Print all pairs of values a sorted array that sum up to a given value M




Print all pairs of values a sorted array that sum up to a given value M



Print all pairs of values a sorted array that sum up to a given value M 


1. Scan from both ends, calculate the sum

2. if(sum is equal to M), print and shrink the focus window

3. if(sum is less than M), shift left focus index by 1

4. if(sum is bigger than M), shift right focus index by 1

5. Stop the loop when left is larger or equal to right index



public class PrintAllPairsSumToM {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int[] sorted = {1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 9, 10};
        printAllPairs(sorted, 12);

    private static void printAllPairs(int[] sorted, int m) {
        int left = 0;
        int right = sorted.length - 1;

        while (left < right) {
            int tempSum = sorted[left] + sorted[right];

            if (tempSum == m) {  // which means we find one pair
                System.out.println("Sum of {" + sorted[left] + ", " + sorted[right] + "} = " + m);

                // update the both index values
            } else if (tempSum > m) { // which means the temp sum is bigger than m
                right--;    // shift right focus index by 1
            } else {    // which means the temp sum is smaller than m
                left++; // shift left focus index by 1

Console Output

Print all pairs of values a sorted array that sum up to a given value M
