微信小程序运行报错:”Failed to load local image resource xxx.png the server responded with?”


Mon Jun 29 2020 21:11:43 GMT+0800 (中国标准时间) 渲染层网络层错误
VM490:1 Failed to load local image resource /image/.png
the server responded with a status of 500 (HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error)

console.error @ VM490:1
(anonymous) @ VM517:2

微信小程序运行报错:”Failed to load local image resource xxx.png the server responded with?”

wx:if=’{{customerLevel.value}}’ class=“iconLevel”

微信小程序运行报错:”Failed to load local image resource xxx.png the server responded with?”
点击 文件->保存
微信小程序运行报错:”Failed to load local image resource xxx.png the server responded with?”