windows里面的Linux内核 WSL

什么是Windows Subsystem for Linux

WSL(Windows Subsystem for Linux) 是win10的新特性,能够让以跑Linux原生的命令行




windows里面的Linux内核 WSL

  1. bash.exe uses the internal CreateLxProcess COM API to talk to the LXSS Manager service.
  2. The LXSS Manager service translates the current working directory to a WSL path and marshals NT handles provided by bash.exe representing StandardInput, StandardOutput, StandardError, and the console with LxCore.sys.
  3. The LXSS Manager sends a message via LxBus to our custom /init daemon.
  4. The init daemon parses the message and unmarshals StandardInput, StandardOutput, StandardError, and the console; setting them to file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 and creating a tty file descriptor.
  5. /init forks and execs the /bin/bash binary and goes back to listen for the next create process message.

Launching an NT binary from within a WSL instance

  1. /bin/bash forks and execs an NT binary. LxCore.sys finds a binfmt_misc registration that handles Windows PE images and invokes the interpreter (/init).
  2. /init (running as the binfmt_misc interpreter) translates the current working directory and marshals file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 (representing stdin, stdout, and stderr) with LxCore.sys.
  3. /init sends a create NT process message to bash.exe.
  4. Bash.exe unmarshals the file descriptors, which creates NT handles, and calls CreateProcess specifying the NT handles as StandardInput, StandardOutput, and StandardError.

为什么不用CYGWIN之类的工具 而用WSL?

  • 这类工具总是假设能够访问长路径,或者访问一些特定的文件、文件夹,然而windows不是这样表现的
  • 一些原生的GEM库不支持windows,使得在windows上面的表现非常的不稳定。

可以在WSL上跑所有的linux app么?

不能,wsl是为那些想用bash和核心linux core的人做的


