不用手工设了。 你的linux用户需要进入lp组以便有权限, 
最简单的方法是编辑/etc/group, 把你的用户名加到lp组后面就可以了。 这样,在纯ubuntu上跑xilinx 的问题基本宣告解决。  
ISE在很多其他版本的LINUX上的安装和运行其实是毫无问题的,唯一的问题就是下载线的驱动在有些LINUX上无法工作。继续深入研究,发现,下载线的驱动在某些linux下不工作的唯一原因是:目前,下载线的驱动依赖于一个叫windrvr的文件。 而该文件目前只有linux 内核2.4的二进制版本,因此遇到2.6内核的linux发布版,如高版本的CentOS或高版本的ubuntu, 就不工作了。 

好在一个叫Michael Gernoth的德国人,大公无私地写了一个windrvr的替代版本,并且开放源码,这样,无论碰到什么版本的内核,
现场编译一个驱动并安装, 就能解决linux内核版本匹配的问题。 源代码包在这里: 
需要装一下,只需要这样就可以了: sudo apt-get install libusb-dev make完了以后,应该看到libusb-driver.so被生成了。 
当然,编译完还需要设环境量, 命令是,export LD_PRELOAD=/你的路径/ ,为简单起见,
可以把这个命令加你的.bashrc里,这样,下一次开一个终端时,就不用手工设了。 你的linux用户需要进入lp组以便有权限,
最简单的方法是编辑/etc/group, 把你的用户名加到lp组后面就可以了。 这样,在纯ubuntu上跑xilinx 的问题基本宣告解决。 

Installing Cable Drivers

1、Install the prerequisite

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On 32-bit 
$ sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev fxload 
On 64-bit 
$ sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload 
On 32-bit
$ sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev fxload
On 64-bit
$ sudo apt-get install gitk git-gui libusb-dev build-essential libc6-dev-i386 fxload

2、Download the driver source and install

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$ cd ~/Xilinx_ISE_14_6 
$ sudo sudo git clone git:// 
Cloning into 'usb-driver'... 
$ cd cd usb-driver/ 
$ sudo make 
$ cd ~/Xilinx_ISE_14_6
$ sudo sudo git clone git://
Cloning into 'usb-driver'...
$ cd cd usb-driver/
$ sudo make


参考:                  终于搞定ISE在虚拟机Virtualbox上ubuntu的下载线XILINX Platform Cable USB II的驱动


                             linux-fpga系列文章之——如何在ubuntu下安装FPGA usb cable的驱动

                             Xilinx ISE WebPack 12.2 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

                             Ubuntu下运行XILINX ISE

                             ubuntu上安装xilinx 14.1及注意事项

                             Ubuntu 12 下面安装Xilinx ISE 14.1

                             在Ubuntu 11.04 上安装Xilinx ISE 13.1指南,附出错的改正方法

                             Ubuntu 12.04下给xilinx ISE 12.04加了个launcher


                             Ubuntu 12 下面安装Xilinx ISE 14.1

                             Install Xilinx ISE on the Ubuntu

Xilinx网站 – 如何申请官方IP的评估license https://blog.****.net/haoxuhong/article/details/89927183