



There’s no faster way to navigate your computer than with keyboard shortcuts, and Windows continues to add more with each new version. Everything begins on the taskbar and Start menu, though, so it’s really handy to use them without ever clicking your mouse. Here are some useful keyboard shortcuts for working with the Windows taskbar.

没有比使用键盘快捷键浏览计算机更快的方法了,Windows会在每个新版本中继续添加更多功能 。 不过,所有内容都始于任务栏和“开始”菜单,因此无需单击鼠标即可使用它们非常方便。 以下是一些用于Windows任务栏的有用的键盘快捷键。

使用“开始”菜单的键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts for Working with the Start Menu)

There are not a lot of specific keyboard shortcuts for working with the Start menu, but you can still use your keyboard to navigate it and launch apps. For starters, you can open the Start menu by hitting the Windows key or by pressing Ctrl+Esc. You can close the Start menu by pressing Windows or Esc.

使用“开始”菜单没有很多特定的键盘快捷键,但是您仍然可以使用键盘进行导航并启动应用程序。 对于初学者,可以通过按Windows键或按Ctrl + Esc打开“开始”菜单。 您可以通过按Windows或Esc关闭“开始”菜单。

The Start menu is organized into three columns–folders, apps, and tiles. Use Tab and Shift+Tab to jump between those columns. Within a column, use your arrow keys to move around and press Enter to open whatever is highlighted. Note that if you use the right arrow key on an app that supports jumplists, it will display the jumplist, and you can use the left arrow to back out of the jumplist.

“开始”菜单分为三列-文件夹,应用程序和图块。 使用Tab和Shift + Tab在这些列之间跳转。 在列中,使用箭头键移动,然后按Enter打开突出显示的内容。 请注意,如果在支持跳转列表的应用程序上使用向右箭头键,它将显示跳转列表,并且您可以使用向左箭头退出跳转列表。


But the real power of the Start menu isn’t actually in its menus–it’s the built-in Search (and, in Windows 10, Cortana) features. Just press the Windows key to open the Start menu, and start typing. Whether you’re looking to launch an app, visit a page in the Control Panel, or see what events are coming up on your calendar, you can do it all without ever touching the mouse.

但是“开始”菜单的真正功能实际上不在其菜单中,而是内置的“搜索”功能(在Windows 10中为Cortana)。 只需按Windows键即可打开“开始”菜单,然后开始键入。 无论您要启动应用程序,访问控制面板中的页面还是查看日历中即将发生的事件,都可以完成所有操作,而无需触摸鼠标。


Windows 8 and 10 also added a new, somewhat hidden menu with more advanced options. Press Windows+X to open the Power Users menu, which–unlike the beginner-friendly Start menu–provides quick access to powerful utilities like the Event Viewer, Device Manager, Command Prompt, and more. After opening the Power Users menu with Windows+X, you can then press any of the underlined letters in the shortcut names to launch that utility. Or, you can just use your arrow keys to move up and down and press Enter to launch your selection.

Windows 8和Windows 10还添加了一个带有更多高级选项的新的,有点隐藏的菜单。 按Windows + X打开Power Users菜单,与对初学者友好的“开始”菜单不同,该菜单提供对事件查看器设备管理器命令提示符等功能强大的实用程序的快速访问。 使用Windows + X打开“高级用户”菜单后,您可以按快捷方式名称中任何带下划线的字母以启动该实用程序。 或者,您可以仅使用箭头键上下移动,然后按Enter键启动选择。


Note: If you see PowerShell instead of Command Prompt on the Power Users menu, that’s a switch that came about with the Creators Update for Windows 10. It’s very easy to switch back to showing the Command Prompt on the Power Users menu if you want, or you can give PowerShell a try. You can do pretty much everything in PowerShell that you can do in Command Prompt, plus a lot of other useful things.

注意 :如果您在Power Users菜单上看到PowerShell而不是Command Prompt,那是Windows 10Creators Update附带的开关。 如果需要,可以很容易地切换回在“高级用户”菜单上显示命令提示符 ,或者可以尝试使用PowerShell。 您可以在PowerShell中完成几乎可以在命令提示符中执行的所有操作,以及许多其他有用的操作。

在任务栏上启动应用程序的键盘快捷键 (Keyboard Shortcuts for Launching Apps on the Taskbar)

The first ten apps on your taskbar are assigned numbers from 1 through 0, left to right. This allows you to launch them with your keyboard.

