zSpace User Interface Principles-用户界面设计准则

zSpace User Interface Principles 用户界面设计准则

Although most of the common 2D principlesfor user interfaces apply to zSpace applications, we feel that zSpace goesbeyond a graphical user interface (GUI). It is the next generation in userinterfaces — a natural user interface (NUI). Thus, we have defined fiveprinciples that are specific to zSpace:


l  Smart use of 3D

l  巧妙的使用立体三维

l  Focus on content

l  着眼于内容

l  Direct and natural interactions

l  直接和自然的交互

l  Two-handed interactions

l  双手交互

l  Multi-modal interactions

l  多模式交互


At the end of this section, we will alsooffer a quick review of common 2D principles for good design. If you are anexperienced UI designer, these will be familiar. If you are new to UI design,there are many good resources that you can read.


Smart Use of 3D巧妙的使用三维

Just because you can make everything have athird dimension does not mean you should. Keep things simple for the user bymaking smart use of 3D.


Use 3D when it enhances the user’s experience.Stereoscopic 3D is a powerful tool for showing spatial relationships. Spatialrelationships can play an important role in understanding how complex systemswork, designing and prototyping products, training simulations where it isimportant to learn a physical layout, and in evaluating large amounts of data.For example, the user can better understand the parts of the human heart, withits assorted arteries, when viewing the heart in stereoscopic 3D.


On the other hand, some things arenaturally 2D or close to 2D. These include text, menus, and simple buttons.Show these in 2D. Resist the temptation to display all content and UI controlsin stereoscopic 3D. The following graphics show the same content (the robot)with a 3D user interface and with a 2D user interface. As you can see in thesecond example, the content clearly stands out from the user interface.


zSpace User Interface Principles-用户界面设计准则

Figure5: Excessive 3D in the User Interface 在用户界面中有过多的三维物体

zSpace User Interface Principles-用户界面设计准则

Figure6: 2D User Interface and 3D Content二维用户界面和三维内容

For related information on this topic,refer to the following sections:


Making the Most of zSpace zSpace之最佳利用

User Interface Layout 用户界面布局

Content Layout 内容布局



Focus on Content着眼于内容

As an extension of the previous principle,the application should highlight the content or scene, usually in 3D. Theapplication-level user interface is simple and unobtrusive. The content and theuser interface should be separate and easily distinguished. The user interfacecan slide into and out of view as needed.


We strongly recommend that you place the UIcontrols at zero parallax in 2D for easy selection. Avoid bright colors,complicated images, and complex interactions.


For more information, refer to thesesections:


User Interface Layout

AvoidingApplication-Level/Scene Conflicts

Direct and Natural Interactions直接且自然的交互

From birth, we learn to interact with theworld directly, through touch. Our experiences with indirect manipulation, viaa mouse for example, come later. Thus, physical interaction with our worldremains our most natural way of experiencing it.


The stylus provides a seamless connectionbetween the physical and virtual worlds. Users can directly manipulate thecontent, which reinforces spatial learning from otherchannels, such as proprioception. Proprioception is an importantcomponent in understanding spatial relationships between objects. In trainingand simulations, proprioception helps build muscle memory.


For more information on this topic, referto the following sections:


Proprioception in zSpace在zSpace中的本体感受

User Input用户输入

Two-Handed Interactions双手交互

A well-designed application can expand onnatural, direct interactions by allowing user input with both hands. This couldbe a combination of a stylus and another input device, or gestures. Some applications give the user fine-grained control over thestylus itself with a few simple keyboard keys. Our experiments with atrackball and a stylus have shown users can quickly become comfortable using adevice in each hand.


For more information on this topic, referto the following sections:


l  Using Multiple Input Devices 使用多种输入设备

Using the Trackball 使用追踪球

Multi-Modal Interactions多模式交互

Use multipleinput modalities to reinforce the 3D imagery. By adding sound and hapticfeedback, you can create a more realistic experience for your users. Themultiple cues reinforce each other, convincing users that what they experienceis real. For example, an application can show a beating heart, synchronizedwith a haptic buzz and the sound of heartbeats. All of these come together andreinforce that the user is interacting with living tissue.


The aboveexample shows the value that multi-modal interactions can add to application’scontent. You can also integrate multi-modal feedback with the UI elements in anapplication. For example, a subtle vibration of the stylus can help the userwith object selection.


You can furtherincrease the impact of audio by using spatial audio, where the sound seems toemanate from a particular location in the scene. The multiple streams of input— visual, haptic, audio — reinforce each other and create a more powerfulexperience.


For moreinformation on this topic, refer to the following sections:


Stylus Controls 笔的控制

Using Special Effects 使用特殊效果

Common 2D User Interface Principles 常见的二维用户界面准则

These basic 2DUI principles will apply to the 2D application-level controls. Many of them arealso valid for your 3D application content:


l  Use familiar metaphors, such as the traditional file folder for adirectory.

l  使用熟悉的隐喻,例如传统的目录文件夹。

l  Take advantage of the user’s mental model or experience with thetasks and objects in the real world.

l  利用用户对现实世界任务和物体的心智模型或经验。

l  Follow the See and Point paradigm, where users select an object (a noun), then select an action (a verb).

l  遵循即看即点的范例,用户选取了一个物体(名词),就应该有一个选取的行动(动作)

l  Give the user control over the application’s behavior instead of takingaction for the user.

l  给予用户控制应用程序的行为以代替为用户采取行动。

l  Provide immediate feedback when a user initiates an action. Ifnecessary, give an indication how long the action will take to complete.

l  当用户有行动的时候要给予反馈;如果需要,给出一个提示说明功能需要多久才能完成。

l  Be consistent in using the same terminology and user interfacethroughout your application.

l  使用同样的术语和用户界面贯穿应用程序的始终。

l  Offer a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) display, so thattext, images, and video will appear on screen as they would in final output.

l  提供所见即所得显示方式,以便于文字、图片和视频出现在屏幕上,就想它们最终的输出方式。

l  Encourage exploration by “forgiving” mistakes through the use ofUndo and returning to prior settings. Warn users if actions could have negativeconsequences, such as deleting a file.

l  将取消和返回作为优先设置,通过“原谅”犯错来鼓励探索。

l  Give users a sense of stability through a consistent user interface.For example, instead of hiding menu choices that are not available, use graytext. Save user preferences from one session to the next so that applicationbehaves consistently.

l  通过一致的用户界面来给用户一个稳定的场景。例如,使用灰色的文本来代替隐藏不可用的菜单。保存每一节的预设以便应用程序表现稳定。

l  Add aesthetic integrity to your application by keeping the userinterface simple and uncluttered. Follow good design principles and use UIcontrols as expected.

For a more in-depth discussion of 2D design principles, youcan refer to the Windows or Mac OS design guidelines.


更多关于2D设计准则的深入讨论,可以参考关于Windows 或Mac OS设计指导。