


EQRoy/Shutterstock EQRoy /快门

The Super Bowl is always one of the most-watch television events of the year. Although a lot of people tune in to watch the NFL’s championship game, others only come together to catch the commercials and halftime show. If you happened to miss any of the night’s entertainment, we have you covered.

超级碗始终是一年中收视率最高的电视赛事之一。 尽管很多人都收看了NFL的冠军赛,但其他人只是聚在一起观看广告和半场比赛。 如果您碰巧错过了当晚的娱乐活动,我们将为您服务。

According to NPR, companies paid $5.6 million on average for 30-second spots played between parts of the big game. But with over 149 million people watching 2019’s Super Bowl between traditional TV services and streaming platforms, there’s no question that spending that type of money put the company’s message in front of a lot of people’s eyes.

根据NPR的数据 ,公司在大型游戏各部分之间的30秒播放点平均支付560万美元。 但是,有超过1.49亿人在传统电视服务和流媒体平台之间观看2019年的超级碗比赛 ,毫无疑问,花费这种类型的钱使该公司的信息在很多人眼前。

This year, we saw hilarious, heartfelt, and straight-up ridiculous commercials from almost every fortune 500 company you can imagine. Some of the standouts included Amazon’s Before Alexa commercial, Budweiser’s Typical American promotion, Google’s heartbreaking “Loretta” commercialJeep’s remix of the Groundhog Day movie, and, of course, Microsoft’s Katie Sowers spotlight video.

今年,我们几乎可以想象到每家世界500强公司中的搞笑,热忱和直截了当的广告。 其中一些出色的例子包括亚马逊的Alexa商业广告百威啤酒在美国的典型促销谷歌令人心碎的“洛雷塔”商业广告吉普对《土拨鼠日》电影的混音 ,当然还有微软的凯蒂·萨沃斯(Katie Sowers)的聚焦视频

We’ve embedded the YouTube Adblitz 2020 Official Big Game Ads playlist below that you can skip through. Any additional Super Bowl commercials should be added to the collection as they are uploaded to YouTube.

我们在下面嵌入了YouTube Adblitz 2020官方大游戏广告播放列表 ,您可以跳过该列表 。 将任何其他超级碗广告素材上传到YouTube时,都应添加到该集合中。

If you’re simply looking to relive last night’s spectacular halftime show with Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, the NFL has uploaded it in its entirety to YouTube. Check out the entire 14-minute performance below.

如果您只是想与珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)和夏奇拉(Shakira)一起重温昨晚壮观的半场表演 ,那么NFL已将其全部上传到YouTube。 在下面查看整个14分钟的表演。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/556919/how-to-watch-the-super-bowl-2020-commercials-and-halftime-show/