任务栏上的前十个应用从左到右从1到0分配了编号。 这使您可以使用键盘启动它们。


Press the Windows key along with a number key to launch the corresponding app. On the taskbar above, for example, Windows+3 would launch Google Chrome, Windows+4 would launch Slack, and so on all the way up through Windows+0 for Outlook. Using these keyboard shortcuts on an app that’s already running will toggle the app between a minimized and maximized state.

按下Windows键和数字键以启动相应的应用程序。 例如,在上面的任务栏上,Windows + 3将启动Google Chrome,Windows + 4将启动Slack,依此类推,直到Windows + 0一直用于Outlook。 在已运行的应用程序上使用这些键盘快捷键将在最小化和最大化状态之间切换应用程序。

You can also hold down Shift while using those shortcuts to launch a new instance of an app that’s already running. In our example, pressing Shift+Windows+3 would open a new window for Chrome, even if Chrome is already open.

您还可以在使用这些快捷方式启动已经运行的应用程序的新实例时按住Shift键。 在我们的示例中,即使已经打开Chrome,按Shift + Windows + 3也会为Chrome打开一个新窗口。

Using the Ctrl key with those shortcuts displays the most recently launched instance of an app. For example, say you had three File Explorer windows open on your PC, and File Explorer was in the first position on your taskbar. Pressing Ctrl+Windows+1 would show you the File Explorer window you most recently opened.

将Ctrl键与这些快捷键一起使用将显示应用程序的最新启动实例。 例如,假设您在PC上打开了三个“文件资源管理器”窗口,并且“文件资源管理器”位于任务栏的第一个位置。 按Ctrl + Windows + 1将显示您最近打开的“文件资源管理器”窗口。

The Alt key modifies the basic shortcut to open an app’s jumplist. So, pressing Alt+Windows+8 in our example would pop up Notepad’s jumplist. You can then use your arrow keys to select an entry on the jumplist and then press Enter to launch your selection.

Alt键修改了打开应用程序跳转列表的基本快捷方式。 因此,在我们的示例中按Alt + Windows + 8会弹出记事本的跳转列表。 然后,您可以使用箭头键在跳转列表中选择一个条目,然后按Enter键启动选择。

And while the number shortcuts only go up to ten, you can also press Windows+T to highlight the first app on your taskbar, then use your arrow keys to move through all your taskbar apps and press Enter to launch whatever is highlighted.

虽然数字快捷键最多只能显示十个,但您也可以按Windows + T突出显示任务栏上的第一个应用程序,然后使用箭头键在所有任务栏应用程序中移动,然后按Enter键启动突出显示的内容。


You can also perform a similar trick in the Notification Area (or system tray) at the right end of the taskbar. Press Windows+B to highlight the first item in the Notification Area–usually the up arrow that leads to additional icons–and then use your arrow keys to move around.

您也可以在任务栏右端的“通知区域”(或系统托盘)中执行类似的操作。 按Windows + B突出显示“通知区域”中的第一项(通常是指向其他图标的向上箭头),然后使用箭头键四处移动。


Pressing Enter selects whatever is the default action for the icon. Or you can press your Context key (if your keyboard has one) or Shift+F10 to open the full context menu for the icon.

按Enter键选择该图标的默认操作。 或者,您可以按上下文键(如果键盘有一个)或Shift + F10来打开图标的完整上下文菜单。

在任务栏上使用应用程序的键盘+鼠标快捷方式 (Keyboard+Mouse Shortcuts for Working with Apps on the Taskbar)

If you prefer using your mouse, there are also a few keyboard accelerators you can use while mousing that can speed things up for you:


  • Shift+click an app on the taskbar to open a new instance of the app.

  • Ctrl+Shift+click an app to open it as an administrator.

    Ctrl + Shift +单击应用程序以管理员身份打开它。
  • Shift+right-click an app to open the context menu for the underlying application. Just right-clicking an app on the taskbar opens the jumplist for apps that support them or the context menu for the shortcut itself.

    按住Shift并右键单击一个应用程序以打开基础应用程序的上下文菜单。 只需右键单击任务栏上的应用程序,即可打开支持它们的应用程序的跳转列表或快捷方式本身的上下文菜单。
  • Hold Ctrl while clicking a grouped app (one which has more than one instance open) to cycle through the open instances of the app.


And there you have it. While there aren’t a huge number of keyboard shortcuts for working with your taskbar, there are more than enough to do pretty much anything you can do with your mouse.

那里有。 尽管没有太多的键盘快捷键可用于处理任务栏,但足以完成几乎所有您可以用鼠标进行的操作。

Image Credit: NOGRAN s.r.o./Flickr

图片来源: NOGRAN sro / Flickr

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/276982/the-most-useful-keyboard-shortcuts-for-the-windows-taskbar/
