


You might have already noticed the changes to the theme, but I decided that I’d write about it and maybe give you a little bit of insight to the reasons behind the changes.


Some really big things are in store for this site and the readers, and these changes were a preparation for rolling out the next phase of the site in about a week or two.


Navigational Changes


You’ll notice on the old screenshot on the right that I had two subscribe links in their own section… but then the feedburner gadget was all the way below everything else, which is far too disorganized for me, so I moved the subscribe functions into their own box and added icons.



The categories have also been consolidated, mostly moving all the linux / unix articles into one single section, and throwing all the odd categories like blogging under the “Other Geek Stuff” category. From looking at analytics nobody used the smaller categories anyway.

这些类别也得到了合并,大部分将所有linux / unix文章都移到了一个小节中,并将所有奇怪的类别(如博客)都扔在了“ Other Geek Stuff”类别下。 从分析角度看,没有人会使用较小的类别。

I added icons to spice things up and make the categories stand out a little more.


Recent Articles


The next thing I tackled was making the recent articles easier to read. You’ll notice that the old version on the right here was almost impossible to read… it looked like a blob of jumbled text.

我接下来要解决的是使最近的文章更易于阅读。 您会注意到,这里的旧版本几乎是无法阅读的……它看起来像是一团乱七八糟的文字。




The category pages have been changed to sort by name… but I’m actually not very happy with that. I will be adding the ability to sort categories by either name or date, I just haven’t figured out yet how to nicely group articles by date range and still make it readable.

类别页面已更改为按名称排序……但是我对此并不满意。 我将添加按名称或日期对类别进行排序的功能,但我还没有弄清楚如何按日期范围对文章进行分组并使其易于阅读。

The next change to categories will be better navigational options to fit in with the upcoming module of the site.


Where Did the Bounties Go?


I’ve temporarily removed the links to the bounty program. This doesn’t mean that I’m doing away with it, but the idea behind the program is going to get a huge overhaul over the next few months or so. We’ll just say that there’s a plan in place to expand the bounty program.

我已临时删除了赏金计划的链接。 这并不意味着我将不再使用它,但是该程序背后的想法将在接下来的几个月左右进行大修。 我们只是说有一个计划来扩展赏金计划。

Sponsored Ads…


One of the reasons for widening the sidebar slightly is that I’d like to move to using sponsored ads in the sidebar instead of Adsense at the top of the post. This is something that I’m still working out, and you are free to contact me if you want more information or would just like to complain =)

稍微扩展侧边栏的原因之一是,我想转向在侧边栏中使用赞助广告,而不是在帖子顶部使用Adsense。 这是我仍在解决的问题,如果您需要更多信息或想投诉=,可以随时与我联系=)

I hate cluttered sites with advertising on every inch of them, so I can assure you that I will not let that happen here. I want to try and keep this site as clean and organized as I possibly can, because a how-to site should be easy to read.

我讨厌杂乱无章的网站,在它们的每一寸都有广告,所以我可以向您保证,我不会在这里发生这种情况。 我想尽力使本网站保持整洁有序,因为使用入门网站应该易于阅读。

What’s Next?


Another big reason for this change is so that I can launch the next big section of the site, and I’m going to need the help of the readers to make it succeed. Look for that rollout either next or the following weekend.

进行此更改的另一个重要原因是,我可以启动网站的下一个重要部分,并且需要读者的帮助才能使其成功。 寻找下一个或下一个周末的推广。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/the-geek-blog/how-to-geek-changes-in-progress/
